In this Project we will add Internationalisation, Splash screen and set material themes for the app.
1) modify the ViewHolder, add a button listener inside of the bind method
2) use a Snackbar to display the name of the monster when this button is clicked / tapped
1) create a theme for your splash screen in styles.xml
2) add it to your AndroidManifest.xml
3) in restore the old theme, otherwise you will see the splash screen as a background image
1) go to any of these websites to select a pre defined set of colors, or create your own one
additional info:
2) Export the colors as xml files
3) replace those colors in your colors.xml file ( be aware that android uses as color names:
colorPrimary, colorPrimaryDark and colorAccent
1) Remove all hardcoded text in the app, create a key for every text in strings.xml
there will be some cases where you want to pass parameters to the text defined in strings.xml ie:
<string name="my_welcome_messages">Welcome, %1$s! You have %2$d new notifications.</string>
%1 and %2 are the possitions of the parameters
$s, $d are the datatypes expected for each parameter
In code you should call it in this way:
rootView.getContext().getString(R.string.view_holder_monster_votes_label_value, monster.getVotes()) * 2) right click on the file -> Open Translation Editor
click the globe icon
select thelanguage you want to translate the file to
fill up the translations
3) Finally change the language of your device to test the internationalisation:
settings -> Language & Input -> Language
and set the new language for your device.
Run your app and check the new language of your app