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Merge pull request #30 from alexkeizer/gen-induction
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feat: add generation of inductive principles for basic ctors
  • Loading branch information
Equilibris authored Jul 19, 2024
2 parents 3fcaf9b + 98b3831 commit baed8e3
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Showing 4 changed files with 285 additions and 1 deletion.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions Qpf/Macro/Data.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import Mathlib.Data.QPF.Multivariate.Constructions.Fix
import Qpf.Macro.Data.Replace
import Qpf.Macro.Data.Count
import Qpf.Macro.Data.View
import Qpf.Macro.Data.Ind
import Qpf.Macro.Common
import Qpf.Macro.Comp

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -566,5 +567,9 @@ def elabData : CommandElab := fun stx => do
mkType view base
mkConstructors view shape

if let .Data := view.command then
try genRecursors view
catch e => trace[QPF] (← e.toMessageData.toString)

end Data.Command
255 changes: 255 additions & 0 deletions Qpf/Macro/Data/Ind.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
import Qpf.Macro.Data.View
import Qpf.Macro.Common
import Mathlib.Data.QPF.Multivariate.Constructions.Fix
import Mathlib.Tactic.ExtractGoal

open Lean.Parser (Parser)
open Lean Meta Elab.Command Elab.Term Parser.Term
open Lean.Parser.Tactic (inductionAlt)

The recursive form encodes how a function argument is recursive.
Examples ty R α:
α → R α → List (R α) → R α
[nonRec, directRec, composed ]
inductive RecursionForm :=
| nonRec (stx: Term)
| directRec
-- | composed -- Not supported yet
deriving Repr, BEq

partial def getArgTypes (v : Term) : List Term := match v.raw with
| .node _ ``arrow #[arg, _, deeper] =>
⟨arg⟩ :: getArgTypes ⟨deeper⟩
| rest => [⟨rest⟩]

def flattenForArg (n : Name) := Name.str .anonymous $ n.toStringWithSep "_" true

def containsStx (top : Term) (search : Term) : Bool :=
(top.raw.find? (· == search)).isSome

/-- Both `bracketedBinder` and `matchAlts` have optional arguments,
which cause them to not by recognized as parsers in quotation syntax
(that is, ``` `(bracketedBinder| ...) ``` does not work).
To work around this, we define aliases that force the optional argument to it's default value,
so that we can write ``` `(bb| ...) ```instead. -/
abbrev bb : Parser := bracketedBinder
abbrev matchAltExprs : Parser := matchAlts

/- Since `bb` and `matchAltExprs` are aliases for `bracketedBinder`, resp. `matchAlts`,
we can safely coerce syntax of these categories -/
instance : Coe (TSyntax ``bb) (TSyntax ``bracketedBinder) where coe x := ⟨x.raw⟩
instance : Coe (TSyntax ``matchAltExprs) (TSyntax ``matchAlts) where coe x := ⟨x.raw⟩

/-- When we want to operate on patterns the names we need must start with shape.
This is done as if theres a constructor called `mk` dot notation breaks. -/
def addShapeToName : Name → Name
| .anonymous => .str .anonymous "Shape"
| .str a b => .str (addShapeToName a) b
| .num a b => .num (addShapeToName a) b

variable {m} [Monad m] [MonadQuotation m] [MonadError m] [MonadTrace m] [AddMessageContext m]

/-- Extract takes a constructor and extracts its recursive forms.
This function assumes the pre-processor has run
It also assumes you don't have polymorphic recursive types such as
data Ql α | nil | l : α → Ql Bool → Ql α -/
def extract (topName : Name) (view : CtorView) (rec_type : Term) : m $ Name × List RecursionForm :=
(view.declName.replacePrefix topName .anonymous , ·) <$> (do
let some type := view.type? | pure []
let type_ls := (getArgTypes ⟨type⟩).dropLast

type_ls.mapM fun v =>
if v == rec_type then pure .directRec
else if containsStx v rec_type then
throwErrorAt v.raw "Cannot handle composed recursive types"
else pure $ .nonRec v)

/-- Generate the binders for the different recursors -/
def mkRecursorBinder
(rec_type : Term) (name : Name)
(form : List RecursionForm)
(inclMotives : Bool) : m (TSyntax ``bracketedBinder) := do
let form ← form.mapM fun x => (x, mkIdent ·) <$> mkFreshBinderName
let form := form.reverse

let out := Syntax.mkApp (← `(motive)) #[Syntax.mkApp (mkIdent name) ( Prod.snd).toArray.reverse]
let out ←
if inclMotives then
(form.filter (·.fst == .directRec)).foldlM (fun acc ⟨_, name⟩ => `(motive $name → $acc)) out
else pure out

let ty ← form.foldlM (fun acc => (match · with
| ⟨.nonRec x, name⟩ => `(($name : $x) → $acc)
| ⟨.directRec, name⟩ => `(($name : $rec_type) → $acc)
)) out

`(bb | ($(mkIdent $ flattenForArg name) : $ty))

def toEqLenNames (x : Array α) : m $ Array Ident := x.mapM (fun _ => mkIdent <$> mkFreshBinderName)
def listToEqLenNames (x : List α) : m $ Array Ident := toEqLenNames x.toArray

/-- If the array is a singleton then this can be yielded by the proof,
otherwise it will be a n-ary product -/
def wrapIfNotSingle (arr : TSyntaxArray `term) : m Term :=
if let #[s] := arr then `($s)
else `(⟨$arr,*⟩)

/-- This function behaves like reduce but is specialized for TSyntaxes.
It is used to insert ∧s between entries -/
def seq (f : TSyntax kx → TSyntax kx → m (TSyntax kx)) : List (TSyntax kx) → m (TSyntax kx)
| [hd] => pure hd
| hd :: tl => do f hd (← seq f tl)
| [] => throwError "Expected at least one value for interspersing"

def generateIndBody (ctors : Array (Name × List RecursionForm)) (includeMotive : Bool) : m $ TSyntax ``matchAlts := do
let deeper: (TSyntaxArray ``matchAlt) ← ctors.mapM fun ⟨outerCase, form⟩ => do
let callName := mkIdent $ flattenForArg outerCase
let outerCaseId := mkIdent $ addShapeToName outerCase
let rec_count := form.count .directRec

let names ← listToEqLenNames form

if 0 = rec_count || !includeMotive then
return ← `(matchAltExpr| | $outerCaseId $names*, ih => ($callName $names*))

let names ← toEqLenNames names

let recs := (form.toArray)
|>.filter (·.snd == .directRec)
|>.map Prod.fst

let cases: TSyntaxArray _ ← ctors.mapM fun ⟨innerCase, _⟩ => do
let innerCaseTag := mkIdent innerCase
if innerCase != outerCase then
`(inductionAlt| | $innerCaseTag:ident => contradiction)
let split : Array (TSyntax `tactic) ← recs.mapM fun n =>
`(tactic|rcases $n:ident with ⟨_, $n:ident⟩)
let injections ← toEqLenNames names

`(inductionAlt| | $innerCaseTag:ident $[$names:ident]* => (
injection proof with $injections*
subst $injections:ident*
exact $(← wrapIfNotSingle recs)

let witnesses ← toEqLenNames recs
let proofs ← wrapIfNotSingle witnesses
let type ← seq (fun a b => `($a ∧ $b)) (← recs.mapM fun x => `(motive $x)).toList

| $outerCaseId $names*, ih =>
have $proofs:term : $type := by
simp only [
$(mkIdent ``MvFunctor.LiftP):ident,
$(mkIdent ``TypeVec.PredLast):ident,
$(mkIdent ``Fin2.instOfNatFin2HAddNatInstHAddInstAddNatOfNat):ident
] at ih

rcases ih with ⟨w, proof⟩
cases w with
$callName $names* $witnesses*

`(matchAltExprs| $deeper:matchAlt* )

def generateRecBody (ctors : Array (Name × List RecursionForm)) (includeMotive : Bool) : m $ TSyntax ``matchAlts := do
let deeper: (TSyntaxArray ``matchAlt) ← ctors.mapM fun ⟨outerCase, form⟩ => do
let callName := mkIdent $ flattenForArg outerCase
let outerCaseId := mkIdent $ addShapeToName outerCase

let names ← listToEqLenNames form
let names := form.toArray

let desArgs ← names.mapM fun ⟨nm, f⟩ =>
match f with
| .directRec => `(⟨_, $nm⟩)
| .nonRec _ => `(_)

let nonMotiveArgs ← names.mapM fun _ => `(_)
let motiveArgs ← if includeMotive then
names.filterMapM fun ⟨nm, f⟩ =>
match f with
| .directRec => some <$> `($nm)
| .nonRec _ => pure none
else pure #[]

| $outerCaseId $desArgs* =>
$callName $nonMotiveArgs* $motiveArgs*

`(matchAltExprs| $deeper:matchAlt*)

def genRecursors (view : DataView) : CommandElabM Unit := do
let rec_type := view.getExpectedType

let mapped ← view.ctors.mapM (extract view.declName · rec_type)

let ih_types ← mapped.mapM fun ⟨name, base⟩ =>
mkRecursorBinder (rec_type) (name) base true

let indDef : Command ← `(
@[elab_as_elim, eliminator]
def $(.str view.shortDeclName "ind" |> mkIdent):ident
{ motive : $rec_type → Prop}
: (val : $rec_type) → motive val
$(mkIdent ``_root_.MvQPF.Fix.ind)
($(mkIdent `p) := motive)
(match ·,· with $(← generateIndBody mapped true)))

let recDef : Command ← `(
def $(.str view.shortDeclName "rec" |> mkIdent):ident
{ motive : $rec_type → Type _}
: (val : $rec_type) → motive val
:= $(mkIdent ``MvQPF.Fix.drec)
(match · with $(← generateRecBody mapped true)))

let casesOnTypes ← mapped.mapM fun ⟨name, base⟩ =>
mkRecursorBinder (rec_type) (name) base false

let casesDef : Command ← `(
def $(.str view.shortDeclName "cases" |> mkIdent):ident
{ motive : $rec_type → Prop}
: (val : $rec_type) → motive val
:= $(mkIdent ``_root_.MvQPF.Fix.ind)
($(mkIdent `p) := motive)
(match ·,· with $(← generateIndBody mapped false)))

let casesTypeDef : Command ← `(
def $(.str view.shortDeclName "casesType" |> mkIdent):ident
{ motive : $rec_type → Type}
: (val : $rec_type) → motive val
:= $(mkIdent ``_root_.MvQPF.Fix.drec)
(match · with $(← generateRecBody mapped false)))

trace[QPF] "Rec definitions:"
trace[QPF] indDef
trace[QPF] recDef
Elab.Command.elabCommand indDef
Elab.Command.elabCommand recDef

trace[QPF] casesDef
trace[QPF] casesTypeDef
Elab.Command.elabCommand casesDef
Elab.Command.elabCommand casesTypeDef

pure ()
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Test/List.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ data QpfList α
| nil
| cons : α → QpfList α → QpfList α

end Test
end Test
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions Test/ListInduction.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
import Qpf.Macro.Data

## Test for induction principle generation

namespace Test

data QpfList α
| nil
| cons : α → QpfList α → QpfList α

/-- info: 'Test.QpfList.ind' depends on axioms: [Quot.sound, propext] -/
#guard_msgs in #print axioms QpfList.ind

-- The following test might be a bit brittle.
-- Feel free to remove if it gives too many false positives
info: Test.QpfList.ind {α : Type} {motive✝ : QpfList α → Prop} (nil : motive✝ QpfList.nil)
(cons : ∀ (x : α) (x_1 : QpfList α), motive✝ x_1 → motive✝ (QpfList.cons x x_1)) (val✝ : QpfList α) : motive✝ val✝
#guard_msgs in #check QpfList.ind

end Test

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