Robin is a pre-alpha functional programming language whose aim is to include linearity, implicits and HKTs.
M, N, O ::= | x . M Abstraction
| | x: T . M Labelled abstration
| M N Application
| if M then N else O end Conditional expression
| let x = M in N Let-expression
| fix Fixed-point combinator
| nil Empty tree
| (M.N) Tree constructor
| < M Right tree destructor
| > M Left tree destructor
| (M) Parenthesised expression
T, U ::= @ Trees
| T -> U Functions
| a Type variables
| (T) Parenthesised type
Types schemes:
σ ::= ∀a.σ Universal quantifier
| T Type
x ::= [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_]*
Terms are typed according to the following rules:
Γ(x) = T
VAR ━━━━━━━━
Γ ⊢ x: T
Γ ⊢ M : T -> U Γ ⊢ N : T
APP ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Γ ⊢ M N : U
Γ, x: T ⊢ M : U
LLAM ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Γ ⊢ |x:T.M : T -> U
Γ, x: T ⊢ M : U
ULAM ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Γ ⊢ |x.M : T -> U
Γ ⊢ N[M/x] : T
LET ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Γ ⊢ let x = M in N : T
Γ ⊢ M : @ Γ ⊢ N : T Γ ⊢ O : T
COND ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Γ ⊢ if M then N else O end : T
FIX Γ ⊢ fix : ∀a. (a -> a) -> a
Γ ⊢ M: @
HD ━━━━━━━━━━━
Γ ⊢ hd M: @
Γ ⊢ M: @
TL ━━━━━━━━━━━
Γ ⊢ tl M: @
Γ ⊢ M: @ Γ ⊢ N: @
CONS ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Γ ⊢ (M.N): @
NIL Γ ⊢ nil: @
Note that the let construct has ML-style let-polymorphism.
We define the operational semantics in terms of a semantic function S
, typed:
S : term → (@ + ⊥)
is defined over all well-typed closed terms. It is undefined over untypeable terms, terms with free variables, and terms that evaluate to > nil
or < nil
. Its definition is given as follows:
S (|x:T.M) = S (|x.M)
S (|x.M) = |x.M
S ((|x.M) N) = S (M[N/x])
S (M N) = S ((S M) (S N))
S (let x = M in N) = S (N[M/x])
S (fix M) = S (M (fix M))
S (if M then N else O end) = S N if S M = nil
S (if M then N else O end) = S O if S M = (P.Q)
S (M.N) = (S M.S N)
S (< (M.N)) = S M
S (> (M.N)) = S N
S nil = nil
S (> nil) = ⊥
S (< nil) = ⊥
S x = ⊥