Note: this plugin is now deprecated. While bugs may be fixed for legacy support, no new features will be added. Nearly all modern browsers now provide native solutions for eliminating the 300ms tap delay. Before adding a plugin such as this one to your website, please first stop to consider if it may actually be needed.
A custom 'tap' event JavaScript plugin for mobile and tablet web browsers, which eliminates the 300ms delay between a physical 'tap' and the firing of a 'click' event. Uses mouse events as a fallback for browsers that don't support touch.
- Download: zip
- NPM:
npm install tap.js
- Bower:
bower install tap.js
- Git:
git clone
This component can be used as an AMD module, CommonJS module, or a global.
define(['./tap'], function(Tap) {
// ...
var Tap = require('tap.js');
<script src="tap.js"></script>
Next create a new Tap instance, passing the element you want to use:
var el = document.getElementById('my-id'),
myTap = new Tap(el);
You can then start listening for 'tap' events using the regular JavaScript event listener syntax:
el.addEventListener('tap', onTap, false);
function onTap (e) {
//your code
You can stop listening for tap events like so:
el.removeEventListener('tap', onTap, false);
When a Tap instance is created, it adds a couple of event listeners on its element.
To remove those listeners and cleanup the Tap instance completely, use its destroy()
var myTap = new Tap(el);
- iOS (Safari, Chrome)
- Android (Browser, Chrome)
- Firefox OS, Firefox for Android
- Opera Mobile (Android)
- All modern desktop browsers (mouse fallback)
Should you wish to use tap.js with jQuery, there is an optional jQuery wrapper that you can include in your project.