Note: These are the instructions for developer
Amalgam is collection of (mainly) Python scripts with a web interface (based on Flask) you can use in SEO.
- Project structure
- How to run only crawler
- How to play with database
- How to run tests
- How to run it
- How to run it ( Docker )
- How to run it ( XUbuntu 20 )
- How to run it ( Windows 10 )
- [lab] - only used by developers to test new ideas
- [pieces] - folder with other folders and sub-projects
- [amalgam] - folder with sources
- [crawler] - crawler
- [models] - DB model
- [static] - static files: css, js, images
- [templates] - Jinja pages
- [tests] - tests
- [documentation] - folder with different documentation
- [design] - things related to design
- *.sql - SQLite SQL files
- amalgam_mysql.sql - SQL script to create an Amalgam DB
- - the actual starting point of the application
- - manage current database (SQLite | MySQL )
- - this file
- requirements.txt - the Python dependencies for the project (used by pip3)
python -m amalgam.tests.test_all
While being inside the [amalgam] folder run:
python -m amalgam.crawler.crawler
While being inside the [amalgam] folder run:
# Create tables inside DB
python -a empty
# Create tables inside DB and add some data
python -a mock
Go on Docker's download page and install Docker
docker run -it -p 5000:5000 scriptoid/amalgam:0.1
Note 1 : Port 5000 of your PC should be available
Note 2 : If you want to run it on a different port use the following command:
docker run -it -p <Your Port>:5000 scriptoid/amalgam:0.1
replacing 'Your Port' with a free port at your desire.
Just open a browser and access http://localhost:5000
Simply go to console application launched by Docker and press Ctrl-C.
Fix broken installs
sudo apt-get --fix-broken install
Install pip3
apt install python3-pip
Install virtualenv
pip3 install virtualenv
See that the virtualenv is in the path.
The executable are usually stored inside (/home/alex/.local/bin).
So you need to check if .profile contains
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/.local/bin" ] ; then
and if it does either logout / login or run
source .profile
Install virtualenvwrapper
pip3 install virtualenvwrapper
Create folder to keep your virtual enviroments
mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
Edit ~/.bashrc and add
# Things for virtualenvwrapper
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
. /"$HOME"/.local/bin/
Load .bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Setup virtual env
virtualenv env
Make a virtual enviroment
mkvirtualenv amalgam
Activate enviroment
workon amalgam
For visualization install GraphViz
sudo apt install graphviz
Install Python libraries
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Note: If you got an error like:
" fatal error: libpq-fe.h: No such file or directory"
simply run:
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
Run Flask
See in browser
Access it at:
Visual Studion Code
* Load workspace
* Ctrl-Shift-P to select the Python interpreter (and pick amalgam). More: