Simple CRUD app: another "Medium". Demo:
Implemented functionality: Signin/Signout, Add/Delete account, Add/Update/Delete post, Add comment
Layout: Main page, Page of one post, Page of user blog, Page of user profile
tech stack:
- Next.js (frontend)
- Semantic.UI-React (frontend)
- GraphQL (frontend, backend)
- Node.js (backend)
- Apollo Client/Server (frontend, backend)
- MongoDB (backend)
- refactoring
- optimization
- performance improvement
- add tests
- rewrite frontend on react-hooks
- add propTypes for props components
- add validation email, password, name for signin/signup
- add pagination
- add handle Key(Enter) press for submit comment and post
- add handler error from server-side(db, network etc)
- add switch interface language (ru/en)
- update and fix style (add responsive, crossbrowser)
- add Admin dashboard
- replace react-stickynode package (use deprecated componentWillReceiveProps)
- add/update new types GraphQL