This is an application to manage fidelity cards of a small business.
This system is able to manage different type of cards:
- Business
- Standard
- Gift card
The business, as the standard, is a cards type that is able to collect points whenever they are added and then return a discount value
when enough point are collected. The value are parameters that can be set in config/config.js
file (see config file section below).
The gift card instead, is thought as a card that store a certain amount of point at the beginning and then is able to use that points later.
The configuration files contains several values that can be used to customize the app. It can be created starting from the template,
in the src/config
It contains an object, called discounts
that store the minimum quantity of points that a card must have to be able to use a discount, and,
given that amount of point, how many € the customer receives. With the default configuration, every 200 points, a customer is able
to use 10€ discount if it is a business user, or, every 50 points the customer can use 5€ discount if it is a standard user.
export const appConfig = {
appName: 'Fidelity Cards',
discounts: {
business: {
at: 200,
value: 10,
standard: {
at: 50,
value: 5,
minAmountAtEndOfTheYear: 200,
mkdir i18n && npx ttag init uk i18n/uk.po # Generate the po file if not present, otherwise...
npx ttag update i18n/uk.po src/ # ... just update it
npx ttag po2json i18n/uk.po > src/i18n/uk.json # Convert it to a JSON to be loaded by the app
Now that you have a JSON file, you can duplicated and translate it in your language (PR are well accepted :D). Then in the App.js file, change imported line with your current locale:
import translation from './i18n/it.json';
This application uses React Router. It requires Apache rewrite rules correctly set to work. The following example assumes the application runs in cards subdirectory.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^ - [L]
# Fallback all other routes to index.html
RewriteRule ^ /cards/index.html [L]
You can try a demo here using account:
- email:
- password:
- Avoid to remove Gift Cards when "Remove all Cards" or "Remove Cards under 200 pt" is clicked in the All Cards page
- Avoid to show Chart when Gift Card