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Commweb Direct Payment REST API PHP SDK

This is SDK for Direct Payment REST API of Commweb. Credit card payments supported only (pay, auth, capture, void, refund).

How to use

This sdk is installed via Composer. To install, simply add it to your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "atdev/commweb": "~0.1"

And run composer to update your dependencies:

$ curl -s | php
$ php composer.phar update

Then, import the autoload.php from your vendor folder.

Sample calls

Add the following to the php file which calls SDK:

use ATDev\Commweb\PayRequest;
use ATDev\Commweb\AuthorizeRequest;
use ATDev\Commweb\CaptureRequest;
use ATDev\Commweb\VoidRequest;
use ATDev\Commweb\RefundRequest;
use ATDev\Commweb\Order;
use ATDev\Commweb\Transaction;
use ATDev\Commweb\SourceOfFundsCard;
use ATDev\Commweb\Card;


$result = (new PayRequest("MERCHANT_ID")) // Provided by gateway
    ->setApiPassword("API_PASSWORD") // Provided by gateway
    ->setOrder(new Order("SOME_ORDER_ID", 55.55, "AUD")) // Order id has to be unique, amount in money format, AUD is the only one supported now
    ->setTransaction(new Transaction("SOME_TRANSACTION_ID")) // Transaction id has to be unique
    ->setSourceOfFunds(new SourceOfFundsCard(new Card("CARD_NUMBER", "EXP_MONTH", "EXP_YEAR", "CVC"))) // Self explanatory, year is 2-digit

if ( ! empty($error = $result->getError()) ) {
    // Something went wrong, log it

// Successful, save order id, transaction id


$result = (new AuthorizeRequest("MERCHANT_ID")) // Provided by gateway
    ->setApiPassword("API_PASSWORD") // Provided by gateway
    ->setOrder(new Order("SOME_ORDER_ID", 55.55, "AUD")) // Order id has to be unique, amount in money format, AUD is the only one supported now
    ->setTransaction(new Transaction("SOME_TRANSACTION_ID")) // Transaction id has to be unique
    ->setSourceOfFunds(new SourceOfFundsCard(new Card("CARD_NUMBER", "EXP_MONTH", "EXP_YEAR", "CVC"))) // Self explanatory, year is 2-digit

if ( ! empty($error = $result->getError()) ) {
    // Something went wrong, log it

// Successful, save order id, transaction id


$result = (new VoidRequest("MERCHANT_ID")) // Provided by gateway
    ->setApiPassword("API_PASSWORD") // Provided by gateway
    ->setOrder(new Order("SOME_ORDER_ID")) // Original order id
    ->setTransaction(new Transaction("SOME_TRANSACTION_ID")) // New transaction id to be created, has to be unique
    ->setOldTransaction(new Transaction(("OLD_TRANSACTION_ID")) // Original transaction id

if ( ! empty($error = $result->getError()) ) {
    // Something went wrong, log it

// Successful, save order id, transaction id


$result = (new CaptureRequest("MERCHANT_ID")) // Provided by gateway
    ->setApiPassword("API_PASSWORD") // Provided by gateway
    ->setOrder(new Order("SOME_ORDER_ID")) // Original order id
    ->setTransaction(new Transaction("SOME_TRANSACTION_ID")) // New transaction id to be created, has to be unique
    ->setOldTransaction(new Transaction("OLD_TRANSACTION_ID", 55.55, "AUD")) // Original transaction id, amount to capture in money format, AUD is the only one supported now

if ( ! empty($error = $result->getError()) ) {
    // Something went wrong, log it

// Successful, save order id, transaction id


$result = (new RefundRequest("MERCHANT_ID")) // Provided by gateway
    ->setApiPassword("API_PASSWORD") // Provided by gateway
    ->setOrder(new Order("SOME_ORDER_ID")) // Original order id
    ->setTransaction(new Transaction("SOME_TRANSACTION_ID")) // New transaction id to be created, has to be unique
    ->setOldTransaction(new Transaction("OLD_TRANSACTION_ID", 55.55, "AUD")) // Original transaction id, amount to refund in money format, AUD is the only one supported now

if ( ! empty($error = $result->getError()) ) {
    // Something went wrong, log it

// Successful, save order id, transaction id

Test mode

Just add "TEST" to your merchant id if it's not already here, or call setTestMode(true) method for any request called.