Live ID: Demo PW: Demo

Doodl is a drawing app written in React with a Ruby on Rails backend.
Doodl allows a user to:
- Sign up and create an account.
- Edit their account details.
- Create a doodle, edit doodles, and delete doodles.
- View and like the doodles of other users.
- Save doodles that they've created.
- Search through doodles by name.
- Remain auto logged in after sign-up/log-in.
- Frontend: React, Bootstrap, React Canvas Draw, Sass
- Backend: Ruby On Rails, PostgreSQL, JWT, Serializer
- JWT Token Auth and auto login
- Embedded canvas for drawing and showing
- A fun and visually appealing custom design
- Figma - Creating mockups/prototypes for site layout and design
- Trello - Manage project and track progress
- React-Canvas-Draw - A canvas drawing library for React
- Bootstrap - Modal and responsive grid structure
- JWT - JSON Web Token for auto login