Cookie Time Trivia is an online trivia game with multiple categories and user-selectable visual themes. The game keeps a count of the player's correct responses and ultimately displays a cookie illustration for each one.
There are multiple trivia categories from which to choose. Each game consists of five questions. The player's best score is automatically saved. If the player ties their best score then the earlier score's date remains the date of their best score.
The game includes a settings modal, allowing the player to choose a visual theme and reset their best score. Enjoy!
Cookie Time Trivia is built with React and TypeScript. The game uses localStorage to save high scores. Other features of Cookie Time Trivia include:
- Accessibility
- Level AAA color contrast values
- Semantic HTML tags
- Responsive web design
- React Router
- Emotion CSS-in-JS library to write object styles
- Sass
- Google Fonts
- Material Symbols
- Custom SVG illustrations
Software and content Copyright (C) Alec Thibodeau. Copyright year is by commit date.