Alec Burch-DeWitt
Timothy Smith
James Ramsey
Alexander Murray
This is a Dungeons and Dragons Loot Generation Program that allows users to type in how many items they would like to generate. The program then pulls items from Open5e, a 5th edition API, and displays the information of the items generated to the user.
Items may be filtered by type and the generation of items can be weighted by rarity. Users may also bring in their own items through a homebrew item creation system. :)
Navigate to Gradle's task directory and find the "test" task under the "verification" subdirectory. Double-click to run this task.
Navigate to Gradle's task directory and find the "run" task under the "application" subdirectory. Double-click to run this task.
- Generate up to 100 items at a time
- Double-click an item to view its description
- Filter items to include only specific item types
- Select max rarity or favor different rarity levels with weighted generation
- Easily create your own homebrew items to add into the mix
wordLogo.png dndlogo.png sourced from =
backgroundImage.jpg sourced from =
loadingImage.png sourced from = was used to alter the colors of backgroundImage.jpg to backgroundImageBlue.png and backgroundImageGreen.png