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Adds homekit-support for your cleanmate vacuum cleaner.


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Homebridge Cleanmate

Cleanmate is a popular robot vacuum cleaner in Sweden. This plugin allows you to control it from HomeKit.

Right now there is no official documentation or API over how to control the robot. To develop this plugin the tcp request to and from the robot has been analyzed.

Note: This plugin has only been tested for the Cleanmate S995. Please make a Pull Request if you get it working with another model.


  • Fan as On-/Off-switch
    • Fanspeed controls the cleaning mode (Silent, Standard, Intense)
    • Rotate direction controls the mop mode (configurable in config)
  • Pause Switch that will pause the robot when enabled and continues when disabled (optional, and can be inverted in config)
  • Motion sensor that will fire if the robot has a problem (optional, and can be inverted in config)
  • Occupancy sensor that will fire when the robot is docked (optional and can be inverted in config)
  • Volume controll using a Lightbulb (optional)
  • Per room Switch (optional, read Room cleaning to understand how it works)




This plugin can easily be installed from Homebridge UI or sudo npm install -g homebridge-cleanmate


This is an accessory plugin, the configuration should be set under accessories in the config file. Multiple accessories can be added, make sure they have unique names.

Example config

  "bridge": {
    "name": "Homebridge",
    "username": "CC:22:3D:E3:CE:30",
    "port": 51826,
    "pin": "012-34-567"
  "accessories": [
      "accessory": "Cleanmate",
      "name": "Cleanmate robot",
      "ipAddress": "",
      "authCode": "0123456789",


Parameter Description Default type
accessory always "Cleanmate" - String
name The name of the robot - String
ipAddress The ip address of the robot - String
authCode The authentication code for the robot - String
pollInterval? How often the status should be updated (in seconds) 15 Number
lowBatteryPercentage? When should the robot report low battery 15 Number
clockwiseMode? Which mop mode to use when clockwise is used 20 (High) Number
counterClockwiseMode? Which mop mode to use when counter clockwise is used 60 (Low) Number
pauseSwitch?.enable Add a switch that will pause the robot true Boolean
pauseSwitch?.name The name of the switch Pause String
pauseSwitch?.inverted Invert the switch, pause on disable false Boolean
motionSensor?.enable Add a motion sensor that triggers when the robot has a problem false Boolean
motionSensor?.name The name of the motion sensor Problem String
motionSensor?.inverted Invert the motion sensor, activate when the robot doesn't have a problem false Boolean
occupancySensor?.enable? Add a occupancy sensor that will represent if the robot is at dock false Boolean
occupancySensor?.name? The name of the occupancy sensor Docked String
occupancySensor?.inverted? Invert occupancy sensor, activate when robot is at dock false Number
volume?.enable? Add a lightbulb that allows you to control the volume of the robot false Boolean
volume?.name? The name of the lightbulb Docked String
findSwitch?.enable? Add a switch that will help you find the robot false Boolean
findSwitch?.name? The name of the switch Docked String
roomTimeout? The time to wait for a new room selection 30 Number
rooms?[].id The id of the room Number
rooms?[].name The name of the room String

Mop Modes

Mode Key
High 20
Medium 40
Low 60

Room cleaning

To start the Room Clean Mode, you can enable/disable the room switches. The cleaning will start after x seconds specified as roomTimeout in config (default 30s). This is the time you have to enable/disable another room. The timeout will restart every time you make a change.

How to get the authentication code

Currenly there is no easy way to get the authentication code (please let me know if there is).

The way to obtain a authentication code is to listen to a tcp packet when your phone sends a command to the robot. Wireshark is a great program to use for listening to network traffic.


Adds homekit-support for your cleanmate vacuum cleaner.






