Copy to a new zstack project to run.
One Coordinator and Four EndPoints struct this system whose parts connect with sensors or computer.
- CC2530 Core Board (核心板) X 5
- CC2530 EX Board (底板) X 5
- DHT11 Temperature Sensor (温湿度) X 1
- MQ-2 Smoke Sensor (一氧化碳等粉尘) X 1
- Light Resistance Sensor (光敏电阻感应) X 1
- PM2.5 Smoke Sensor (PM2.5粉尘) X 1
- IAR Software For CC2530
- Texas Instruments Z-Stack Project Template Documents
- Serial Test Tool (SCOM)
There is a serial winform software which contains temperature, humidity, CO analogue data, Light analogue data, PM2.5 serial-type receive order and charts for these environmental factors.
- Add 4G comm, Wi-Fi comm, Bluetooth Comm or Modbus Comm to expand the data of this sensor system to a higher platform.
- Code need to be simplified, because I am a freshman doing this project of using zstack project.
- If I have next time to finish this, I should use EDA to draw another EX Board to create my own board.
- To control my cost, I chose cheap sensors.So more expensive, more accuracy.
Master Gao is the teacher who helped me fix my data frame of this project, appreciate him a lot.