Fork of Edi Wang's set up script for new dev machines. You can modify the scripts to fit your own requirements. See Edi Wang here.
- A fresh install of Windows 10 and internet
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
- Download this repo as a zip
Optional: Import "Add_PS1_Run_as_administrator.reg" to your registry to enable context menu on the powershell files to run as Administrator.
- Run
right click and choose run with Powershell...
- Set a New Computer Name
- Disable Sleep on AC Power
- Throw Cortana out (seriously, it's so annoying to accidentaly trigger her during something important)
- Remove a few pre-installed Win10 apps.
- Messaging, CandyCrush, Bing News, Solitaire, People, Feedback Hub, Your Phone, My Office, FitbitCoach
- Install the credentials manager
- Install Chocolatey for Windows
- Install the user apps
- Install Power Tools
- Install Windows updates
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
- Custom Font:
Fira Code font
- Configures a monospace font (Fira Code Retina) for the system. Feel free to enable this in all your editors (ligatures too!)
- Terminal Preview
- Docker + Docker Desktop
- WSL2 + Ubunutu backend
for git- configure the credentials manager
- configure some git config defaults (editor, etc.)
- Rider
- Visual Studio 2022 Communit
- Upgrade Pip (it never shuts up otherwise)
- Install some common libs I use (numpy of course and few others, see and update requirements.txt)