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Security: alastairlundy/CliInvoke

Security and Support Policies

This information is provided on an informational basis with forward looking statements and information and is not a guarantee of future support.

When only one major version is supported, the latest 2 minor releases may be supported. Where multiple major versions are supported, only the latest minor release may be supported.

Currently Supported Versions

Versions that are currently supported with Bug Fixes and/or Security Fixes.

Version series Launch Version Latest version Supported with Bug Fixes Supported with Security Fixes
1.x 1.0.0 1.0.0 Until 2.0 Until 2.1

Reporting a Security Vulnerability

To report a security vulnerability please privately report a Security Vulnerability in the Security tab on this project within GitHub. Please ensure you provide all the details regarding the vulnerability. I will try to reply to your report within 2-3 Business Days acknowledging receipt of it.

I will then investigate the issue further and decide whether or not to accept the vulnerability. I will then inform you whether I accept the vulnerability or not.

If the vulnerability is accepted please do not publish the details of the vulnerability until at least 1 Business Day after the updates patching the security vulnerability have been released .

If the vulnerability is rejected please do not refer to it as a vulnerability and do not publish correspondence without prior written permission.

There aren’t any published security advisories