Sometimes it's more convenient and quicker to just run all services and third-party
dependencies locally. We don't need to build all containers and can start applications
in :dev
$ brew install elixir
$ brew install nsq
$ breq install redis
$ brew service start redis
# start NSQ cluster – each inside separate shell!
$ nsqlookupd
$ nsqd --lookupd-tcp-address=
$ nsqadmin --lookupd-http-address=
# test NSQ cluster
$ curl -d 'hello world 1' ''
$ curl -d 'hello world 2' ''
$ curl ''
$ curl ''
$ curl ''
# run Elixir apps – each inside separate shell!
$ cd gateway && mix deps.get && iex -S mix run # open https://localhost:4000
$ cd driver-location && mix deps.get && iex -S mix run # open https://localhost:4001
$ cd zombie-driver && mix deps.get && iex -S mix run # open https://localhost:4002
Another option is to build and run all Docker containers:
$ cd gateway && docker build . -t gateway:0.1.0
$ cd driver-location && docker build . -t driver_location:0.1.0
$ cd zombie-driver && docker build . -t zombie_driver:0.1.0
$ docker-compose up
If you need, you always can connect to IEX shell inside running Docker container, e.g.:
$ docker-compose ps
# pick container from the list
$ docker exec -i -t andrey-technical-test_driver-location_1 /bin/bash
bash-4.4# bin/driver_location remote_console
Erlang/OTP 21 [erts-10.1.1] [source] [64-bit] [smp:6:6] [ds:6:6:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe]
Interactive Elixir (1.7.4) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)
iex(driver_location@> Application.fetch_env!(:driver_location, :nsq_topic)
$ docker exec -i -t andrey-technical-test_driver_location_1 /bin/bash
bash-4.4# tail -f log/info.log
bash-4.4# tail -f log/error.log
P.S. Make sure you're not running sevices on the same ports locally.