A blog made using django 3, markdown and postgresql.
Other libraries like django-crispy-forms and django-taggit are used for styling and tagging posts respectively.
Install dependencies :
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
To set up postgresql create a user and a database and then add user credentials and database name in settings.py like this.
DATABASES['default'] = dj_database_url.config(default="postgres://USERNAME:PASSWORD@localhost:5432/DATABASE_NAME")
Admin can create and manage blog posts through admin module. To access admin module you must create a superuser (Your postgresql server must be running for the following commands to work).
To create superuser run this command:
$ python manage.py createsuperuser
and then enter your username, email and password.
To make migrations :
$ python manage.py migrate
To run server :
$ python manage.py runserver
After starting server go to your web browser and visit http://localhost:8000 and for admin module visit http://localhost:8000/admin and login using superuser credentials.
This app uses bootstrap 4 for styling.