Text summarization is the process of shortening a set of data computationally, to create a subset that represents the most important or relevant information within the original content.
This project requires Python 3.8 and the following Python libraries installed: Please utilize the environment file to install related packages.
Libraries :
Model Documentation : Pegasus-cnn_dailymail
The Pegasus model was proposed in PEGASUS: PEGASUS: Pre-training with Extracted Gap-sentences for Abstractive Summarization by Jingqing Zhang, Yao Zhao, Mohammad Saleh and Peter J. Liu on Dec 18, 2019.
(-) PEGASUS proposes a transformer-based model for abstractive summarization. It uses a special self-supervised pre-training objective called gap-sentences generation (GSG) that's designed to perform well on summarization-related downstream tasks.
(-) Pegasus achieves SOTA summarization performance on all 12 downstream tasks, as measured by ROUGE and human eval.
Dataset Documentation : samsum Dataset
The SAMSum dataset contains about 16k messenger-like conversations with summaries. Conversations were created and written down by linguists fluent in English. Linguists were asked to create conversations similar to those they write on a daily basis, reflecting the proportion of topics of their real-life messenger conversations.
├── artifacts - folder where data artifacts are stored
│ └── data_ingestion - contains the downloaded data files.
| └── data_validation - contains the validation status file.
| └── data_transformation - contains the dataset after transformation.
│ └── model_training - contains the trained model and tokenizer.
| └── model_evaluation - contains results of model evaluation as a CSV file.
├── config - contains config YAML file which specifies Paths of required artifacts
├── images - contains images used in this repository.
├── research
│ └── Text_Summarizer_Pegasus.ipynb - research notebooks to Train, evaluate and test Text Summarizer Pegasus model.
| └── 01_data_ingestion.ipynb - pre-pipeline implementation notebook for data ingestion
| └── 02_data_validation.ipynb - pre-pipeline implementation notebook for data validation
| └── 03_data_transformation.ipynb - pre-pipeline implementation notebook for data transformation
| └── 04_model_trainer.ipynb - pre-pipeline implementation notebook for model training
| └── 05_model_trainer.ipynb - pre-pipeline implementation notebook for model evaluation
├── src/textSummarizer
| └── components
| └── data_ingestion.py
| └── data_transformation.py
| └── data_validation.py
| └── model_trainer.py
| └── config
| └── __init__.py
| └── configuration.py
| └── constants
| └── __init__.py
| └── entity
| └── __init__.py
| └── logging
| └── __init__.py
| └── pipeline
| └── stage_01_data_ingestion.py
| └── stage_02_data_validation.py
| └── stage_03_data_transformation.py
| └── stage_04_model_training.py
| └── stage_05_model_evaluation.py
| └── utils
| └── common.py