Used ARIMA To predict/forecast numbers of COVID19 cases in INDIA, ITALY, USA, BELGIUM :
#### Highlight - (Trained till 29rd April and forecasting for next 7 days)
example plot -
Training -
Forecasting -
Forecasted Values -
*CI - (95% Confidence interval)
Date | Confirmed | Confirmed CI | Recovered | Recovered CI | Deaths | Deaths CI |
2020-04-30 | 34876 | [34561, 35192] | 9080 | [8983, 9178] | 1144 | [1132, 1157] |
2020-05-01 | 36620 | [36140, 37101] | 9776 | [9613, 9939] | 1218 | [1196, 1239] |
2020-05-02 | 38439 | [37773, 39104] | 10467 | [10197, 10736] | 1287 | [1255, 1319] |
2020-05-03 | 40321 | [39465, 41176] | 11158 | [10764, 11551] | 1359 | [1312, 1406] |
2020-05-04 | 42163 | [41081, 43245] | 11879 | [11354, 12403] | 1433 | [1372, 1493] |
2020-05-05 | 44051 | [42692, 45410] | 12583 | [11901, 13265] | 1504 | [1428, 1581] |
2020-05-06 | 45933 | [44309, 47557] | 13314 | [12470, 14158] | 1580 | [1486, 1673] |
2020-05-07 | 47867 | [45956, 49778] | 14044 | [13020, 15067] | 1654 | [1543, 1765] |
Training -
Forecasting -
Forecasted Values -
Date | Confirmed | Confirmed CI | Recovered | Recovered CI | Deaths | Deaths CI |
2020-04-30 | 205258 | [204221, 206295] | 73475 | [72701, 74249] | 28055 | [27916, 28193] |
2020-05-01 | 206931 | [205345, 208518] | 75644 | [74179, 77109] | 28456 | [28218, 28695] |
2020-05-02 | 208569 | [206257, 210880] | 77751 | [75442, 80060] | 28815 | [28427, 29204] |
2020-05-03 | 210322 | [207262, 213382] | 79801 | [76566, 83037] | 29157 | [28574, 29740] |
2020-05-04 | 212105 | [208079, 216132] | 81798 | [77559, 86037] | 29522 | [28740, 30305] |
2020-05-05 | 213845 | [208595, 219096] | 83743 | [78442, 89044] | 29892 | [28906, 30877] |
2020-05-06 | 215446 | [208685, 222207] | 85639 | [79227, 92051] | 30243 | [29034, 31451] |
2020-05-07 | 216910 | [208442, 225377] | 87489 | [79924, 95053] | 30589 | [29139, 32039] |
Download covid_19_*.html in ./interactive graph/
1) To check for patterns in sub-graphs if present in high number and longer/denser chain
may imply community transmission.
2) State-wise analysis : to check whether there was transfer of infection from one state
to another due to travel or any other reasons
*Paired Analysis : Delhi-UP,Rajasthan-Gujarat,Maharashtra-MP, Kerala-Tamil Nadu results in ./images/ & ./interactive_graphs/