Akif Islam
Department of CSE, University of Rajshahi
N.B.- F denotes Fundamental Experiments whereas xA, xB (i.e 3A, 3B) denotes experiments from teacher's assigned list
(1) F1. How to Load an Image?
(2) F2. Understanding Image Matrix
(3) 1A. Change Spatial Resolution of an Image
(4) 1B. Change Intensity Level of an Image
(5) F3. Manual Histogram
(6) 1C. Histogram of an Image and Threshold
(7) 2A. Brightness Enhancement
(8) 2B. Comparison of Powerlaw and Inv log transform
(9) F4. PowerLaw Test of Runway Image
(10) F5. Threshold Test on Moon Image
(11) F6. Histogram Equilization
(12) 2C. Image obtained by last three bits (MSB)
(13) F7. Make a Mask/Kernel/Grid and Traverse in a Matrix Image
(14) F8. Add Randomly Salt-Pepper to an Image
(15) 3A. Apply average and median spatial filters and calculate PSNR
(16) F9. Perform 0-1 Padding
(17) F10. Perform WRAPPING Padding
(18) F11. Line Detection
(19) F12. Point Detection
(20) F13. Edge Detection
(21) F14. Negative of an Image