dataset -- the Pandas data frame colname -- The Column name In : correlation(x,y): Here x,y are 2 data series and used to find correlation between them . x,y should of float or Integer type and returns the pearson correlation cofficient and tell what type of correlation it is
uniqueoccur(dataset,name): "Frequency of each unique item in a dataset[name]"
is_date(string): "To check whether it is date datatype or not "
rollingmean(dataset,name,win): To calculate the rolling mean for a time series , win:Size of the window
rollingstd(dataset,name,win): To calcualate the rolling Standard devaiation for a time sereis , win:Size of the window
RangeCol(dataset,colname) To give the range of the a column or the range of a given time stamp
type1(dataset,name): "TO give the data type a column whether it is float , integer , boolean ,String , Date datatype"
Cal(dataset,colname) Used to display Sum , Average , mean , Median , Standard Deviation , Total Number of Values and Total Number of unique values
Split(dataset,colname) Used to split the data between training and testing data and create test.csv and train.csv
desc(df,pos): A similar to describe in describe with type and plot functionality
In :
rep(dataframe,col,choice,value): Tells about all the rows with which has an empty value for a particular column with an option to add / alter the values indicating empty values eg . NULL , NaN , , unknown etc and also allows a person to replace a given value" choice is used to tell your choice whether to replace the value or not , value to enter a value you want to replace it with
In Kbest(dataset,features,class1,arr): It is used to select arr number of best features based on chi test compared between features and class1 which indicate the class to be predicted . Here df is the dataframe used PCA(dataset,numberofcomponenets) :It is used to select the Principle component analysis for the given dataset with these features transforming it into data with number of componenets varthres(dataset,threshold): "To do feature selction based on varience by passing the threshold value " Ica(dataset): "To do feature transformation such as all features are independent from one another "
In : distri(dataset,name): It is used to tell whether name of dataset is continous or a discrete distribution outlier(dataset,name): IT is used to calculate univariate dataset based on Z test in a name column of the dataset hisplot1(dataset,name): IT is used to create a histagram for a name column lineplot(dataset,name): "Used to do autoscaling and plot line for group of data passed as a set of columns in a list " threed(dataset,name): "Pass only 3 data columns as a list in name to draw a 3d plot" norm(dataset,name) : Normal test for normal distribution and throws normal test and p value as a result welisberg(dataset,name): "Weibull continous distribution and throws KS Test Statistic either D,D+,D- test and p value as a result" exponential(dataset,name): "Exponential continous distribution and throws KS Test Statistic either D,D+,D- test and p value as a result " logistic(dataset,name): "Logistic continous distribution and and throws KS Test Statistic either D,D+,D- test and p value as a result " typedis(dataset,name,dis): "Type any type of ditribution . Dis is used to take in the type of code distribution visit refer for more reference and throws KS Test Statistic either D,D+,D- test and p value as a result "
In transform(dataset,col): Map all text dataset[col] in to numeric data and returns an altered dataframe mulout(df): Performs the preprocessing and uses oneclass SVM to find outliers in multi variate envirnment timeoutlier(dataset, col, window): Outlier for time series throws a list with True is an outlier and false if not an outlier
createdict(a,b): It is used to convert a , b to numeric vectors
Euclids(x,y): to find euclid similarity Manhattan (x,y): To find manhattan similarity Cos(x,y): to find cosine similarity MahalanobisDist(x, y): to find MahalanobisDist
converttfidf(x,dicte): To convert a x to tfidf vector
compare(a,b): "Find Cosine similarity between 2 columns of a and b dataframe Code any be altered to include other similarity "
Main function to find similarity among columns and tell which columns can be used to combine 2 tables
skewness(dataset,col): "To Calculate the skewness of a given data For normal distribute data skewness = 0 , Skewness > 0 more weight the left tail and less weight in right tail "
kurtosis(dataset,col,ty): "To calculate Kurtosis of a data set ty can be fisher or pearson"
In decompose(df,col,freq): "To plot the decomposition graphs " freq(df,col,max1): "To find the required freq for the decompostion " lmtestcheck(df,col,max1): "To perform and LM test for autocorrelation and find significant lags . 1 to determine a significant lag and 0 to determine insignificant lag " checkdb(df,col): " It tells whether the Data is serially correlated or not " check(df,col): "To check whether a given series is Periodic or not using AutoCorrelation function :"
In primarykey(dataset): "It is used to find a primary key in a given dataset "
In timestamp(dataset,col): "Find the range of time stamps of any given columns "