The forensic_model_functions.pdf features a forensic model in compliance with the Industrial Internet Reference Architecture.
It includes the activites, task and its function together with their inputs and outputs.
We also provide the entity-relationship diagram of the IIRA compliant forensic model to outline the relations. Please note that the data category and its type is
for future work and currently not included in our model.
Below you can find the referenced papers used as well as a description of the table fields.
Field | Description |
Index | Index of the function. First number is the index of the activity, second number is the index of the task, third number is the index of the function |
Activity | Activity of the forensic model |
Task | Task of the activity. Workflow corresponds to the order of the tasks |
lnput | Input of the function or functional component |
Output-Of index | Indicates the index of an output of a function which serves as input for the specific function |
Function | Specific function assigned to the task |
Output | Specific output of the function |
Reference | Cited paper if applies |
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