Let you access the OTRS API a pythonic-way.
- Implements fully communication with the
provided as webservice example by OTRS; - authentication is handled programaticaly, per-request or per-session;
- calls are wrapped in OTRSClient methods;
- OTRS XML objects are mapped to Python-style objects see objects.Article and objects.Ticket.
- Tickets attachments
./setup.py install
First make sure you installed the GenericTicketConnector
webservice, see
official documentation.
from otrs.client import GenericTicketConnector
from otrs.objects import Ticket, Article
server_uri = https://otrs.exemple.net
webservice_name = 'GenericTicketConnector'
client = GenericTicketConnector(server_uri, webservice_name)
Then authenticate, you have three choices :
# user session
client.user_session_register('login', 'password')
# customer_user session
client.customer_user_session_register('login' , 'password')
# save user in memory
client.register_credentials(user='login', 'password')
Play !
Create a ticket :
t = Ticket(State='new', Priority='3 normal', Queue='Support',
Title='Problem test', CustomerUser='foo@exemple.fr',
a = Article(Subject='UnitTest', Body='bla', Charset='UTF8',
t_id, t_number = self.c.ticket_create(t, a)
Append an article :
new_article = Article(Subject='Moar info', Body='blabla', Charset='UTF8',
Search for tickets :
# returns all the tickets of customer 42
tickets = client.ticket_search(CustomerID=42)
Many options are possible with requests, you can use all the options available in official documentation.