try this
try this one too
Check out the readme in the smspam
Grabbed this: UCI Irvine Machine Learning Repo data set for spam: SMS Spam Collection Data Set
go to smspam
and run go run script/build_script.go
(there is a readme there too)... also need to change a file path in
func init() {
//path from the root of text api...
//environ = ParseEnv("production", "config.toml")
environ = ParseEnv("production", "smspam/config.toml")
from "smspam/config.toml"
to "config.toml"
in order to get it to work.. until i fix stupid config file path issues.
copied enron data to spam/not_spam:
cp spam/* $mywork/text_api/smspam/build_data/training/spam
cp ham/* $mywork/text_api/smspam/build_data/training/not_spam
then i put in in my x/training data. must ignore this data for github