A de Bruijn graph-based tool for miRNA discovery.
miRNAs are small non-coding RNAs that have become key players at the regulation level. In the last decade, with the increase and accessibility of high-throughput sequencing technologies, different methods have been developed to identify these molecules, but most of them are genome-based methods or are methods based on conservation information. However, when high quality reference genomes are not available, our possibilities are considerably reduced. In this context, we developed BrumiR, a de novo algorithm based on a de Bruijn approach, which is able to identify miRNAs directly and exclusively from sRNA-seq data. We tested BrumiR on different datasets (simulated and real sRNA-seq) from the animal and plant kingdoms, and we compared the results with the state-of-the-art tools in this field. The results of BrumiR exceeded or were comparable to those of the existing methods. Moreover, BrumiR is an ultra-fast algorithm, 20X faster than the state-of-the-art tools, enabling the analysis of a large number of experiments. Futhermore, BrumiR is very easy to use and provides additional tools to explore the results. It also identifies other small RNAs in order to maximize the biological insight. BrumiR presents a new and versatile method that implements novel algorithmic ideas for the study of miRNAs that complements and extends the currently existing approaches.
perl brumir.pl -a test/sRNA-seq.human.trim.fa.gz -p prefix
File | Description |
prefix.brumir.candidate_miRNA.fasta | fasta file with all the candidates with their KM and KC values respectively. |
prefix.brumir.other_sequences.txt | asta file with all long sequences expressed in the sample, they are putative long non-coding RNAs. |
prefix.brumir.RFAM_HITS.txt | table with a list of putative tRNAs or rRNAs present in the RFAM database. |
perl brumir2reference.pl -a prefix.candidate_miRNA.fasta -b test/chr1-20M-50M.human.fna -p prefix2ref
the file *.passfilter.txt contains the miRNAs that have a valid precursor sequence.
python aux_scripts/convertToGFA.py h.test.unipath.bcalm.fa h.test.unipath.bcalm.gfa 18
It is recommended to use/download the latest binary release (Linux or Mac) from : https://github.com/camoragaq/BrumiR/releases
To compile BrumiR run the following command:
#fetch BrumiR
git clone https://github.com/camoragaq/BrumiR.git brumir
cd brumir
make all
The BCALM binary can be donloaded from:
wget https://github.com/GATB/bcalm/releases/download/v2.2.2/bcalm-binaries-v2.2.2-Linux.tar.gz
wget https://github.com/GATB/bcalm/releases/download/v2.2.2/bcalm-binaries-v2.2.2-Mac.tar.gz
The bcalm binary should be copied to BrumiR-dir/bin
download the ViennaRNA package and follow the instructions to compile the code.
wget https://www.tbi.univie.ac.at/RNA/download/sourcecode/2_4_x/ViennaRNA-2.4.14.tar.gz
tar -zxvf ViennaRNA-2.4.14.tar.gz
make install
The RNAfold binary should be copied to BrumiR-dir/bin