Please see our Examples of generated plans.
To get the results that answer to research questions in the paper, first run to get measurement scores for all planners
Then run the specific to get results for the corresponding RQ.
A sample result for all 3 RQs is placed under results directory.
A defect predictor can classify clean and buggy codes within a software project by
learning from class-level CK code metrics.
TimeLIME aims to interpret such predictor to gain information on what is
the most critical factor contributing to a defect classification.
Then TimeLIME will propose maintainable
and achievable
plans to each
individual class within the project. Such plans can be mapped onto some
simple code refactoring methods, as summarized in
The following is an example illustrating how TimeLIME's plans can be applied
by practitioners.
LIME will report instance-based feature importance weights. Positive weights indicate a positive linear correlation between the feature value and predicted defect-proneness, and vice versa.
Frequent itemset mining will find each unique combination of changes that
occured in the project from previous
release to current
release. Such
result will be used to filter out plans if they are not
precedented according to the historical records. TimeLIME only mines
changes that happended to actionable
TimeLIME generate plans by finding the maximum conjunction of actionable
changes with precedence support. For the instance used in this example,
the plan could be: {decrease max_cc; decrease avg_cc; increase dam}
One code refactoring method that can match the plan proposed by TimeLIME is extract method. This method can be used to split one method with relatively high cyclomatic complexity into 2 simpler methods.
The effect of extract method is shown as follows. By extracting the rather complex piece of code into an individual method, maintainability and readability will get improved for future maintenance.
- Before :
- After :
Apparently, after the extract method both avg_cc
and max_cc
reduced and dam
increased since the new method is private.