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File metadata and controls

127 lines (71 loc) · 7.39 KB


  • Version: 1.4
  • Author: Marcin Konicki (
  • Build Date: 19 November 2020
  • Requirements: Symphony version 2.7 or later.


Conditionalizer allows to use expressions to conditionally filter a data source by URL parameters ({$param} syntax). Symphony allows to filter data-sources with parameters, but without a way to filter them conditionally, i.e., depending on parameter values.

After adding Conditionalizer field to a section, you will be able to filter data source using expressions like this:

(if value of ({$entry}) is (welcome))

It will allow data source to load entries only when value of $entry parameter is equal to welcome.

Another example:

(if any of ({$ds-list}) is in (one,two,three,{$param}))

That will load entries only if any of the values found in $ds-list parameter is equal to one, two, three or value of $param parameter.

Of course most of that is also possible with built-in filtering, so Conditionalizer field is useful mainly when filtering data-source by parameters generated by another data-source or with really complicated stuff (which probably could be simplified by changing site structure a bit :).

Conditionalizer field can also be used to minimize number of SQL queries, because every time a Conditionalizer expression evaluates to false, database will not be queried at all and data source will output an empty set.


  1. Upload the 'conditionalizer' folder in this archive to your Symphony 'extensions' folder.
  2. Enable it by selecting the "Conditionalizer", choose Enable from the with-selected menu, then click Apply.


  • 1.4 Update for Symphony 2.7 and PHP 7.4 (thanks to animaux for that :).
  • 1.3 Added "matches" and "matches not" operands (thanks to bzerangue for asking about validating for numeric values :).
  • 1.2.2 Fixed crash error reported by bzerangue.
  • 1.2.1 Fixed handling of whitespace inside values used in expression. Expression input fields are now textareas. Shows nice error box after conditions were not met for saving an entry.
  • 1.2 Update for Symphony 2.3. This drops compatibility with Symphony 2.2. Changed name from filterfield to conditionalizer. Fields are not required to set conditions for data-source. Conditions can be set for any type of data-source, e.g., Dynamic XML.
  • 1.1 Allow using an expression to prevent an entry from being saved. Value filtering expressions can now use {XPath}. Filter field will now store yes or no (when field expression evaluates to false) value in database.
  • 1.0 Initial release.


To filter data source:

  1. Add a Filter field to a section which you want to be filtered by data source with a filter expression.
  2. Check "Allow data sources to filter this section with an expression" field.
  3. Select filter field as one of the filters on data source edit page.
  4. Enter an expression which, when evaluated to false, will block data source from querying database.
  5. You can also enter value by which data source should be filtered. Just like when filtering data source with checkbox field.
  6. Enter both an expression and a value to make Filter field evaluate that expression first and, if it returns true, filter entries by that value.

To allow or disallow saving of an entry:

  1. Add a Filter field to a section of which entry values should be filtered by an expression.
  2. Enter a filter expression which will be evaluated every time an entry is being saved. If evaluation will return false, value of a field will be set to no. Otherwise it will be set to yes. You can use {XPath} syntax for an expression to make use of values found in XML that contains post, author, old-entry (only when entry is edited) and entry elements, e.g., to check value of a field called fields[published] enter {/data/post/published}.
  3. Check "Allow saving an entry only when expression entered above evaluates to true" if a field should prevent an entry from being saved to database after value filter expression evaluates to false.
  4. Edit an entry and see if it can or cannot be saved to database :).



Expression has to start and end with parenthesis. There has to be "if" at the start of expression (just in case there will be other functions added in future).

SELECTOR can be "value of", "any of" or "all of".

VALUES is a comma separated list of values. Each of them can be either literal value, {$param} or sub expression. Every VALUES has to be wrapped with parenthesis. It can be empty, but parenthesis is required.

OPERAND can be "is", "is not", "is in", "is not in", "matches" or "matches not".

In case of "matches" and "matches not" operands, operand value has to be a regular expression (, but without starting and ending characters (usually "/") and modifiers.

Examples of filtering field's value when publishing an entry

If section has a checkbox field called "published" and an entry should not become "unpublished" after it was saved at least once before:

(if any of ((if value of ({concat('id', /data/old-entry/@id)}) is (id)), (if value of (yes) is ({/data/post/published}))) is (yes))

It concats string to /data/old-entry/@id, just in case old-entry is not there (and returns empty string). So, if old-entry is there, value will become id123 (number will be set to entry ID). If old-entry is not there, value will become id. Expression will evaluate to true if it is a new entry (old-entry is not there, so id is equal to id) or if POSTed value of fields[published] is yes.

If, at the same time, filter field is configured to "Allow saving an entry only when expression entered above evaluates to true", entry will not be saved if expression evaluates to false.

The same result can also be achieved with a bit simpler expression:

(if any of ((if value of ({/data/old-entry/@id}) is ()), (if value of (yes) is ({/data/post/published}))) is (yes))

Examples of filtering a data source

Allow data source to execute only when value of data source generated $ds-type parameter is mytype, or value of data source generated $ds-true-or-false parameter is yes:

(if any of ((if value of ({$ds-type}) is (mytype)), {$ds-true-or-false}) is (yes))

Allow data source to execute only when any value of data source generated parameter can be found in value of another data source generated param:

(if any of ({$ds-list}) is in ({$ds-different-list}))

Allow data source to execute only when value of author parameter (passed through URL param) can be found in value of parameter generated by data source:

(if value of ({$author}) is in ({$ds-list-of-authors-with-additional-info}))

Allow data source to execute only when value of parameter passed thorugh URL path is symphony:

(if value of ({$name}) is (symphony))

Allow data source to execute only when any of values found in data source generated parameter is empty/null:

(if any of ({$ds-names}) is ())

Allow data source to execute only when any of values found in data source generated parameter is not empty/null, and then select entries only when they passed publish filter expression (or if there was no publish filtering when they were being saved to database):

(if any of ({$ds-names}) is not ()), yes

Allow data source to execute only when any of values found in data source generated parameter is a numeric value:

(if any of ({$ds-names}) matches (^\d+$))