This algorithm detects and classifies fish instances under unconstrained environment using a hybrid of GMM, Optical flow and deep CNN based on YOLO . Preference is given to YOLO during hybridization when results from GMM-optical and YOLO are overlapping
If you want to save GT frames of LCF-15 dataset, use "" on the dataset. For UWA dataset, dataset will be provided upon request {,}
Run "GMM/GMM_frames_per_video.m" to save GMM frames for all videos along with annotated text files. This is written in Matlab
Run "Optical_flow/" to save Optical flow for the required frames. It is written in python.
For YOLO , clone this repo "" and make it according to the instructions on "" (use libso=1 in Makefile).
Make training_data list as explained in the aforementioned link
edit the yolov3.cfg for lcf-15 and uwa datasets (15 & 16 classes in lcf-15 and uwa datasets respectively)
make separate '.names' files for lcf-15 and uwa dataset and put all classes names as mentioned in YOLO instructions
make separate '.data' files for each dataset. Copy contents from '' file in yolo/cfg directory into each new file and edit classes, train, names and backup variables.
For evaluation, you need a pre-trained model on respected datasets. These models will be shared on request {,}
Once you have the models and test splits, use 'YOLO_DNN/' to save classification results.
Use '' to combine GMM and optical flow outputs into one 2D frame (green channel to GMM and red to optical flow)
ResNet-50 models trained on lcf-15 and UWA datasets are required to classify objects detected by GMM & optical combined. Models will be shared on request {,}
Once you have the models, use '' to save classification results on gmm & optical combined input.
Use '' to calculate f-score for the given dataset using GMM-optical and YOLO classified outputs which will be compared against GTs. Preference is given to YOLO output when the results are overlapping with GMM-optical.