A functional and well-structured Todo application built with Laravel for the backend and Vue.js for the frontend. This application provides a comprehensive system for managing tasks, including user authentication and CRUD operations for todos.
Key Features:
- User Registration and Login: Secure user authentication system to manage individual user sessions.
- Todo Management:
- List all todos in a clean and organized view.
- Mark todos as completed or incomplete with a simple toggle.
- Add new todos, edit existing ones, or delete unwanted tasks.
- Backend:
- Built with Laravel using a RESTful API to handle all server-side operations efficiently.
- Frontend:
- Developed with Vue.js for a dynamic and interactive user interface.
- Consistent design with a modern dark theme for an appealing look.
- Responsive: Not optimized for mobile devices but designed for desktop use.
This project is ideal for showcasing CRUD operations, RESTful API integration, and a seamless connection between the Laravel backend and Vue.js frontend.
- Html
- Css
- JavaScript
- Php
- VueJs
- Laravel
- MySql
- Sanctum
- Vue-Loader
- Vue-Router
- Vuex
- Vuex-Persistedstate
- Install Php Packages
composer install
- Create .env File
1. duplicate the ".env.example" in main folder
2. rename the file you copied to ".env"
3. configure the ".env" file you renamed
- Create App Key
php artisan key:generate
- Run Migrations
php artisan migrate
- Run Seeders (For Test Datas)
php artisan db:seed
- Run Admin Seeder (For Admin User)
php artisan db:seed --class=AdminSeeder
- Run Laravel Project
php artisan serve
- Install JavaScript Packages
npm install
- Run VueJs Project
npm run dev
- Type-Check, Compile and Minify for Production (for VuejS)
npm run build
- Email: admin@todo.com
- Password: admin1todo
- Home localhost:8000/
- Login localhost:8000/login
- Register localhost:8000/register
- Dashboard localhost:8000/dashboard
- New Item localhost:8000/dashboard/create
- Home localhost:8000/
- Register localhost:8000/register
- Login localhost:8000/login
- Log Out localhost:8000/log-out
- My Todo's localhost:8000/my-todos
- All Todo's localhost:8000/all-todos
- New Todo localhost:8000/new-todo
- Todo Detail localhost:8000/todo-detail/{todoId}
- Complete Todo localhost:8000/is-complete/{todoId}
- Edit Todo localhost:8000/todo-edit/{todoId}
- Delete Todo localhost:8000/todo-delete/{todoId}
- Login localhost:8000/api/login Method: POST
- Register localhost:8000/api/register Method: POST
- Todo's localhost:8000/api/todos Method: GET
- Todo Detail localhost:8000/api/todos/{todoId} Method: GET
- Todo Create localhost:8000/api/todos Method: POST
- Todo Update localhost:8000/api/todos/{todoId} Method: PUT|PATCH
- Todo Delete localhost:8000/api/todos/{todoId} Method: DELETE
- User's localhost:8000/api/user Method: GET
- User Detail localhost:8000/api/user/{userId} Method: GET
- User Create localhost:8000/api/user Method: POST
- User Update localhost:8000/api/user/{userId} Method: PUT|PATCH
- User Delete localhost:8000/api/user/{userId} Method: DELETE