Light weight and easy to use RESTful api framework for education & demo purposes. stripped down to the fundamental components that every one would essentially need to (learn/create a demo application).
# Clone tiny-framwork
git clone
# Cd into the cloned repo
cd tiny-framework
# Run "composer update -o" then "composer du"
composer update -o && composer du
# Run the this command "php -S localhost:8080 -t public/", or change it according to your configuration
php -S localhost:8080 -t public/
# Create a database according to the config file or
import the given demo user table user.sql in database folder
1 - Service Container.
2 - Routes.
3 - Response (json).
4 - Session Handler.
5 - Database (PDO driver).
6 - Command Line (Symfony Component).
7 - Dependency Injection.
8 - Models / Controllers.
9 - Class Mapping / Reflections.
10 - File Handler.
11 - Api calls
Typically the entry point is public/index.php
creates a new app object
from here you will find the framework bootstrapping
injecting the autoload and calling bootstrap/app.php
form this point on the framework goes into action filling a service container
reading the routes
matching the requested route with the registered then get the controller and the requested function
- Create CRUD Controller / Model / Routes
php tiny crud:make <name>
- Create Api Call
php tiny api-call:make <ClassName>
cd /path/to/app && run ./vendor/bin/phpunit
# or
cd /path/to/app && composer test
- Add more db drivers
- Add frontend integration/handling
- Cover more test cases
- More Commands (makes it easier to use the framework)
- Add DB migration files feature
For their support