Setup a .env file with the COMET_ML api key if you want to use comet
Setup a clearml.conf file with configs found on the clearml website if you want to use clearml. This needs to be at home dir level. ~/clearml.conf
Create a file called ~/.netrc that looks like this
login user
password YOUR_API_KEY
To change training configurations, edit the yaml file config/train.yaml, or config/tune.yaml for tuning
Move training dataset(s) to the datasets folder
Make train file executable
Execute file
-v|--venv (to train in a new venv)
-t|--tune (to tune insted of standard training)
-r|--reset (to reset config to default)
Execute file on each node with the correct options
./train-ddp --nproc_per_node 1 --nnodes 2 --node_rank 0 --master_addr "" --master_port 8456 --backend nccl
--nproc_per_node (The number of processes to run on each node)
--nnodes (The total number of nodes)
--node_rank (The rank of the current node)
--master_addr (The address of the master node)
--master_port (The port of the master node)