travel-blog-spring-mvc Travel blog app make using JAVA with SPRING MVC frameword based on MVC design pattern Features are 1. Authintincation by using email, password and comformation email with verification url. 2. Reset password, with email verification mail. 3. Change user profile picture. 4. Add blog with Location, Description, one or more images and videos. 5. Add log and user can also comment on the blog just like facebook. 6. User can rate blog's user and also blog. 7. User can delete only his blog. -> Feature is implemented by the foreign key association of user_table and vlog_table. 8. Search blog in user personal section and can see all user blog with pagination and can also query with paggination. Video demo 1. Authintincation 1_reg_log.mp4 2. Reset password 2_forgot_pass.mp4 3. Change user profile picture 3_profile_image.mp4 4. Add blog and comment 4_add_vlog_and_comment.mp4 5. Rate Author 5_1_author_rating.mp4 6. Rate blog 6_rate_author_vlog.mp4 7. Delete own blog 7_delete_vlog.mp4 8. Search personal blog 8_search_own_vlog.mp4 9. All blog feed 9_all_vlog_with_search_paggination.mp4 Database design