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aguirre-ivan authored Oct 14, 2021
1 parent de5c145 commit 8564295
Showing 1 changed file with 145 additions and 114 deletions.
259 changes: 145 additions & 114 deletions 02-CodigoRepetido/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -21,144 +21,171 @@ TestCase subclass: #CustomerBookTest
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'CodigoRepetido-Ejercicio'!

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'NR 4/3/2019 10:50:19'!

| customerBook millisecondsBeforeRunning millisecondsAfterRunning |
!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'assert wrappers' stamp: 'IA 10/14/2021 06:59:01'!
assertCantSuspend: customerToSuspend withFinalCustomerIncluded: finalCustomerIncluded inCustomerBook: customerBook

customerBook := CustomerBook new.
self checkAssertError: [ customerBook suspendCustomerNamed: customerToSuspend.
self fail ] withError: CantSuspend withAssertToCheck: [ :anError |
self assert: customerBook numberOfCustomers = 1.
self assert: (customerBook includesCustomerNamed: finalCustomerIncluded) ].
! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'assert wrappers' stamp: 'IA 10/14/2021 07:05:52'!
assertsOfNumberOfCustomersInCustomerBook: customerBook withNameOfCustomer: customerNameToCheck withNumberOfFinalCustomers: numberOfFinalCustomers.

millisecondsBeforeRunning := Time millisecondClockValue * millisecond.
customerBook addCustomerNamed: 'John Lennon'.
millisecondsAfterRunning := Time millisecondClockValue * millisecond.
self assert: 0 equals: customerBook numberOfActiveCustomers.
self assert: numberOfFinalCustomers equals: customerBook numberOfSuspendedCustomers.
self assert: numberOfFinalCustomers equals: customerBook numberOfCustomers.

self assert: (millisecondsAfterRunning-millisecondsBeforeRunning) < (50 * millisecond)
! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'assert wrappers' stamp: 'IA 10/14/2021 06:43:23'!
checkAssertError: conditionToFail withError: anError withAssertToCheck: assertToCheck

[ (conditionToFail value).
self fail ]
on: anError
do: (assertToCheck).! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'IA 10/14/2021 06:15:38'!

| customerNameToTest |

customerNameToTest := 'John Lennon'.

self addingOrRemovingInCustomerBookComplyOnTime: #addCustomerNamed: accordingToTime: 50 withNameCostumer: customerNameToTest.

! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'NR 4/3/2019 10:50:13'!
!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'IA 10/14/2021 06:15:48'!

| customerBook millisecondsBeforeRunning millisecondsAfterRunning paulMcCartney |

customerBook := CustomerBook new.
paulMcCartney := 'Paul McCartney'.

customerBook addCustomerNamed: paulMcCartney.

millisecondsBeforeRunning := Time millisecondClockValue * millisecond.
customerBook removeCustomerNamed: paulMcCartney.
millisecondsAfterRunning := Time millisecondClockValue * millisecond.

self assert: (millisecondsAfterRunning-millisecondsBeforeRunning) < (100 * millisecond)

| customerNameToTest |

customerNameToTest := 'Paul McCartney'.

self addingOrRemovingInCustomerBookComplyOnTime: #removeCustomerNamed: accordingToTime: 100 withNameCostumer: customerNameToTest.
! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'HernanWilkinson 5/9/2012 18:12'!
!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'IA 10/14/2021 06:45:34'!

| customerBook |

customerBook := CustomerBook new.

[ customerBook addCustomerNamed: ''.
self fail ]
on: Error
do: [ :anError |

self checkAssertError: [ customerBook addCustomerNamed: ''.
self fail ] withError: Error withAssertToCheck: [ :anError |
self assert: anError messageText = CustomerBook customerCanNotBeEmptyErrorMessage.
self assert: customerBook isEmpty ]! !
self assert: customerBook isEmpty ]. ! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'HAW 8/28/2017 08:57:25'!
!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'IA 10/14/2021 06:42:51'!

| customerBook johnLennon |

customerBook := CustomerBook new.

johnLennon := 'John Lennon'.
customerBook addCustomerNamed: johnLennon.
customerBook := self createCustomerBookAndAddACustomer: johnLennon.

[ customerBook removeCustomerNamed: 'Paul McCartney'.
self fail ]
on: NotFound
do: [ :anError |
self checkAssertError: [ customerBook removeCustomerNamed: 'Paul McCartney'.
self fail ] withError: NotFound withAssertToCheck: [ :anError |
self assert: customerBook numberOfCustomers = 1.
self assert: (customerBook includesCustomerNamed: johnLennon) ]
self assert: (customerBook includesCustomerNamed: johnLennon) ].
! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'NR 4/3/2019 10:50:25'!
!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'IA 10/14/2021 07:05:52'!

| customerBook paulMcCartney|

customerBook := CustomerBook new.
paulMcCartney := 'Paul McCartney'.

customerBook addCustomerNamed: paulMcCartney.
customerBook suspendCustomerNamed: paulMcCartney.

self assert: 0 equals: customerBook numberOfActiveCustomers.
self assert: 1 equals: customerBook numberOfSuspendedCustomers.
self assert: 1 equals: customerBook numberOfCustomers.
self assert: (customerBook includesCustomerNamed: paulMcCartney).
| customerBook customerNameToTest |

customerNameToTest := 'Paul McCartney'.
customerBook := self createCustomerBookAndAddACustomer: customerNameToTest.

customerBook suspendCustomerNamed: customerNameToTest.

self assertsOfNumberOfCustomersInCustomerBook: customerBook withNameOfCustomer: customerNameToTest withNumberOfFinalCustomers: 1.
self assert: (customerBook includesCustomerNamed: customerNameToTest).
! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'NR 4/3/2019 10:50:28'!
!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'IA 10/14/2021 07:05:52'!

| customerBook paulMcCartney|
| customerBook customerNameToTest |

customerBook := CustomerBook new.
paulMcCartney := 'Paul McCartney'.
customerNameToTest := 'Paul McCartney'.
customerBook := self createCustomerBookAndAddACustomer: customerNameToTest.

customerBook addCustomerNamed: paulMcCartney.
customerBook suspendCustomerNamed: paulMcCartney.
customerBook removeCustomerNamed: paulMcCartney.

self assert: 0 equals: customerBook numberOfActiveCustomers.
self assert: 0 equals: customerBook numberOfSuspendedCustomers.
self assert: 0 equals: customerBook numberOfCustomers.
self deny: (customerBook includesCustomerNamed: paulMcCartney).

customerBook suspendCustomerNamed: customerNameToTest.
customerBook removeCustomerNamed: customerNameToTest.

self assertsOfNumberOfCustomersInCustomerBook: customerBook withNameOfCustomer: customerNameToTest withNumberOfFinalCustomers: 0.
self deny: (customerBook includesCustomerNamed: customerNameToTest).
! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'NR 4/30/2020 09:08:46'!
!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'IA 10/14/2021 06:57:22'!

| customerBook johnLennon |

customerBook := CustomerBook new.

johnLennon := 'John Lennon'.
customerBook addCustomerNamed: johnLennon.
customerBook := self createCustomerBookAndAddACustomer: johnLennon.

[ customerBook suspendCustomerNamed: 'Ringo Starr'.
self fail ]
on: CantSuspend
do: [ :anError |
self assert: customerBook numberOfCustomers = 1.
self assert: (customerBook includesCustomerNamed: johnLennon) ]
self assertCantSuspend: 'Ringo Star' withFinalCustomerIncluded: johnLennon inCustomerBook: customerBook.

! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'NR 9/19/2018 17:57:11'!
!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'IA 10/14/2021 06:57:25'!

| customerBook johnLennon |

customerBook := CustomerBook new.
johnLennon := 'John Lennon'.
customerBook addCustomerNamed: johnLennon.
customerBook := self createCustomerBookAndAddACustomer: johnLennon.
customerBook suspendCustomerNamed: johnLennon.

[ customerBook suspendCustomerNamed: johnLennon.
self fail ]
on: CantSuspend
do: [ :anError |
self assert: customerBook numberOfCustomers = 1.
self assert: (customerBook includesCustomerNamed: johnLennon) ]
self assertCantSuspend: johnLennon withFinalCustomerIncluded: johnLennon inCustomerBook: customerBook.

! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'time of actions' stamp: 'IA 10/14/2021 06:15:30'!
addingOrRemovingInCustomerBookComplyOnTime: anAction accordingToTime: timeInMiliseconds withNameCostumer: customerNameToTest

| millisecondsOfAction customerBook |

customerBook := CustomerBook new.
(anAction = #removeCustomerNamed:) ifTrue: [customerBook addCustomerNamed: customerNameToTest].

millisecondsOfAction := self timeOfActionOfAddingOrRemovingCustomerInCustomerBook: customerBook ofAction: anAction withNameCostumer: customerNameToTest.

self assert: (millisecondsOfAction) < (timeInMiliseconds * millisecond).

! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'time of actions' stamp: 'IA 10/14/2021 06:15:14'!
timeOfActionOfAddingOrRemovingCustomerInCustomerBook: costumerBook ofAction: anAction withNameCostumer: customerNameToTest
| millisecondsBeforeRunning millisecondsAfterRunning |

millisecondsBeforeRunning := Time millisecondClockValue * millisecond.
anAction sendTo: costumerBook with: customerNameToTest.
millisecondsAfterRunning := Time millisecondClockValue * millisecond.

^ (millisecondsBeforeRunning - millisecondsAfterRunning)

! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'customer managment' stamp: 'IA 10/14/2021 06:16:30'!
createCustomerBookAndAddACustomer: customerToAdd

| customerBook |

customerBook := CustomerBook new.

customerBook addCustomerNamed: customerToAdd.

^ customerBook
! !

@@ -176,36 +203,40 @@ initialize
suspended:= OrderedCollection new.! !

!CustomerBook methodsFor: 'customer management' stamp: 'NR 4/3/2019 10:14:26'!
!CustomerBook methodsFor: 'customer management' stamp: 'IA 10/14/2021 06:12:38'!
addCustomerNamed: aName

aName isEmpty ifTrue: [ self signalCustomerNameCannotBeEmpty ].
((active includes: aName) or: [suspended includes: aName]) ifTrue: [ self signalCustomerAlreadyExists ].
(self includesCustomerNamed: aName) ifTrue: [ self signalCustomerAlreadyExists ].

active add: aName ! !

!CustomerBook methodsFor: 'customer management' stamp: 'NR 4/3/2019 10:14:26'!
removeCustomerNamed: aName

1 to: active size do:
[ :index |
aName = (active at: index)
ifTrue: [
active removeAt: index.
^ aName
!CustomerBook methodsFor: 'customer management' stamp: 'IA 10/14/2021 06:13:42'!
removeCustomerNamed: aName

1 to: suspended size do:
| nameToReturn |

nameToReturn := self removeCustomerNamed: aName withStatus: suspended.

nameToReturn = nil ifTrue: [nameToReturn := self removeCustomerNamed: aName withStatus: active].

nameToReturn = nil ifFalse: [^ nameToReturn].

^ NotFound signal
! !

!CustomerBook methodsFor: 'customer management' stamp: 'IA 10/14/2021 06:14:25'!
removeCustomerNamed: aName withStatus: customerStatus

1 to: customerStatus size do:
[ :index |
aName = (suspended at: index)
aName = (customerStatus at: index)
ifTrue: [
suspended removeAt: index.
customerStatus removeAt: index.
^ aName

^ NotFound signal.
^ nil
! !

!CustomerBook methodsFor: 'customer management' stamp: 'NR 4/3/2019 10:14:26'!
@@ -219,31 +250,31 @@ suspendCustomerNamed: aName
! !

!CustomerBook methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'NR 4/3/2019 10:14:26'!
!CustomerBook methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'IA 10/14/2021 06:09:54'!

^active size! !
^ active size! !

!CustomerBook methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'NR 4/3/2019 10:14:26'!
!CustomerBook methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'IA 10/14/2021 06:11:35'!

^active size + suspended size! !
^ self numberOfActiveCustomers + self numberOfSuspendedCustomers! !

!CustomerBook methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'NR 9/19/2018 17:36:09'!
!CustomerBook methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'IA 10/14/2021 06:10:24'!

^suspended size! !
^ suspended size! !

!CustomerBook methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'NR 4/3/2019 10:14:26'!
!CustomerBook methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'IA 10/14/2021 06:09:34'!
includesCustomerNamed: aName

^(active includes: aName) or: [ suspended includes: aName ]! !
^ (active includes: aName) or: [ suspended includes: aName ]! !

!CustomerBook methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'NR 4/3/2019 10:14:26'!
!CustomerBook methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'IA 10/14/2021 06:09:40'!

^active isEmpty and: [ suspended isEmpty ]! !
^ active isEmpty and: [ suspended isEmpty ]! !

!CustomerBook methodsFor: 'signal errors' stamp: 'HernanWilkinson 7/6/2011 17:52'!

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