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This assignment that was given to us required us to create a portfolio displaying an About Me/Experience/Contact section, with links navigating to each section. In addition to displaying and properly linking homeworks with functioning image links. The goal of the assignment was to ensure that we created a portfolio that reflected the coder as an individual, their past works/experience, some information about them, and points of contact.


Creating a portfolio to showcase one's work is an incredibly vital step in one's programming and coding career. It provides a way for potential employers to view a candidate's previous work and projects, in addition to getting an idea of how much experience they have. It also allows employers and others to get in touch with them via various links, email, phone number, and more. ## update


This portfolio has been updated with Bootstrap and further CSS fixes, in addition to linking complete projects.


As you create your portfolio, keep in mind to work big and then refine details. If you jump into CSS too quickly, or don't develop the full structure of your HTML your code can become difficult to organize and you may get lost. Also be sure to double check each section upon website deployment!

User Story

AS AN employer. I WANT to view a potential employee's deployed portfolio of work samples. SO THAT I can review samples of their work and assess whether they're a good candidate for an open position

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN I need to sample a potential employee's previous work WHEN I load their portfolio THEN I am presented with the developer's name, a recent photo, and links to sections about them, their work, and how to contact them WHEN I click one of the links in the navigation THEN the UI scrolls to the corresponding section WHEN I click on the link to the section about their work THEN the UI scrolls to a section with titled images of the developer's applications WHEN I am presented with the developer's first application THEN that application's image should be larger in size than the others WHEN I click on the images of the applications THEN I am taken to that deployed application WHEN I resize the page or view the site on various screens and devices THEN I am presented with a responsive layout that adapts to my viewport


Angelica Sargent




Take a look at this link