Different codes to analyze rainfall characteristics, in particular to define onset, demise (and therefore duration).
AG Munoz (IRI Columbia U) - agmunoz@iri.columbia.edu and Carlos Martinez - carlos.martinez@columbia.edu
Project: Predictability of the onset, duration and demise of the North and South American Monsoon Systems: the role of cross-equatorial interactions
First edition: Aug 4, 2017
Last edition: Feb 21, 2018
- Subset of the full code written for the N/S American Monsoon project, to show the Bombardi and Carvalho approach.
- Code reads rainfall data for indicated coordinates (1 gridbox) directly from the IRI Data Library (CPC-Unified - Chen et al 2008).
- For illustration purposes, only one gridbox/station is used.
- The method has issues when the year is too dry (as one should expect).
Write to us if you're planning to use any of these codes, and consider co-authorship if appropriate.