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- Prototype_pattern
- Object_pool_pattern
- Facade_pattern
- Chain of Responsibility Pattern
- Flyweight Pattern
- Design Factory Patterns
- Composite Pattern
- Bridge Pattern
- Mediator Pattern
- Visitor Pattern
- Adapter Pattern
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- Chain of Responsibility Pattern
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- Awesome Web Viz Frameworks
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- voila
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- Redash
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- data-diff
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- redshift-developer-guide
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- databases
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- malloy
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- ingestr
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- Falcon
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- Wikipedia API and Wrapper
- Office365-Rest-Python-Client
- youtube-dl
- Twisted
- simple-salesforce
- Venmo API
- Flask
- Django
- Coursera Downloader
- Public APIs
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- requests-oauth2
- redo
- backoff
- Directus Data Stack
- StreamLit
- Pybossa
- starlette
- awesome-fastapi
- awesome-fastapi-projects
- Requests-futures
- Requests-threads
- grequests
- async_generator
- httpx
- requests-async
- mpire
- offspring
- multiprocessing_on_dill
- continuous threading
- Needle
- atasker
- asgiref
- concurrency-in-python-with-asyncio
- Async & Multitasking
- fast_map
- aiobotocore
- aioboto3
- aiohttp-client-cache
- aiohttp
- multiprocess
- aiofiles
- aiobotocore
- aioboto3
- dataflow
- pyfi
- dataflowkit
- data flow graph
- python flow
- gerda dataflow
- dataflows
- d6tflow
- prefect
- Schedule
- Luigi
- Faust
- Redis Queue
- Airflow-Great-Expectations
- Smart Open
- Zipstream
- multi-part-upload
- Celery
- airflow
- sftp-lambda
- lambda-s3-ftp
- Apache Beam
- Processing (I/O and Piplines)
- stream unzip
- pypyr
- Data Flow Ops
- Apache Spark Guide
- Orchest
- Mage AI
- Meltano
- DataJoint Python
- Hamilton
- Kombu
- airbyte
- ploomber
- data-diff
- Amazon Apache Airflow Managed Workflow
- Airbyte
- mage-ai
- Dagster
- Data All
- awesome-flink and Examples
- flink
- RedPanda
- Materialize
- Hazelcast
- Watermill
- Amazon Kinesis Client Python
- Faust
- Stream Processing
- Spark Streaming in Python
- Kestra
- Hamilton
- CloudQuery
- Nifi
- Pentaho-Kettle
- Camel
- Riko
- Bonobo
- Petl
- awesome-apache-airflow
- airflow provider sample
- metabase
- Flowman
- Apache Beam
- hamilton
- pachyderm
- elementary
- AWS Encryption SDK
- AWS Xray SDK
- AWS SDK Pandas
- Sagemaker SDK
- GCP Data Validator
- AWS Redshift Driver
- Cloudwatch Logging
- Former2
- Sagemaker Spark
- Secrets Manager Caching
- Spark With Python
- Learning Pyspark
- Spark Redshift
- Sagemaker Graph ER
- aws-glue-developer-guide
- pyspark examples
- pyspark cheatsheet
- aws-scheduler
- emr-serverless-samples
- Polars
- duckDB
- Dask
- SparkSQL
- cloud-experiments
- document-understanding-solution
- aws-glue-docker
- amazon-comprehend-examples
- Festin
- MinIO-py
- Bucketstore
- amazon-redshift-udfs
- PyLazyS3
- Minio
- Pandas Profiling
- WhyLogs
- PointBlank
- Hooqu
- pyDMNrules
- DQ-Meerkat
- dataqtor
- DataGristle
- versatile-data-kit
- Soda-Core
- ydata-quality
- Pydqc
- Business Rule Engine
- Python Business Logic
- Business Rules
- Hay_checker
- Great Expectations
- Feast
- Datatile
- business-rules venmo
- pydqc
- Data Gristle
- deep diff
- Great Expectations
- XML to Dict
- Pylint
- postal-address
- python-email-validator
- flatten-dict
- pytesseract
- python deequ
- ydata-profiling
- Memphis
- Benthos
- Awesome Streaming
- Storm
- bigquery-data-lineage
- multi-data-lineage-capture-py
- DataTracer
- data-lineage
- elementary
- stairlight
- OpenLineage
- Marquez
- Odd-Platform
- waltz
- sqllineage
- Spline
- grafana
- awesome observability
- Signoz
- zipkin
- kibana
- vector
- netdata
- odd platform
- Data Observability in Practice
- Monosi
- Swiple
- Elementary
- awesome-opentelemetry
- dd-trace-py
- signoz
- vector
- netdata
- awesome-observability
- malloy
- Json Classes
- Schema
- Jmespath
- XmlUtils
- ExtraTools
- Collections Extended
- More Itertools
- Lark Parser
- Json Flattener
- Scrapy
- Beautiful Soup
- marshmallow
- PyPDF2
- Pydantic
- Pyspider
- Pydantic SQLAlchemy
- simplejson
- json2parquet
- pyyaml
- Attrs
- Chardet
- simple-enum
- dataklasses
- dataclasses-json
- dataclassy
- python-choicesenum
- fastenum
- bnum
- data-enum
- superstring.py
- text2text
- pyspellchecker
- symspellpy
- python string similarity
- textdistance
- string-algorithms
- python-phonenumbers
- CommonRegex
- Addresser
- Unidecode
- whoosh
- usaddress
- jellyfish
- Postal Address
- dirtyJson
- awesome-json
- dataclass_array
- python-graphs
- python-email-validator
- dataprep
- fuzzywuzzy
- Cerberus
- PolyFuzz
- Fuzzy Search
- Pachyderm
- CleanLab
- awesome-jsonschema
- dateparser
- dateutil
- Cerebrus
- validators
- Valideer
- Pandera
- Typical
- kdatapackage
- PandasSchema
- TypedFrame
- tableschema
- validator-collection
- deepchecks
- awesome-validation-python
- attrs-strict
- pydantic-core
- dataclass-type-validator
- Jinja
- liaison
- DataCleaner