Welcome to The Wild Oasis Hotel Management Application, a user-friendly and feature-rich system developed to streamline hotel operations. This documentation provides an overview of the application's functionalities, key features, technology stack, and how to set it up.
- Hotel employees can log in to perform various tasks.
- New users can only be signed up within the application to ensure only authorized hotel employees have accounts.
- Users can upload avatars, change their names, and update passwords.
- Table view with cabin details, including photo, name, capacity, price, and current discount.
- Users can update, delete, or create new cabins, including photo uploads.
- Table view with booking details such as arrival and departure dates, status, paid amount, cabin, and guest data.
- Filterable by booking status: "unconfirmed," "checked in," or "checked out."
- Additional booking data includes the number of guests, nights, guest observations, and breakfast details.
- Users can delete, check-in, or check out a booking as the guest arrives.
- On check-in, users need to accept payment outside the app and confirm payment receipt inside the app.
- Guests can add breakfast for the entire stay during check-in.
- Guest data includes full name, email, national ID, nationality, and a country flag for easy identification.
- Initial app screen displays important information for the last 7, 30, or 90 days.
- List of guests checking in and out on the current day.
- Statistics on recent bookings, sales, check-ins, and occupancy rate.
- Charts showing daily hotel sales, including "total" and "extras" sales (breakfast).
- Statistics on stay durations.
- Users can define application-wide settings, including breakfast price, min and max nights per booking, and max guests per booking.
- Dark mode feature.
- React: JavaScript library for UI development.
- Supabase: Cloud database service for real-time and secure data storage.
- @tanstack/react-query: Data-fetching and state management library for React.
- date-fns: JavaScript date utility library.
- react-router-dom: Library for routing and navigation in React apps.
- recharts: Composable charting library for React.
- styled-components: CSS-in-JS library for styling React components.
- react-hot-toast: Customizable toast notification library.
- react-icons: Collection of customizable icons.
- react-hook-form: Library for form state management and validation.
- JavaScript, Typescript
- ReactJs, Redux, react-query (Front-end)
- Styled Component (Styling)
- NodeJs, ExpressJs (Back-end)
- Supabase (Database)
- Clone the repository.
- Install dependencies using
npm install
. - Set up the database on Supabase.
- Configure environment variables.
- Run the application using
npm start
id: abk@example.com
pass: pass1234
Create a .env.local file in your root directory. There you can insert your supabase key and name it VITE_SUPABASE_KEY.
command: npm run dev
This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.
Currently, two official plugins are available:
- @vitejs/plugin-react uses Babel for Fast Refresh
- @vitejs/plugin-react-swc uses SWC for Fast Refresh