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Infotheo052 (#102)
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* compat with Coq 8.17
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affeldt-aist authored Jun 3, 2023
1 parent 5f9efb8 commit fdf42c6
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Showing 21 changed files with 59 additions and 80 deletions.
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions .github/workflows/docker-action.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,10 +17,8 @@ jobs:
- 'mathcomp/mathcomp:1.15.0-coq-8.15'
- 'mathcomp/mathcomp:1.15.0-coq-8.16'
- 'mathcomp/mathcomp:1.16.0-coq-8.15'
- 'mathcomp/mathcomp:1.16.0-coq-8.16'
- 'mathcomp/mathcomp:1.16.0-coq-8.17'
- 'mathcomp/mathcomp:1.17.0-coq-8.17'
fail-fast: false
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ information theory, and linear error-correcting codes.
- Takafumi Saikawa, Nagoya U.
- Naruomi Obata, Titech (M2)
- License: [LGPL-2.1-or-later](LICENSE)
- Compatible Coq versions: Coq 8.15, Coq 8.16
- Compatible Coq versions: Coq 8.17
- Additional dependencies:
- [MathComp ssreflect](
- [MathComp fingroup](
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions changelog.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
from 0.5.1 to 0.5.2
compatibility release
- generalized:
+ invRK
from 0.5.0 to 0.5.1
compatibility release
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions coq-infotheo.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ build: [
install: [make "install"]
depends: [
"coq" { (>= "8.15" & < "8.17~") | (= "dev") }
"coq-mathcomp-ssreflect" { (>= "1.14.0" & < "1.17~") | (= "dev") }
"coq-mathcomp-fingroup" { (>= "1.14.0" & < "1.17~") | (= "dev") }
"coq-mathcomp-algebra" { (>= "1.14.0" & < "1.17~") | (= "dev") }
"coq-mathcomp-solvable" { (>= "1.14.0" & < "1.17~") | (= "dev") }
"coq-mathcomp-field" { (>= "1.14.0" & < "1.17~") | (= "dev") }
"coq" { (>= "8.17" & < "8.18~") | (= "dev") }
"coq-mathcomp-ssreflect" { (>= "1.15.0" & < "1.18~") | (= "dev") }
"coq-mathcomp-fingroup" { (>= "1.15.0" & < "1.18~") | (= "dev") }
"coq-mathcomp-algebra" { (>= "1.15.0" & < "1.18~") | (= "dev") }
"coq-mathcomp-solvable" { (>= "1.15.0" & < "1.18~") | (= "dev") }
"coq-mathcomp-field" { (>= "1.15.0" & < "1.18~") | (= "dev") }
"coq-mathcomp-analysis" { (>= "0.5.4") & (< "0.7~")}
"coq-hierarchy-builder" { >= "1.3.0" }
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions ecc_modern/degree_profile.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3709,8 +3709,7 @@ apply Order.POrderTheory.le_trans.
apply ler_expn2r.
by rewrite rpred_div // nnegrE ler0n.
by rewrite rpred_div // nnegrE ler0n.
apply ler_pmul => //.
by apply ler0n.
rewrite ler_pmul//.
by rewrite invr_ge0 ler0n.
by rewrite subnDA subnAC ler_nat leq_subr.
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions ecc_modern/ldpc.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -521,8 +521,7 @@ transitivity (\sum_(t in 'rV['F_2]_n)
rewrite (eq_bigl (fun x => x \in [set cw in C])); last by move=> i; rewrite inE.
by rewrite -not_receivable_prop_uniform receivableP.
rewrite invRK //; last exact/eqP.
rewrite -mulRA mulRC mulVR ?mulR1 ?mulRV //; first by exact/eqP.
rewrite invRK -mulRA mulRC mulVR ?mulR1 ?mulRV //; first by exact/eqP.
set tmp1 := \sum_(_ | _) _.
rewrite /tmp1 (eq_bigl (fun x => x \in [set cw in C])); last by move=> i; rewrite inE.
by rewrite -not_receivable_prop_uniform receivableP.
Expand Down
5 changes: 1 addition & 4 deletions information_theory/channel_coding_converse.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -149,10 +149,7 @@ rewrite expRM -mulRA; apply leR_pmul => //.
rewrite -mulRA mulRC invRM; last 2 first.
- by apply/eqP/invR_neq0/eqP; rewrite expR_eq0 mulR_neq0' ln2_neq0 andbT; exact/gtR_eqF.
- by apply/eqP/invR_neq0/eqP; by rewrite INR_eq0'.
- rewrite invRK; last first.
by rewrite expR_eq0 mulR_neq0' ln2_neq0 andbT; exact/gtR_eqF.
rewrite invRK; last by rewrite INR_eq0'.
rewrite (_ : / (/ n%:R) ^ K = n%:R ^ K); last first.
- rewrite 2!invRK (_ : / (/ n%:R) ^ K = n%:R ^ K); last first.
rewrite expRV ?INR_eq0' // invRK //; apply/expR_neq0; by rewrite INR_eq0'.
rewrite -mulRA {1}/Rdiv (mulRA n%:R) -expRS mulRA -expRM.
by rewrite -/(Rdiv _ _) mulRCA -mulRA (mulRC (ln 2)).
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion information_theory/source_coding_fl_converse.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,7 +63,9 @@ by case: Hepsilon => ? ?; lra.

Lemma lambda0 : 0 < lambda.
Proof. rewrite /lambda; apply P_Rmin => //; [exact Hepsilon1 | exact Hr1]. Qed.
by rewrite /lambda; apply Rmin_case => //; [exact Hepsilon1 | exact Hr1].

Lemma Hdelta : 0 < delta.
Expand Down
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions information_theory/source_coding_fl_direct.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -198,10 +198,8 @@ rewrite inE /=; apply/negPn/negPn.
apply Exp_le_increasing => //; apply leR_add2r.
move/leR_max : Hdelta => [_ Hlambda].
apply (@leR_pmul2r (2 / lambda)%R); first by apply/divR_gt0 => //; exact: lambda_gt0.
rewrite mul1R -mulRA -{2}(Rinv_Rdiv lambda 2); last 2 first.
by apply/eqP; rewrite gtR_eqF //; exact/lambda_gt0.
by move=> ?; lra.
by rewrite mulRV ?mulR1 //; exact/gtR_eqF/lambda2_gt0.
rewrite mul1R -mulRA -{2}(Rinv_div lambda 2).
by rewrite mulRV ?mulR1 //; exact/gtR_eqF/lambda2_gt0.
apply: leR_trans; first exact/leR_add2l/TS_sup.
apply (@leR_trans (exp2 (INR k* (`H P + lambda / 2)) +
exp2 (INR k * (`H P + lambda / 2)))%R).
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions information_theory/source_coding_vl_converse.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -355,8 +355,7 @@ rewrite [X in _ <= X](_ :_ = log ( alp / (1 - alp)) - (log alp) * `E X);
rewrite [in LHS]mulRDl mulRC oppRD mulN1R oppRK; congr (_ + _).
rewrite -[in RHS]addRA -[LHS]addR0; congr (_ + _).
rewrite mulRDl mulRV; last exact/gtR_eqF/EX_gt0.
rewrite mulN1R !addR_opp subRB subRR add0R invRK ?Rplus_opp_l //.
by rewrite mulN1R !addR_opp subRB subRR add0R invRK ?Rplus_opp_l.
apply: (@leR_trans (log (alp * (1 - (alp ^ (\max_(a | a \in A) size (f a))))
/ (1 - alp)) - log alp * `E X ) _); last first.
rewrite leR_add2r.
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions information_theory/source_coding_vl_direct.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ Proof.
move: (fdist_supp_lg_add_1_neq_0 P) => ?.
rewrite mulRC /Rdiv -?mulRA; apply: (Rmult_lt_compat_l _ _ _ eps_pos); rewrite ?mulRA (mulRC _ 2).
apply: (Rmult_lt_reg_l 3); first exact: Rplus_lt_pos.
rewrite Rinv_mult_distr // ?mulRA (mulRC 3 2) Rinv_r_simpl_l //.
rewrite Rinv_mult // ?mulRA (mulRC 3 2) Rinv_r_simpl_l //.
apply: (Rmult_lt_reg_l (INR n)); first exact/ltR0n.
rewrite mulRC -mulRA (mulRC _ (INR n)) ?mulRA Rinv_r_simpl_l; last first.
by apply/eqP; rewrite INR_eq0'.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ apply: (Rle_lt_trans _ (INR n'.+1 * (`H P + epsilon') + 1 + 1 +
rewrite mulRDr (addRC (epsilon' * log (INR #|X|)) _) addRC addRA -addRA
(addRC _ epsilon') -{2}(mulR1 epsilon') -mulRDr -addRA
(addRC (epsilon' * (2 / INR n)) _) addRA addRC mulRC addRC /epsilon'
-{1}(mulR1 3) -{3}(mulR1 3) -mulRDr /Rdiv {1}(Rinv_mult_distr) // mulRA
-{1}(mulR1 3) -{3}(mulR1 3) -mulRDr /Rdiv {1}Rinv_mult // mulRA
-mulRA -Rinv_l_sym // mulR1.
apply: (Rle_lt_trans _ (epsilon / 4 + epsilon * / 3 + epsilon / 3)).
* apply: Rplus_le_compat.
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions information_theory/string_entropy.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -96,8 +96,7 @@ rewrite /entropy /nHs /num_occ_dist /= -mulRN1 big_distrl big_distrr /=.
apply eq_bigr => a _ /=; rewrite ffunE.
case: ifPn => [/eqP -> | Hnum]; first by rewrite !mulRA !simplR.
rewrite {1}/Rdiv (mulRC N(a | s)) 3![in LHS]mulRA mulRV ?INR_eq0' // ?mul1R.
rewrite -mulRA mulRN1 -logV; last by apply divR_gt0; rewrite ltR0n lt0n.
rewrite Rinv_Rdiv //; apply/eqP; by rewrite INR_eq0'.
by rewrite -mulRA mulRN1 -logV ?Rinv_div//; apply divR_gt0; rewrite ltR0n lt0n.

Definition mulnRdep (x : nat) (y : x != O -> R) : R.
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions information_theory/types.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -459,8 +459,7 @@ Qed.

Lemma card_typed_tuples : INR #| T_{ P } | <= exp2 (INR n * `H P).
rewrite -(invRK (exp2 (INR n * `H P))%R); last exact/eqP.
rewrite -exp2_Ropp -mulNR.
rewrite -(invRK (exp2 (INR n * `H P))%R) -exp2_Ropp -mulNR.
set aux := - INR n * `H P.
rewrite -div1R leR_pdivl_mulr // {}/aux.
case/boolP : [exists x, x \in T_{P}] => x_T_P.
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions lib/num_occ.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,8 +105,7 @@ Lemma sum_num_occ_size (A : finType) s : (\sum_(a in A) N(a|s))%nat = size s.
elim: s => [|a s IH] /=.
+ by apply big1_eq.
+ rewrite big_split /= IH -big_mkcond /= (big_pred1 a) //.
by move=> i; rewrite eq_sym.
+ by rewrite big_split /= IH -big_mkcond /= (big_pred1 a).

Lemma num_occ_flatten (A : finType) (a : A) ss :
Expand Down
12 changes: 5 additions & 7 deletions lib/ssrR.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -595,11 +595,11 @@ Proof. by move/eqP/invR_eq0/eqP. Qed.

Definition invR1 : / 1 = 1 := Rinv_1.

Definition invRK (r : R) : r != 0 -> / / r = r.
Proof. by move/eqP; exact: Rinv_involutive. Qed.
Definition invRK (r : R) : / / r = r.
Proof. exact: Rinv_inv. Qed.

Lemma invRM (r1 r2 : R) : r1 != 0 -> r2 != 0 -> / (r1 * r2) = / r1 * / r2.
Proof. by move=> /eqP r10 /eqP r20; rewrite Rinv_mult_distr. Qed.
Proof. by move=> /eqP r10 /eqP r20; rewrite Rinv_mult. Qed.

Lemma leR_inv x y : 0 < y -> y <= x -> / x <= / y.
Proof. by move=> x0 y0; apply/Rinv_le_contravar. Qed.
Expand All @@ -609,9 +609,7 @@ Proof. by move=> a b; rewrite !inE => _ /ltRP b0 ba; exact/Rinv_le_contravar. Qe

Lemma invR_le x y : 0 < x -> 0 < y -> / y <= / x -> x <= y.
move=> x0 y0 H.
rewrite -(invRK x); last exact/gtR_eqF.
rewrite -(invRK y); last exact/gtR_eqF.
move=> x0 y0 H; rewrite -(invRK x) -(invRK y).
by apply leR_inv => //; exact/invR_gt0.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -727,7 +725,7 @@ Proof. by move=> x0; apply/idP/idP => /leRP/(invR_le1 _ x0)/leRP. Qed.
Lemma invR_gt1 x : 0 < x -> (1 < / x) <-> (x < 1).
move=> x0; split => x1; last by rewrite -invR1; apply ltR_inv.
move/ltR_inv : x1; rewrite invRK ?invR1; last exact/gtR_eqF.
move/ltR_inv : x1; rewrite invRK invR1.
by apply => //; exact/invR_gt0.
Lemma invR_gt1' x : 0 < x -> (1 <b / x) = (x <b 1).
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions lib/ssr_ext.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -904,11 +904,11 @@ apply eq_from_tnth; case.
destruct n as [|n] => //.
case=> [Hi | i Hi].
rewrite (tnth_nth (thead a, thead b)) (tnth_nth (thead (zip_tuple a b))).
rewrite /= enum_ordS /= (tnth_nth (thead a, thead b)) /= nth_zip; last first.
rewrite /= enum_ordSl /= (tnth_nth (thead a, thead b)) /= nth_zip; last first.
by rewrite (size_tuple a) (size_tuple b).
by rewrite (tnth_nth (thead a)) /= (tnth_nth (thead b)).
rewrite (tnth_nth (thead a, thead b)) (tnth_nth (thead (zip_tuple a b))) /=.
rewrite enum_ordS /= nth_zip; last by rewrite 4!size_map size_enum_ord.
rewrite enum_ordSl /= nth_zip; last by rewrite 4!size_map size_enum_ord.
rewrite [in RHS](nth_map ord0); last by rewrite size_map size_enum_ord.
rewrite [in RHS](tnth_nth (thead a, thead b)) [in RHS]/zip_tuple /=.
rewrite [in RHS]nth_zip; last by rewrite (size_tuple a) (size_tuple b).
Expand Down
22 changes: 9 additions & 13 deletions meta.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,43 +41,39 @@ license:
nix: true

text: Coq 8.15, Coq 8.16
opam: '{ (>= "8.15" & < "8.17~") | (= "dev") }'
text: Coq 8.17
opam: '{ (>= "8.17" & < "8.18~") | (= "dev") }'

- version: '1.15.0-coq-8.15'
- version: '1.16.0-coq-8.17'
repo: 'mathcomp/mathcomp'
- version: '1.15.0-coq-8.16'
repo: 'mathcomp/mathcomp'
- version: '1.16.0-coq-8.15'
repo: 'mathcomp/mathcomp'
- version: '1.16.0-coq-8.16'
- version: '1.17.0-coq-8.17'
repo: 'mathcomp/mathcomp'

- opam:
name: coq-mathcomp-ssreflect
version: '{ (>= "1.14.0" & < "1.17~") | (= "dev") }'
version: '{ (>= "1.15.0" & < "1.18~") | (= "dev") }'
description: |-
[MathComp ssreflect](
- opam:
name: coq-mathcomp-fingroup
version: '{ (>= "1.14.0" & < "1.17~") | (= "dev") }'
version: '{ (>= "1.15.0" & < "1.18~") | (= "dev") }'
description: |-
[MathComp fingroup](
- opam:
name: coq-mathcomp-algebra
version: '{ (>= "1.14.0" & < "1.17~") | (= "dev") }'
version: '{ (>= "1.15.0" & < "1.18~") | (= "dev") }'
description: |-
[MathComp algebra](
- opam:
name: coq-mathcomp-solvable
version: '{ (>= "1.14.0" & < "1.17~") | (= "dev") }'
version: '{ (>= "1.15.0" & < "1.18~") | (= "dev") }'
description: |-
[MathComp solvable](
- opam:
name: coq-mathcomp-field
version: '{ (>= "1.14.0" & < "1.17~") | (= "dev") }'
version: '{ (>= "1.15.0" & < "1.18~") | (= "dev") }'
description: |-
[MathComp field](
- opam:
Expand Down
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions probability/divergence.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,8 +86,7 @@ rewrite /div [X in _ <= X](_ : _ =
case/boolP : (P a == 0) => [/eqP ->|H0]; first by rewrite !mul0R.
congr (_ * _).
have Qa0 := dominatesEN P_dom_by_Q H0.
rewrite -logV; last by apply divR_gt0; rewrite -fdist_gt0.
rewrite Rinv_Rdiv //; exact/eqP.
by rewrite -logV ?Rinv_div//; apply divR_gt0; rewrite -fdist_gt0.
rewrite leR_oppr oppR0.
apply (@leR_trans ((\sum_(a | a \in A) (Q a - P a)) * log (exp 1))).
rewrite (big_morph _ (morph_mulRDl _) (mul0R _)).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,8 +116,7 @@ apply/esym; move: a (erefl true); apply leR_sumR_eq.
case/boolP : (P a == 0) => [/eqP ->| H0]; first by rewrite !mul0R.
congr (_ * _).
have Qa0 := dominatesEN P_dom_by_Q H0.
rewrite -logV; last by apply divR_gt0; rewrite -fdist_gt0.
rewrite Rinv_Rdiv //; exact/eqP.
by rewrite -logV ?Rinv_div//; apply divR_gt0; rewrite -fdist_gt0.
rewrite -(big_morph _ (morph_mulRDl _) (mul0R _)) big_split /=.
by rewrite -big_morph_oppR !FDist.f1 addR_opp subRR mul0R.
Expand Down
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions probability/ln_facts.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -189,22 +189,21 @@ case (total_order_T 0 r) ; first case ; move=> Hcase.
rewrite -mulRN.
apply (@ltR_pmul2r (/ - X)); first exact/invR_gt0/oppR_gt0.
rewrite -mulRA mulRV ?mulR1; last by rewrite oppR_eq0; apply/ltR_eqF.
rewrite -(invRK 2); last exact/eqP.
rewrite -mulRA ( _ : forall r, r * r = r ^ 2); last by move=> ?; rewrite /pow mulR1.
rewrite -(invRK 2) -mulRA.
rewrite ( _ : forall r, r * r = r ^ 2); last by move=> ?; rewrite /pow mulR1.
rewrite expRV; last exact/eqP/not_eq_sym/eqP/ltR_eqF/oppR_gt0.
rewrite -invRM; last 2 first.
by rewrite invR_neq0' //; exact/gtR_eqF.
by rewrite expR_eq0 oppR_eq0; exact/ltR_eqF.
rewrite -(invRK (exp X)); last exact/gtR_eqF/exp_pos.
rewrite -(invRK (exp X)).
apply ltR_inv => //.
by apply/mulR_gt0; [lra | apply expR_gt0; lra].
rewrite -exp_Ropp mulRC (_ : 2 = INR 2`!) //.
* apply (@leR_pmul2r (/ 2)); first exact/invR_gt0.
rewrite mulRC mulRA mulVR ?mul1R //; last exact/gtR_eqF.
rewrite -(invRK eps); last exact/gtR_eqF.
rewrite -invRM //; last 2 first.
rewrite -(invRK eps) -invRM //; last 2 first.
apply leR_inv => //.
Expand Down
8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions probability/log_sum.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -114,9 +114,7 @@ rewrite -[X in _ <= X]oppRK leR_oppr -ln_Rinv; last first.
rewrite invRM; last 2 first.
exact/gtR_eqF/(fspos _ C_a).
by rewrite invR_neq0' // gtR_eqF //; exact/(gspos _ C_a).
rewrite invRK; last exact/gtR_eqF/(gspos _ C_a).
rewrite mulRC.
apply: leR_trans.
rewrite invRK mulRC; apply: leR_trans.
by apply/ln_id_cmp/divR_gt0; [apply gspos | apply fspos].
apply Req_le.
by field; exact/eqP/gtR_eqF/(fspos _ C_a).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,7 +155,7 @@ suff : \sum_{D} f * log (\sum_{D} f / \sum_{D} g) <=
by apply sumR_ge0 => ? ?; exact: nneg_finfun_ge0.
apply (@leR_trans (\sum_{C} f * log (\sum_{C} f / \sum_{D} g))).
case/Rle_lt_or_eq_dec : pos_F => pos_F; last first.
rewrite -pos_F !mul0R; exact/leRR.
by rewrite -pos_F !mul0R; exact/leRR.
have H2 : 0 <= \sum_(a | a \in D) g a.
by apply: sumR_ge0 => ? _; exact: nneg_finfun_ge0.
case/Rle_lt_or_eq_dec : H2 => H2; last first.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,7 +184,7 @@ suff : \sum_{D} f * log (\sum_{D} f / \sum_{D} g) <=
rewrite (_ : \sum_(_ | _ \in D') _ = 0); last first.
transitivity (\sum_(a | a \in D') 0).
apply eq_bigr => a.
rewrite /D' in_set => /andP[a_C /eqP ->]; by rewrite mul0R.
by rewrite /D' in_set => /andP[a_C /eqP ->]; rewrite mul0R.
by rewrite big_const iter_addR mulR0.
by rewrite add0R; exact/leRR.
apply log_sum1 => // a.
Expand Down
14 changes: 4 additions & 10 deletions probability/pinsker.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,13 +74,7 @@ rewrite !(derive_pt_minus,derive_pt_plus,derive_pt_comp,derive_pt_ln,derive_pt_c
rewrite !(mul0R,mulR0,addR0,add0R,Rminus_0_l) /= (_ : INR 2 = 2) //.
rewrite /pinsker_fun' /div_fct [X in _ = X]mulRBr.
f_equal; last by field.
rewrite (_ : id q = q) //.
rewrite Rinv_Rdiv; last 2 first.
move=> ?; lra.
move=> ?; lra.
rewrite Rinv_Rdiv; last 2 first.
move=> ?; lra.
move=> ?; lra.
rewrite (_ : id q = q)// 2!Rinv_div.
have -> : p * (/ ln 2 * (q / p) * (p * (-1 / q²))) = - (p / q) * / ln 2.
rewrite !mulRA /Rsqr.
Expand All @@ -92,7 +86,7 @@ have -> : (1 - p) * (/ ln 2 * ((1 - q) / (1 - p)) * (- (-1 * (1 - p)) / (1 - q)
split; [exact/eqP/ln2_neq0 | split => ?; lra].
rewrite /inv_fct.
split; [exact/eqP/ln2_neq0 | split => ?; lra].
by split; [exact/eqP/ln2_neq0 | split => ?; lra].

Definition pinsker_function_spec c q := - log (1 - q) - 4 * c * q ^ 2.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,7 +223,7 @@ have X : 0 <= (/ (t * (1 - t) * ln 2) - 8 * c).
by apply/gtR_eqF/mulR_gt0; lra.
apply leR_wpmul2r => //.
rewrite -(invRK 4); last exact/eqP.
rewrite -(invRK 4).
apply leR_inv => //.
by apply/mulR_gt0 => //; lra.
exact: x_x2_max.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,7 +264,7 @@ have X : 0 <= (/ (t * (1 - t) * ln 2) - 8 * c).
by apply leR_wpmul2r => //; lra.
rewrite invRM //; last exact/ln2_neq0.
apply leR_wpmul2r => //.
rewrite -(invRK 4) //=; last exact/eqP.
rewrite -(invRK 4) //=.
apply leR_inv => //.
by apply/mulR_gt0; lra.
exact: x_x2_max.
Expand Down

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