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affeldt-aist committed Oct 31, 2022
1 parent 6cf96ae commit 8231da9
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Showing 2 changed files with 163 additions and 129 deletions.
190 changes: 117 additions & 73 deletions probability/convex.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -110,6 +110,8 @@ Reserved Notation "\ssum_ ( i < n | P ) F"
Reserved Notation "\ssum_ ( i < n ) F"
(at level 41, F at level 41, i, n at level 50,
format "'[' \ssum_ ( i < n ) '/ ' F ']'").
Reserved Notation "{ 'affine' T '->' R }"
(at level 36, T, R at next level, format "{ 'affine' T '->' R }").

Declare Scope convex_scope.
Declare Scope ordered_convex_scope.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,20 +343,17 @@ HB.mixin Record isAffine (U V : convType) (f : U -> V) := {
HB.structure Definition Affine (U V : convType) :=
{f of isAffine U V f}.

Notation "{ 'affine' T '->' R }" :=
(Affine.type T R) (at level 36, T, R at next level,
format "{ 'affine' T '->' R }") : convex_scope.
Notation "{ 'affine' T '->' R }" := (Affine.type T R) : convex_scope.

Section affine_function_prop0.
Section affine_function_instances.
Variables (U V W : convType) (f : {affine V -> W}) (h : {affine U -> V}).

Fact idfun_is_affine : affine (@idfun U).
Proof. by []. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ (*idfun_affine*) := isAffine.Build _ _ idfun idfun_is_affine.
Let affine_idfun : affine (@idfun U). Proof. by []. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ := isAffine.Build _ _ idfun affine_idfun.

Fact comp_is_affine : affine (f \o h).
Fact affine_comp : affine (f \o h).
Proof. by move=> x y t /=; rewrite 2!affine_conv. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ (*comp_affine*) := isAffine.Build _ _ (f \o h) comp_is_affine.
HB.instance Definition _ := isAffine.Build _ _ (f \o h) affine_comp.

(* The following lemma is placed far below in this file
since it is proved using ScaledConvex
Expand All @@ -363,7 +362,7 @@ Lemma affine_function_Sum T U (f : {affine T -> U}) n (g : 'I_n -> T) (d : {fdis
f (<|>_d g) = <|>_d (f \o g).

End affine_function_prop0.
End affine_function_instances.

(* TODO: this section is too long and contains lemmas to be moved to other files *)
Module ScaledConvex.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -668,12 +667,16 @@ End convfdist.

Section convpt_convex_space.
Let convpt p x y := addpt (scalept p x) (scalept p.~ y).

Let convpt_conv1 a b : convpt 1 a b = a.
Proof. by rewrite /convpt onem1 scalept1 scalept0 addpt0. Qed.

Let convpt_convmm (p : prob) a : convpt p a a = a.
Proof. by rewrite /convpt -scalept_addR // onemKC scalept1. Qed.

Let convpt_convC (p : prob) a b : convpt p a b = convpt (p.~)%:pr b a.
Proof. by rewrite [RHS]addptC onemK. Qed.

Let convpt_convA (p q : prob) a b c :
convpt p a (convpt q b c) = convpt [s_of p, q] (convpt [r_of p, q] a b) c.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1437,22 +1440,26 @@ Qed.
End split_prod.

Section lmodR_convex_space.

Variable E : lmodType R.
Implicit Type p q : prob.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Import GRing.

Let avg p (a b : E) := (Prob.p p) *: a + p.~ *: b.

Let avg1 a b : avg 1%:pr a b = a.
Proof. by rewrite /avg /= scale1r onem1 scale0r addr0. Qed.

Let avgI p x : avg p x x = x.
rewrite /avg -scalerDl.
have ->: (Prob.p p) + p.~ = Rplus (Prob.p p) p.~ by [].
by rewrite onemKC scale1r.

Let avgC p x y : avg p x y = avg p.~%:pr y x.
Proof. by rewrite /avg onemK addrC. Qed.

Let avgA p q (d0 d1 d2 : E) :
avg p d0 (avg q d1 d2) = avg [s_of p, q] (avg [r_of p, q] d0 d1) d2.
Expand All @@ -1468,37 +1475,48 @@ rewrite 2!scalerA; congr scale.
have ->: p.~ * q = (p.~ * q)%R by [].
by rewrite pq_is_rs -/r -/s mulrC.

HB.instance Definition _ (*lmodR_convType*) :=
@isConvexSpace.Build E (Choice.class _) _ avg1 avgI avgC avgA.
@isConvexSpace.Build E (Choice.class _) avg avg1 avgI avgC avgA.

Lemma avgrE p (x y : E) : x <| p |> y = avg p x y. Proof. by []. Qed.

End lmodR_convex_space.

Section lmodR_convex_space_prop.
Variable E : lmodType R.
Implicit Type p q : prob.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Import GRing.
Lemma avgr_addD p (a b c d: E): (a+b) <|p|> (c+d) = (a<|p|>c) + (b<|p|>d).

Lemma avgr_addD p (a b c d : E) :
(a + b) <|p|> (c + d) = (a <|p|> c) + (b <|p|> d).
rewrite !avgrE !scalerDr !addrA; congr add; rewrite -!addrA; congr add.
exact: addrC.
Lemma avgr_oppD p (x y: E) : - x <| p |> - y = - (x <| p |> y).

Lemma avgr_oppD p (x y : E) : - x <| p |> - y = - (x <| p |> y).
Proof. by rewrite avgrE 2!scalerN -opprD. Qed.
Lemma avgr_scalerDr p : right_distributive *:%R (fun x y: E => x <| p |> y).

Lemma avgr_scalerDr p : right_distributive *:%R (fun x y : E => x <| p |> y).
by move=> x ? ?; rewrite 2!avgrE scalerDr !scalerA; congr add; congr scale;
exact: mulrC.
Lemma avgR_scalerDl p :

Lemma avgr_scalerDl p :
left_distributive *:%R (fun x y : regular_lmodType R_ringType => x <|p|> y).
Proof. by move=> x ? ?; rewrite avgrE scalerDl -2!scalerA. Qed.

(* Introduce morphisms to prove avgnE *)
Import ScaledConvex.

Definition scaler x : E := if x is Scaled p y then (Rpos.v p) *: y else 0.

Lemma Scaled1rK : cancel (@S1 (_ E)) scaler.
Proof. by move=> x /=; rewrite scale1r. Qed.

Lemma scaler_addpt : {morph scaler : x y / addpt x y >-> (x + y)}.
move=> [p x|] [q y|] /=; rewrite ?(add0r,addr0) //.
Expand All @@ -1507,15 +1525,20 @@ rewrite -!(mulRC (/ _)%R) scalerDr !scalerA !mulrA.
have ->: (p + q)%R * (/ (p + q))%R = 1 by apply mulRV; last by apply Rpos_neq0.
by rewrite !mul1r (addRC p) addRK.

Lemma scaler0 : scaler Zero = 0. by []. Qed.

Lemma scaler_scalept r x : (0 <= r -> scaler (scalept r x) = r *: scaler x)%R.
case: x => [q y|]; last by rewrite scaleptR0 GRing.scaler0.
case=> r0. by rewrite scalept_gt0 /= scalerA.
by rewrite -r0 scalept0 scale0r.

Definition big_scaler := big_morph scaler scaler_addpt scaler0.

Definition avgnr n (g : 'I_n -> E) (e : {fdist 'I_n}) := \sum_(i < n) e i *: g i.

Lemma avgnrE n (g : 'I_n -> E) e : <|>_e g = avgnr g e.
rewrite -[LHS]Scaled1rK S1_convn big_scaler.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1708,77 +1731,89 @@ move/eqP: muE; rewrite big_ord_recl addr_eq0 => /eqP ->.
rewrite scalerN -scaleNr scaler_sumr -big_split; apply congr_big=>// i _.
by rewrite scalerA /= -scalerDl; congr scale; rewrite addrC mulNr ffunE.

End caratheodory.

Section linear_affine.
Open Scope ring_scope.
Variable E F: lmodType R.
Variable f: {linear E -> F}.
Variables (E F : lmodType R) (f : {linear E -> F}).
Import GRing.
Lemma linear_is_affine: affine f.

Let linear_is_affine: affine f.
Proof. by move=>p x y; rewrite linearD 2!linearZZ. Qed.

HB.instance Definition _ (*linear_affine*) := isAffine.Build _ _ _ linear_is_affine.

End linear_affine.

(* TOTHINK: Should we keep this section, only define R_convType, or something else ? *)
Section R_convex_space.
Implicit Types p q : prob.
Let avg p a b := (p * a + p.~ * b)%R.
Let avg1 a b : avg 1%:pr a b = a.
Proof. by rewrite /avg /= mul1R onem1 mul0R addR0. Qed.
Let avgI p x : avg p x x = x.
Proof. by rewrite /avg -mulRDl onemKC mul1R. Qed.
Let avgC p x y : avg p x y = avg p.~%:pr y x.
Proof. by rewrite /avg onemK addRC. Qed.

Let avg p (a b : [the lmodType R of R^o]) := a <| p |> b.

Let avgE p a b : avg p a b = (p * a + p.~ * b)%R.
Proof. by []. Qed.

Let avg1 a b : avg 1%:pr a b = a. Proof. by rewrite /avg conv1. Qed.

Let avgI p x : avg p x x = x. Proof. by rewrite /avg convmm. Qed.

Let avgC p x y : avg p x y = avg p.~%:pr y x. Proof. by rewrite /avg convC. Qed.

Let avgA p q (d0 d1 d2 : R) :
avg p d0 (avg q d1 d2) = avg [s_of p, q] (avg [r_of p, q] d0 d1) d2.
rewrite /avg /onem.
set s := [s_of p, q].
set r := [r_of p, q].
rewrite (mulRDr s) -addRA (mulRA s) (mulRC s); congr (_ + _)%R.
by rewrite (p_is_rs p q) -/s.
rewrite mulRDr (mulRA _ _ d2).
rewrite -/p.~ -/q.~ -/r.~ -/s.~.
rewrite {2}(s_of_pqE p q) onemK; congr (_ + _)%R.
rewrite 2!mulRA; congr (_ * _)%R.
by rewrite pq_is_rs -/r -/s mulRC.
Proof. by rewrite /avg convA. Qed.

HB.instance Definition _ (*R_convMixin*) := @isConvexSpace.Build R
(Choice.class _) _ avg1 avgI avgC avgA.
Lemma avgRE p (x y : R) : x <| p |> y = avg p x y. Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma avgRE p (x y : R) : x <| p |> y = (p * x + p.~ * y)%R. Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma avgR_oppD p x y : (- x <| p |> - y = - (x <| p |> y))%R.
Proof. by rewrite avgRE /avg 2!mulRN -oppRD. Qed.
Proof. exact: (@avgr_oppD [lmodType R of R^o]). Qed.

Lemma avgR_mulDr p : right_distributive Rmult (fun x y => x <| p |> y).
Proof. by move=> x ? ?; rewrite avgRE /avg mulRDr mulRCA (mulRCA x). Qed.
Proof. exact: (@avgr_scalerDr [lmodType R of R^o]). Qed.

Lemma avgR_mulDl p : left_distributive Rmult (fun x y => x <| p |> y).
Proof. by move=> x ? ?; rewrite avgRE /avg mulRDl -mulRA -(mulRA p.~). Qed.
Proof. exact: @avgr_scalerDl. Qed.

(* Introduce morphisms to prove avgnE *)
Import ScaledConvex.

Definition scaleR x : R := if x is p *: y then p * y else 0.

Lemma Scaled1RK : cancel (@S1 _) scaleR.
Proof. by move=> x /=; rewrite mul1R. Qed.

Lemma scaleR_addpt : {morph scaleR : x y / addpt x y >-> (x + y)%R}.
move=> [p x|] [q y|] /=; rewrite ?(add0R,addR0) //.
rewrite avgRE /avg /divRposxxy /= onem_div /Rdiv; last by apply Rpos_neq0.
rewrite -!(mulRC (/ _)%R) mulRDr !mulRA mulRV; last by apply Rpos_neq0.
by rewrite !mul1R (addRC p) addRK.

Lemma scaleR0 : scaleR Zero = R0. by []. Qed.

Lemma scaleR_scalept r x : (0 <= r -> scaleR (scalept r x) = r * scaleR x)%R.
case: x => [q y|]; last by rewrite scaleptR0 mulR0.
case=> r0. by rewrite scalept_gt0 /= mulRA.
by rewrite -r0 scalept0 mul0R.

Definition big_scaleR := big_morph scaleR scaleR_addpt scaleR0.

Definition avgnR n (g : 'I_n -> R) (e : {fdist 'I_n}) := (\sum_(i < n) e i * g i)%R.

Lemma avgnRE n (g : 'I_n -> R) e : <|>_e g = avgnR g e.
rewrite -[LHS]Scaled1RK S1_convn big_scaleR.
by apply eq_bigr => i _; rewrite scaleR_scalept // Scaled1RK.

End R_convex_space.

Section fun_convex_space.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2407,14 +2442,10 @@ exists n, (f \o g), d; split=>//.
by move=>y [i _ <-]; apply gZ; exists i.
End affine_function_image.
Section linear_function_image.
Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Variables T U : lmodType R.

(* TODO: rename, move to mathcomp *)
Lemma factorize_range (A B C : Type) (f : B -> C) (g : A -> C) :
range g `<=` range f ->
(range g `<=` range f)%classic ->
exists h : A -> B, g = f \o h.
move=> gf; have [h gfh] : {h & forall a, g a = f (h a)}.
Expand All @@ -2424,57 +2455,70 @@ move=> gf; have [h gfh] : {h & forall a, g a = f (h a)}.
by exists h; apply/funext => a; rewrite gfh.

(* TODO: move to mathcomp *)
Lemma preimage_add_ker (f: {linear T -> U}) (A: set U): ([set (a + b) | a in f @^-1` A & b in f @^-1` [set 0]] = f @^-1` A).
(* TODO: move to mathcomp-analysis *)
Lemma image2_subset {aT bT rT : Type} [f : aT -> bT -> rT] [A B: set aT] [C D : set bT] :
(A `<=` B)%classic -> (C `<=` D)%classic ->
([set f x y | x in A & y in C] `<=` [set f x y | x in B & y in D])%classic.
rewrite eqEsubset; split.
move=> x [a /= aA] [b /= bker] xe; subst x.
by rewrite GRing.linearD bker GRing.addr0.
move=> x /= fx.
exists x=>//.
by exists 0; [ apply GRing.linear0 | apply GRing.addr0 ].
move=> AB CD x [a aA [c cC xe]]; subst x; exists a; (try by apply AB).
by exists c; (try by apply CD).

(* TODO: move to mathcomp *)
Section linear_function_image.
Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Variables T U : lmodType R.

Lemma image2_subset {aT bT rT : Type} [f : aT -> bT -> rT] [A B: set aT] [C D : set bT]: (A `<=` B)%classic -> (C `<=` D)%classic -> ([set f x y | x in A & y in C] `<=` [set f x y | x in B & y in D])%classic.
(* TODO: move to mathcomp *)
Lemma preimage_add_ker (f : {linear T -> U}) (A: set U) :
[set a + b | a in f @^-1` A & b in f @^-1` [set 0]] = f @^-1` A.
by move=>AB CD x [a aA [c cC xe]]; subst x; exists a; (try by apply AB); exists c; (try by apply CD).
rewrite eqEsubset; split.
- move=> x [a /= aA] [b /= bker] xe; subst x.
by rewrite GRing.linearD bker GRing.addr0.
- move=> x /= fx; exists x=>//.
by exists 0; [ apply GRing.linear0 | apply GRing.addr0].

(* TODO: find how to speak about multilinear maps. *)
Lemma hull_add (A B: set T): hull [set a + b | a in A & b in B] = [set a + b | a in (hull A) & b in (hull B)].
Lemma hull_add (A B : set T) :
hull [set a + b | a in A & b in B] =
[set a + b | a in hull A & b in hull B].
rewrite eqEsubset; split.
have conv: is_convex_set [set a + b | a in hull A & b in hull B].
apply/asboolP=>x y p [ax axA] [bx bxB] <- [ay ayA] [by' byB] <-.
rewrite avgr_addD; exists (ax <|p|> ay).
by move: (hull_is_convex A)=>/asboolP; apply.
exists (bx <|p|> by')=>//.
by move: (hull_is_convex B)=>/asboolP; apply.
by apply (@hull_sub_convex _ _ (CSet.Pack (CSet.Mixin conv))), image2_subset; exact (@subset_hull _ _).
move=>x [a [na [ga [da [gaA ->]]]]] [b [nb [gb [db [gbB ->]]]]] <-.
rewrite avgnr_add.
exists (na * nb)%nat, (fun i => let (i, j) := split_prod i in ga i + gb j), (FDistMap.d (unsplit_prod (n:=nb)) da `x db); split=>// y [i _ <-].
by case: split_prod=>ia ib; exists (ga ia); [ by apply gaA; exists ia |]; exists (gb ib)=>//; apply gbB; exists ib.
- have conv : is_convex_set [set a + b | a in hull A & b in hull B].
apply/asboolP=>x y p [ax axA] [bx bxB] <- [ay ayA] [by' byB] <-.
rewrite avgr_addD; exists (ax <|p|> ay).
by move: (hull_is_convex A)=>/asboolP; apply.
exists (bx <|p|> by')=>//.
by move: (hull_is_convex B)=>/asboolP; apply.
apply (@hull_sub_convex _ _ (CSet.Pack (CSet.Mixin conv))), image2_subset;
exact (@subset_hull _ _).
- move=>x [a [na [ga [da [gaA ->]]]]] [b [nb [gb [db [gbB ->]]]]] <-.
rewrite avgnr_add.
exists (na * nb)%nat,
(fun i => let (i, j) := split_prod i in ga i + gb j),
(FDistMap.d (unsplit_prod (n:=nb)) da `x db); split=>// y [i _ <-].
by case: split_prod=>ia ib; exists (ga ia); [by apply gaA; exists ia |];
exists (gb ib)=>//; apply gbB; exists ib.

Import GRing.

Proposition preimage_preserves_convex_hull (f : {linear T -> U}) (Z : set U) :
Z `<=` range f -> f @^-1` (hull Z) = hull (f @^-1` Z).
rewrite eqEsubset=>Zf; split.
2: by apply preimage_subset_convex_hull.
rewrite eqEsubset=>Zf; split; last by apply preimage_subset_convex_hull.
move=>x [n [g [d [gZ fx]]]].
move: Zf=>/(subset_trans gZ)/factorize_range [h ge]; subst g.
rewrite -preimage_add_ker hull_add.
exists (<|>_d h).
by exists n, h, d; split=>// y [z _ <-] /=; apply gZ; exists z.
exists (x-<|>_d h).
exists (x - <|>_d h).
by apply subset_hull=>/=; rewrite linearB affine_function_Sum fx subrr.
by rewrite addrC -addrA [-_+_]addrC subrr addr0.

End linear_function_image.

Section R_affine_function_prop.
Expand Down

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