From 3c040cad11972676a514cbd368a72fbb0b8bb8c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Takafumi Saikawa Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 02:55:49 +0900 Subject: [PATCH] fsdist.v --- lib/realType_ext.v | 15 ++ probability/fdist.v | 2 +- probability/fsdist.v | 360 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- robust/weightedmean.v | 10 -- 4 files changed, 206 insertions(+), 181 deletions(-) diff --git a/lib/realType_ext.v b/lib/realType_ext.v index fca088ea..01f875e4 100644 --- a/lib/realType_ext.v +++ b/lib/realType_ext.v @@ -34,6 +34,21 @@ Import Prenex Implicits. Import Order.POrderTheory Order.TotalTheory GRing.Theory Num.Theory. +(* TODO: move to "mathcomp_extra.v" *) +Section num_ext. +Local Open Scope ring_scope. +(* analogs of ssrR.(pmulR_lgt0', pmulR_rgt0') *) +Lemma wpmulr_lgt0 (R : numDomainType) (x y : R) : 0 <= x -> 0 < y * x -> 0 < y. +Proof. +rewrite le_eqVlt=> /orP [/eqP <- |]. + by rewrite mulr0 ltxx. +by move/pmulr_lgt0->. +Qed. + +Lemma wpmulr_rgt0 (R : numDomainType) (x y : R) : 0 <= x -> 0 < x * y -> 0 < y. +Proof. by rewrite mulrC; exact: wpmulr_lgt0. Qed. +End num_ext. + (* TODO: gen, call is divr_eq? *) Lemma eqr_divr_mulr {R : realType} (z x y : R) : z != 0%mcR -> (y / z = x)%mcR <-> (y = x * z)%mcR. Proof. diff --git a/probability/fdist.v b/probability/fdist.v index 7dd26945..db80c4f1 100644 --- a/probability/fdist.v +++ b/probability/fdist.v @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Require Import ssrR logb realType_ext ssr_ext ssralg_ext bigop_ext. (* *) (* f @^-1 y == preimage of the point y via the function f where the *) (* type of x is an eqType *) -(* R.-fdist A} == the type of distributions over a finType A *) +(* R.-fdist A == the type of distributions over a finType A *) (* fdist_supp d := [set a | d a != 0] *) (* fdist1 == point-supported distribution *) (* fdistbind == of type fdist A -> (A -> fdist B) -> fdist B *) diff --git a/probability/fsdist.v b/probability/fsdist.v index 0839f539..dc74bb0d 100644 --- a/probability/fsdist.v +++ b/probability/fsdist.v @@ -3,11 +3,10 @@ From HB Require Import structures. From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum. From mathcomp Require Import finmap. -Require Import Reals. From mathcomp Require Import mathcomp_extra. -From mathcomp Require Import classical_sets boolp cardinality Rstruct reals. -From mathcomp Require Import ereal topology esum measure probability. -Require Import ssrR realType_ext Reals_ext ssr_ext ssralg_ext. +From mathcomp Require Import classical_sets boolp cardinality reals Rstruct. +From mathcomp Require ereal topology esum measure probability. +Require Import realType_ext Reals_ext ssr_ext ssralg_ext. Require Import bigop_ext fdist convex. (******************************************************************************) @@ -46,23 +45,17 @@ Require Import bigop_ext fdist convex. (******************************************************************************) Reserved Notation "{ 'dist' T }" (at level 0, format "{ 'dist' T }"). +Reserved Notation "R '.-dist' T" (at level 2, format "R '.-dist' T"). Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Import Prenex Implicits. -Local Open Scope R_scope. Local Open Scope fset_scope. Local Open Scope fdist_scope. +Local Open Scope ring_scope. -Import Order.POrderTheory Num.Theory. - -Lemma fdist_Rgt0 (A : finType) (d : R.-fdist A) a : - (d a != 0) <-> (0 < d a)%coqR. -Proof. by rewrite fdist_gt0; split=> /RltP. Qed. -Lemma fdist_Rge0 (A : finType) (d : R.-fdist A) a : - 0 <= d a. -Proof. by apply/RleP; rewrite FDist.ge0. Qed. +Import Order.POrderTheory GRing.Theory Num.Theory. (* NB: PR to finmap in progress *) Lemma bigfcup_imfset (T I : choiceType) (P : {fset I}) (f : I -> T) : @@ -92,26 +85,24 @@ Arguments fbig_pred1_inj [R] [idx] [op] [A] [C] [h] [k]. Module FSDist. Section fsdist. +Variable R : realType. Variable A : choiceType. Record t := mk { f :> {fsfun A -> R with 0} ; - _ : all (fun x => (0 < f x)%mcR) (finsupp f) && + _ : all (fun x => 0 < f x) (finsupp f) && \sum_(a <- finsupp f) f a == 1}. Lemma ge0 (d : t) a : 0 <= d a. Proof. case: d => /= [f /andP[/allP f0 _]]. -have [/f0/RltP/ltRW|/fsfun_dflt->] := boolP (a \in finsupp f); first exact. -by apply/RleP; rewrite lexx. +have [/f0/ltW//|/fsfun_dflt->] := boolP (a \in finsupp f). +exact: lexx. Qed. -Lemma ge0' (d : t) a : (0 <= d a)%mcR. -Proof. by apply/RleP/ge0. Qed. - Lemma gt0 (d : t) a : a \in finsupp d -> 0 < d a. Proof. -by rewrite mem_finsupp => da; apply/RltP; rewrite lt0r da; exact/RleP/ge0. +by rewrite mem_finsupp => da; rewrite lt0r da; exact/ge0. Qed. Lemma f1 (d : t) : \sum_(a <- finsupp d) d a = 1. @@ -120,20 +111,17 @@ Proof. by case: d => f /= /andP[_ /eqP]. Qed. Lemma le1 (d : t) a : d a <= 1. Proof. have [ad|?] := boolP (a \in finsupp d); last by rewrite fsfun_dflt. -rewrite -(f1 d) (big_fsetD1 _ ad)/=; apply/leR_addl. -by apply/RleP/sumr_ge0 => ? _; exact/RleP/ge0. +rewrite -(f1 d) (big_fsetD1 _ ad)/=; rewrite lerDl. +by apply/sumr_ge0 => ? _; exact/ge0. Qed. -Lemma le1' (d : t) a : (d a <= 1)%mcR. -Proof. by apply/RleP/le1. Qed. - Obligation Tactic := idtac. Program Definition make (f : {fsfun A -> R with 0}) (H0 : forall a, a \in finsupp f -> 0 < f a) (H1 : \sum_(a <- finsupp f) f a = 1) : t := @mk f _. Next Obligation. -by move=> f H0 ->; rewrite eqxx andbT; apply/allP => a /H0/RltP. +by move=> f H0 ->; rewrite eqxx andbT; apply/allP => a /H0. Qed. End fsdist. @@ -142,34 +130,40 @@ Notation fsdist := FSDist.t. Coercion FSDist.f : FSDist.t >-> fsfun. Global Hint Resolve FSDist.ge0 : core. +Hint Extern 0 (is_true (0 <= _)) => solve [exact: FSDist.ge0] : core. +Hint Extern 0 (is_true (_ <= 1)) => solve [exact: FSDist.le1] : core. Section FSDist_canonical. +Context {R : realType}. Variable A : choiceType. -HB.instance Definition _ := [isSub for @FSDist.f A]. -HB.instance Definition _ := [Equality of fsdist A by <:]. -HB.instance Definition _ := [Choice of fsdist A by <:]. +HB.instance Definition _ := [isSub for @FSDist.f R A]. +HB.instance Definition _ := [Equality of fsdist R A by <:]. +HB.instance Definition _ := [Choice of fsdist R A by <:]. End FSDist_canonical. (*Definition FSDist_to_Type (A : choiceType) := fun phT : phant (Choice.sort A) => fsdist A. Local Notation "{ 'dist' T }" := (FSDist_to_Type (Phant T)).*) -Local Notation "{ 'dist' T }" := (fsdist T). +Notation "R '.-dist' T" := (fsdist R T%type). +Local Notation "{ 'dist' T }" := (fsdist Rdefinitions.R T%type). Section fsdist_prop. +Context {R : realType}. Variable A : choiceType. -Lemma fsdist_ext (d d' : {dist A}) : (forall x, d x = d' x) -> d = d'. +Lemma fsdist_ext (d d' : R.-dist A) : (forall x, d x = d' x) -> d = d'. Proof. by move=> ?; exact/val_inj/fsfunP. Qed. -Lemma fsdist_supp_neq0 (d : {dist A}) : finsupp d != fset0. +Lemma fsdist_supp_neq0 (d : R.-dist A) : finsupp d != fset0. Proof. apply/eqP => d0. -by move: (FSDist.f1 d); rewrite d0 big_nil => /esym; exact: R1_neq_R0. +by move: (FSDist.f1 d); rewrite d0 big_nil => /esym; exact/eqP/oner_neq0. Qed. End fsdist_prop. Section fsdist1. +Context {R : realType}. Variables (A : choiceType) (a : A). Let D := [fset a]. @@ -179,7 +173,7 @@ Let f : {fsfun A -> R with 0} := [fsfun b in D => 1 | 0]. Let suppf : finsupp f = D. Proof. apply/fsetP => b; rewrite mem_finsupp /f fsfunE inE. -by case: ifPn => ba; [exact/gtR_eqF | by rewrite eqxx]. +by case: ifPn=> ba; rewrite ?oner_neq0 ?eqxx. Qed. Let f0 b : b \in finsupp f -> 0 < f b. @@ -188,7 +182,8 @@ Proof. by rewrite mem_finsupp fsfunE inE; case: ifPn => //; rewrite eqxx. Qed. Let f1 : \sum_(b <- finsupp f) f b = 1. Proof. by rewrite suppf big_seq_fset1 /f fsfunE inE eqxx. Qed. -Definition fsdist1 : {dist A} := locked (FSDist.make f0 f1). +(* TODO simpl never *) +Definition fsdist1 : R.-dist A := locked (FSDist.make f0 f1). Lemma fsdist1E a0 : fsdist1 a0 = if a0 \in D then 1 else 0. Proof. by rewrite /fsdist1; unlock; rewrite fsfunE. Qed. @@ -206,15 +201,16 @@ Proof. by move=> a0a; rewrite fsdist1E /D inE (negbTE a0a). Qed. End fsdist1. -Lemma fsdist1_inj (C : choiceType) : injective (@fsdist1 C). +Lemma fsdist1_inj {R : realType} (C : choiceType) : injective (@fsdist1 R C). Proof. move=> a b /eqP ab; apply/eqP; apply: contraTT ab => ab. -apply/eqP => /(congr1 (fun x : FSDist.t _ => x a)). -rewrite !fsdist1E !inE eqxx (negbTE ab); exact: R1_neq_R0. +apply/eqP => /(congr1 (fun x : FSDist.t R _ => x a)). +by rewrite !fsdist1E !inE eqxx (negbTE ab); exact/eqP/oner_neq0. Qed. Section fsdistbind. -Variables (A B : choiceType) (p : {dist A}) (g : A -> {dist B}). +Context {R : realType}. +Variables (A B : choiceType) (p : R.-dist A) (g : A -> R.-dist B). Let D := \bigcup_(d <- g @` finsupp p) finsupp d. @@ -223,9 +219,9 @@ Let f : {fsfun B -> R with 0} := Let f0 b : b \in finsupp f -> 0 < f b. Proof. -rewrite mem_finsupp fsfunE; case: ifPn => [_ /eqP/nesym ?|]; last by rewrite eqxx. -rewrite ltR_neqAle; split => //; apply/RleP/sumr_ge0 => a _. -by rewrite mulr_ge0//; exact/RleP. +rewrite mem_finsupp fsfunE; case: ifPn => [_ H|]; last by rewrite eqxx. +rewrite lt_neqAle [X in ~~ X && _]eq_sym H /= sumr_ge0 // => *. +exact:mulr_ge0. Qed. Let f1 : \sum_(b <- finsupp f) f b = 1. @@ -234,11 +230,11 @@ rewrite {2}/f. under eq_bigr do rewrite fsfunE. rewrite -big_mkcond /= exchange_big /=. rewrite -[RHS](FSDist.f1 p); apply eq_bigr => a _. -have [->|pa0] := eqVneq (p a) 0%coqR. - by rewrite big1 // => *; rewrite mul0R. -rewrite -big_distrr /= (_ : \sum_(_ <- _ | _) _ = 1) ?mulR1 //. +have [->|pa0] := eqVneq (p a) 0. + by rewrite big1 // => *; rewrite mul0r. +rewrite -big_distrr /= (_ : \sum_(_ <- _ | _) _ = 1) ?mulr1 //. rewrite (bigID (mem (finsupp (g a)))) /=. -rewrite [X in (_ + X)%coqR = _]big1 ?addR0; last first. +rewrite [X in _ + X = _]big1 ?addr0; last first. by move=> b /andP[_]; rewrite memNfinsupp => /eqP. rewrite (eq_bigl (fun i => i \in finsupp (g a))); last first. move=> b; rewrite andb_idl // mem_finsupp => gab0. @@ -252,14 +248,13 @@ rewrite mem_filter 2!mem_finsupp gab0 /= /f fsfunE ifT; last first. apply/bigfcupP; exists (g a); rewrite ?mem_finsupp // andbT. by apply/imfsetP; exists a => //; rewrite mem_finsupp. apply: contra gab0; rewrite psumr_eq0; last first. - by move=> a0 _; rewrite RmultE mulr_ge0//; exact/RleP. + by move=> a0 _; rewrite mulr_ge0//. move=> /allP H. -suff : p a * g a b = 0. - by rewrite mulR_eq0 => -[/eqP|->//]; rewrite (negbTE pa0). -by apply/eqP/H; rewrite mem_finsupp. +suff : p a * g a b == 0 by rewrite mulrI_eq0 //; apply/lregP. +by apply/H; rewrite mem_finsupp. Qed. -Definition fsdistbind : {dist B} := locked (FSDist.make f0 f1). +Definition fsdistbind : R.-dist B := locked (FSDist.make f0 f1). Lemma fsdistbindEcond x : fsdistbind x = if x \in D then \sum_(a <- finsupp p) p a * (g a) x else 0. @@ -270,18 +265,18 @@ Proof. rewrite fsdistbindEcond. case: ifPn => // aD. apply/eqP; move: aD; apply: contraLR. -rewrite eq_sym negbK sumR_neq0; last by move=> ?; exact: mulR_ge0. -case => i [] suppi pg0. +rewrite eq_sym negbK psumr_neq0; last by move=> *; exact: mulr_ge0. +case/hasP => i [] suppi /= pg0. apply/bigfcupP; exists (g i). - by rewrite in_imfset. -- by rewrite mem_finsupp; apply/gtR_eqF/(pmulR_rgt0' pg0). +- by rewrite mem_finsupp gt_eqF // (wpmulr_rgt0 _ pg0). Qed. Lemma fsdistbindEwiden S x : finsupp p `<=` S -> fsdistbind x = \sum_(a <- S) p a * (g a) x. Proof. move=> suppS; rewrite fsdistbindE (big_fset_incl _ suppS) //. -by move=> a2 Ha2; rewrite memNfinsupp => /eqP ->; rewrite mul0R. +by move=> a2 Ha2; rewrite memNfinsupp => /eqP ->; rewrite mul0r. Qed. Lemma supp_fsdistbind : finsupp fsdistbind = D. @@ -290,14 +285,9 @@ apply/fsetP => b; rewrite mem_finsupp; apply/idP/idP => [|]. by rewrite fsdistbindEcond; case: ifPn => //; rewrite eqxx. case/bigfcupP => dB. rewrite andbT => /imfsetP[a] /= ap ->{dB} bga. -rewrite fsdistbindE. -apply/eqP => H. -have : p a * g a b <> 0. - by rewrite mulR_eq0 => -[]; apply/eqP; rewrite -mem_finsupp. -apply. -move/eqP : H; rewrite psumr_eq0; last first. - by move=> a0 _; rewrite RmultE mulr_ge0//; exact/RleP. -by move=> /allP H; exact/eqP/H. +rewrite fsdistbindE psumr_neq0; last by move=> *; exact/mulr_ge0. +apply/hasP; exists a=> //=. +by rewrite mulr_gt0 // FSDist.gt0. Qed. End fsdistbind. @@ -308,50 +298,53 @@ Reserved Notation "m >>= f" (at level 49). Notation "m >>= f" := (fsdistbind m f) : fsdist_scope. Local Open Scope fsdist_scope. -Lemma fsdist1bind (A B : choiceType) (a : A) (f : A -> {dist B}) : +Section fsdist_lemmas. +Context {R : realType}. + +Lemma fsdist1bind (A B : choiceType) (a : A) (f : A -> R.-dist B) : fsdist1 a >>= f = f a. Proof. apply/val_inj/val_inj => /=; congr fmap_of_fsfun; apply/fsfunP => b. -by rewrite fsdistbindE supp_fsdist1 big_seq_fset1 fsdist1xx mul1R. +by rewrite fsdistbindE supp_fsdist1 big_seq_fset1 fsdist1xx mul1r. Qed. -Lemma fsdistbind1 (A : choiceType) (p : {dist A}) : p >>= @fsdist1 A = p. +Lemma fsdistbind1 (A : choiceType) (p : R.-dist A) : p >>= @fsdist1 R A = p. Proof. apply/val_inj/val_inj => /=; congr fmap_of_fsfun; apply/fsfunP => b. rewrite fsdistbindEcond; case: ifPn => [|H]. case/bigfcupP => /= d; rewrite andbT. case/imfsetP => /= a ap ->{d}. rewrite supp_fsdist1 inE => /eqP ->{b}. - rewrite (big_fsetD1 a) //= fsdist1xx mulR1 big1_fset ?addR0 // => a0. - by rewrite !inE => /andP[aa0] a0p _; rewrite fsdist10 ?mulR0// eq_sym. -have [->//|pb0] := eqVneq (p b) 0%coqR. + rewrite (big_fsetD1 a) //= fsdist1xx mulr1 big1_fset ?addr0 // => a0. + by rewrite !inE => /andP[aa0] a0p _; rewrite fsdist10 ?mulr0// eq_sym. +have [->//|pb0] := eqVneq (p b) 0. case/bigfcupP : H. exists (fsdist1 b); last by rewrite supp_fsdist1 inE. by rewrite andbT; apply/imfsetP; exists b => //=; rewrite mem_finsupp. Qed. -Lemma fsdistbindA (A B C : choiceType) (m : {dist A}) (f : A -> {dist B}) - (g : B -> {dist C}) : +Lemma fsdistbindA (A B C : choiceType) (m : R.-dist A) (f : A -> R.-dist B) + (g : B -> R.-dist C) : (m >>= f) >>= g = m >>= (fun x => f x >>= g). Proof. apply/val_inj/val_inj => /=; congr fmap_of_fsfun; apply/fsfunP => c. rewrite !fsdistbindE. under eq_bigr do rewrite fsdistbindE big_distrl. under [in RHS]eq_bigr do - (rewrite fsdistbindE big_distrr /=; under eq_bigr do rewrite mulRA). + (rewrite fsdistbindE big_distrr /=; under eq_bigr do rewrite mulrA). rewrite exchange_big /= !big_seq; apply: eq_bigr => a a_m. rewrite supp_fsdistbind; apply/esym/big_fset_incl => [| b]. apply/fsubsetP => ? ?; apply/bigfcupP => /=. by exists (f a) => //; rewrite andbT in_imfset. case/bigfcupP => ?; rewrite andbT; case/imfsetP => ? /= ? -> ?. rewrite mem_finsupp negbK => /eqP ->. -by rewrite mulR0 mul0R. +by rewrite mulr0 mul0r. Qed. -Definition fsdistmap (A B : choiceType) (f : A -> B) (d : {dist A}) : {dist B} := +Definition fsdistmap (A B : choiceType) (f : A -> B) (d : R.-dist A) : R.-dist B := d >>= (fun a => fsdist1 (f a)). -Lemma fsdistmap_id (A : choiceType) : fsdistmap (@id A) = @id {dist A}. +Lemma fsdistmap_id (A : choiceType) : fsdistmap (@id A) = @id (R.-dist A). Proof. by rewrite boolp.funeqE => a; rewrite /fsdistmap fsdistbind1. Qed. Lemma fsdistmap_comp (A B C : choiceType) (g : B -> C) (h : A -> B) : @@ -361,13 +354,13 @@ rewrite boolp.funeqE => d; rewrite /fsdistmap /= fsdistbindA; congr (_ >>= _). by rewrite boolp.funeqE => a; rewrite fsdist1bind. Qed. -Definition fsdistmapE (A B : choiceType) (f : A -> B) (d : {dist A}) b : +Definition fsdistmapE (A B : choiceType) (f : A -> B) (d : R.-dist A) b : fsdistmap f d b = \sum_(a <- finsupp d | f a == b) d a. Proof. rewrite {1}/fsdistmap [in LHS]fsdistbindE (bigID (fun a => f a == b)) /=. -rewrite [X in (_ + X)%R = _](_ : _ = 0) ?addR0; last first. - by rewrite big1 // => a fab; rewrite fsdist10 ?mulR0// eq_sym. -by apply eq_bigr => a /eqP ->; rewrite fsdist1xx mulR1. +rewrite [X in (_ + X)%R = _](_ : _ = 0) ?addr0; last first. + by rewrite big1 // => a fab; rewrite fsdist10 ?mulr0// eq_sym. +by apply eq_bigr => a /eqP ->; rewrite fsdist1xx mulr1. Qed. Lemma supp_fsdistmap (A B : choiceType) (f : A -> B) d : @@ -386,8 +379,8 @@ Lemma fsdistmap1 (A B : choiceType) (f : A -> B) x : fsdistmap f (fsdist1 x) = fsdist1 (f x). Proof. by rewrite /fsdistmap fsdist1bind. Qed. -Lemma fsdist1map (C : choiceType) (d : {dist C}) (c : C) : - fsdistmap (@fsdist1 C) d (fsdist1 c) = d c. +Lemma fsdist1map (C : choiceType) (d : R.-dist C) (c : C) : + fsdistmap (@fsdist1 R C) d (fsdist1 c) = d c. Proof. rewrite fsdistmapE. case/boolP: (c \in finsupp d)=> ifd. @@ -399,39 +392,41 @@ rewrite big_seq_cond big_pred0; last first. by rewrite fsfun_dflt. Qed. -Local Open Scope reals_ext_scope. -Lemma fsdist_suppD1 (C : choiceType) (d : {dist C}) (x : C) : +Lemma fsdist_suppD1 (C : choiceType) (d : R.-dist C) (x : C) : \sum_(i <- finsupp d `\ x) d i = (d x).~. Proof. -rewrite -subR_eq0. -rewrite RminusE subr_onem -RplusE -RoppE -R1E addR_opp -RplusE. +apply/eqP; rewrite -subr_eq0 subr_onem. case/boolP: (x \in finsupp d)=> xfd. - by rewrite addRC -big_fsetD1 //= FSDist.f1 subRR. -by rewrite fsfun_dflt // mem_fsetD1 // FSDist.f1 addR0 subRR. + by rewrite [X in X - 1]addrC -big_fsetD1 //= FSDist.f1 subrr. +by rewrite fsfun_dflt // mem_fsetD1 // FSDist.f1 addr0 subrr. Qed. -Local Close Scope reals_ext_scope. -Definition FSDist_prob (C : choiceType) (d : {dist C}) (x : C) : {prob R} := - Eval hnf in Prob.mk_ (andb_true_intro (conj (FSDist.ge0' d x) (FSDist.le1' d x))). +(*TODO Local Close Scope reals_ext_scope.*) + +Definition FSDist_prob (C : choiceType) (d : R.-dist C) (x : C) : {prob R} := + Eval hnf in Prob.mk_ (andb_true_intro (conj (FSDist.ge0 d x) (FSDist.le1 d x))). Canonical FSDist_prob. -Definition fsdistjoin A (D : {dist {dist A}}) : {dist A} := +Definition fsdistjoin A (D : R.-dist (R.-dist A)) : R.-dist A := D >>= -Lemma fsdistjoinE A (D : {dist {dist A}}) x : +Lemma fsdistjoinE A (D : R.-dist (R.-dist A)) x : fsdistjoin D x = \sum_(d <- finsupp D) D d * d x. Proof. by rewrite /fsdistjoin fsdistbindE. Qed. -Lemma fsdistjoin1 (A : choiceType) (D : {dist {dist A}}) : +Lemma fsdistjoin1 (A : choiceType) (D : R.-dist (R.-dist A)) : fsdistjoin (fsdist1 D) = D. Proof. apply/fsdist_ext => d. -by rewrite fsdistjoinE supp_fsdist1 big_imfset // big_seq1 fsdist1xx mul1R. +by rewrite fsdistjoinE supp_fsdist1 big_imfset // big_seq1 fsdist1xx mul1r. Qed. +End fsdist_lemmas. + Module FSDist_crop0. Section def. -Variables (A : choiceType) (P : {dist A}). +Context {R : realType}. +Variables (A : choiceType) (P : R.-dist A). Definition D := [fset a : finsupp P | true]. Definition f' : {ffun finsupp P -> R} := [ffun a => P (fsval a)]. Definition f : {fsfun finsupp P -> R with 0} := [fsfun x in D => f' x | 0]. @@ -452,14 +447,15 @@ rewrite (reindex h) /=. by exists (@fsval _ _) => //= -[a] *; exact: val_inj. Qed. -Definition d : {dist finsupp P} := FSDist.make f0 f1. +Definition d : R.-dist (finsupp P) := FSDist.make f0 f1. End def. End FSDist_crop0. Module FSDist_lift_supp. Section def. -Variables (A B : choiceType) (r : A -> B) (P : {dist B}) +Context {R : realType}. +Variables (A B : choiceType) (r : A -> B) (P : R.-dist B) (s : B -> A) (H : cancel s r). Definition D := [fset s b | b in finsupp P]. @@ -492,7 +488,7 @@ apply/eqP; case: ifPn => //; apply: contraNT => Pi0. by apply/imfsetP => /=; exists i => //; rewrite mem_finsupp eq_sym. Qed. -Definition d : {dist A} := locked (FSDist.make f0 f1). +Definition d : R.-dist A := locked (FSDist.make f0 f1). Lemma dE a : d a = if a \in [fset s b | b in finsupp P] then P (r a) else 0. Proof. by rewrite /d; unlock => /=; rewrite fsfunE. Qed. @@ -502,6 +498,7 @@ End FSDist_lift_supp. Module FSDist_of_fdist. Section def. +Context {R : realType}. Variable (A : finType) (P : R.-fdist A). Let D := [fset a0 : A | P a0 != 0]. @@ -510,13 +507,13 @@ Definition f : {fsfun A -> R with 0} := [fsfun a in D => P a | 0]. Let f0 a : a \in finsupp f -> 0 < f a. Proof. rewrite fsfunE mem_finsupp /f fsfunE. -case: ifPn => [_|]; by [rewrite fdist_Rgt0 | rewrite eqxx]. +case: ifPn => [_|]; by [rewrite fdist_gt0 | rewrite eqxx]. Qed. Let f1 : \sum_(a <- finsupp f) f a = 1. Proof. rewrite -[RHS](FDist.f1 P) [in RHS](bigID (mem (finsupp f))) /=. -rewrite [in X in _ = (_ + X)%coqR]big1 ?addR0; last first. +rewrite [in X in _ = (_ + X)]big1 ?addr0; last first. move=> a; rewrite memNfinsupp fsfunE !inE /=. by case: ifPn => [_ /eqP //|]; rewrite negbK => /eqP. rewrite (@eq_fbigr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P) /=; last first. @@ -525,13 +522,14 @@ rewrite (@eq_fbigr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P) /=; last first. exact/big_uniq/fset_uniq. Qed. -Definition d : {dist A} := FSDist.make f0 f1. +Definition d : R.-dist A := FSDist.make f0 f1. End def. End FSDist_of_fdist. Module fdist_of_FSDist. Section def. -Variable (A : choiceType) (P : {dist A}). +Context {R : realType}. +Variable (A : choiceType) (P : R.-dist A). Definition D := finsupp P : finType. Definition f := [ffun d : D => P (fsval d)]. Lemma f0 b : 0 <= f b. Proof. by rewrite ffunE. Qed. @@ -539,10 +537,8 @@ Lemma f1 : \sum_(b in D) f b = 1. Proof. rewrite -(FSDist.f1 P) big_seq_fsetE /=; apply eq_bigr => a; by rewrite ffunE. Qed. -Lemma f0' b : (0 <= f b)%O. (* TODO: we shouldn't see %O *) -Proof. exact/RleP/f0. Qed. -Definition d : R.-fdist D := locked (FDist.make f0' f1). +Definition d : R.-fdist D := locked (FDist.make f0 f1). End def. Module Exports. Notation fdist_of_fs := d. @@ -551,7 +547,8 @@ End fdist_of_FSDist. Export fdist_of_FSDist.Exports. Section fdist_of_FSDist_lemmas. -Variable (A : choiceType) (d : {dist A}). +Context {R : realType}. +Variable (A : choiceType) (d : R.-dist A). Lemma fdist_of_fsE i : fdist_of_fs d i = d (fsval i). Proof. by rewrite /fdist_of_fs; unlock; rewrite ffunE. Qed. @@ -563,22 +560,21 @@ End fdist_of_FSDist_lemmas. Module fdist_of_finFSDist. Section def. -Variable (A : finType) (P : {dist A}). +Context {R : realType}. +Variable (A : finType) (P : R.-dist A). Definition f := [ffun d : A => P d]. Lemma f0 b : 0 <= f b. Proof. by rewrite ffunE. Qed. -Lemma f0' b : (0 <= f b)%O. Proof. exact/RleP/f0. Qed. - Lemma f1 : \sum_(b in A) f b = 1. Proof. rewrite -(FSDist.f1 P) (bigID (fun x => x \in finsupp P)) /=. -rewrite [X in (_ + X = _)%coqR](_ : _ = 0) ?addR0. +rewrite [X in (_ + X = _)](_ : _ = 0) ?addr0. by rewrite big_uniq /= ?fset_uniq //; apply eq_bigr => i _; rewrite ffunE. by rewrite big1 // => a; rewrite mem_finsupp negbK ffunE => /eqP. Qed. -Definition d : R.-fdist A := locked (FDist.make f0' f1). +Definition d : R.-fdist A := locked (FDist.make f0 f1). Lemma dE a : d a = P a. Proof. by rewrite /d; unlock; rewrite ffunE. Qed. @@ -591,8 +587,10 @@ End fdist_of_finFSDist. Export fdist_of_finFSDist.Exports. Section fsdist_conv_def. -Variables (A : choiceType) (p : {prob R}) (d1 d2 : {dist A}). -Local Open Scope reals_ext_scope. +Local Notation R := (Rdefinitions.R : realType). +(*TODO: Context {R : realType}.*) +Variables (A : choiceType) (p : {prob R}) (d1 d2 : R.-dist A). +(*Local Open Scope reals_ext_scope.*) Local Open Scope convex_scope. Let D : {fset A} := @@ -606,47 +604,47 @@ Let supp : finsupp f = D. Proof. apply/fsetP => a; rewrite /f /D. case: ifPn; [|case: ifPn]; - rewrite !mem_finsupp fsfunE ?inE !mem_finsupp avgRE. + rewrite !mem_finsupp fsfunE ?inE !mem_finsupp avgRE !ssrR.coqRE. - move/eqP => -> /=. - rewrite onem0 mul1R mul0R add0R. + rewrite onem0 mul1r mul0r add0r. by case: ifP => //; rewrite eqxx. - move/eqP => -> /=. - rewrite onem1 mul1R mul0R addR0. + rewrite onem1 mul1r mul0r addr0. by case: ifP => //; rewrite eqxx. - move => /[swap] /prob_gt0 p0 /onem_neq0 /prob_gt0 /= p1. case:ifPn; last by rewrite eqxx. - by move => /orP[dj0|ej0]; apply/gtR_eqF; - [apply/addR_gt0wl; last exact/mulR_ge0; - apply/mulR_gt0 => //; apply/ltR_neqAle; split => //; apply/nesym/eqP => //; rewrite gt_eqF | - apply/addR_gt0wr; first exact/mulR_ge0; - apply/mulR_gt0 => //; apply/ltR_neqAle; split => //; apply/nesym/eqP => //; rewrite gt_eqF]. + move => /orP[dj0|ej0]; rewrite gt_eqF //. + apply/ltr_pwDl; last exact/mulr_ge0. + by rewrite mulr_gt0 // lt_neqAle eq_sym dj0 /=. + apply/ltr_pwDr; last exact/mulr_ge0. + by rewrite mulr_gt0 // lt_neqAle eq_sym ej0 /=. Qed. Let f0 a : a \in finsupp f -> 0 < f a. Proof. move => /[dup]; rewrite {1}supp => aD. -rewrite /f ltR_neqAle mem_finsupp eq_sym => /eqP ?; split => //. -rewrite /f fsfunE avgRE aD. -by apply/RleP; rewrite RplusE !RmultE addr_ge0// mulr_ge0//. +rewrite /f lt_neqAle mem_finsupp eq_sym => -> /=. +rewrite /f fsfunE avgRE !ssrR.coqRE aD. +by rewrite !addr_ge0. Qed. Let f1 : \sum_(a <- finsupp f) f a = 1. Proof. under eq_big_seq => b /[!supp] bD do rewrite /f fsfunE bD. -rewrite supp; under eq_bigr do rewrite avgRE. +rewrite supp; under eq_bigr do rewrite avgRE !ssrR.coqRE. rewrite /D; case: ifPn; [|case: ifPn]. -- by move/eqP ->; under eq_bigr do rewrite onem0 mul0R mul1R add0R; rewrite FSDist.f1. -- by move/eqP ->; under eq_bigr do rewrite onem1 mul0R mul1R addR0; rewrite FSDist.f1. +- by move/eqP ->; under eq_bigr do rewrite onem0 mul0r mul1r add0r; rewrite FSDist.f1. +- by move/eqP ->; under eq_bigr do rewrite onem1 mul0r mul1r addr0; rewrite FSDist.f1. - move=> /prob_lt1 p1 /prob_gt0 p0. rewrite big_split /=. rewrite -(big_fset_incl _ (fsubsetUl (finsupp d1) (finsupp d2))); last first. - by move=> a _; rewrite mem_finsupp negbK => /eqP ->; rewrite mulR0. + by move=> a _; rewrite mem_finsupp negbK => /eqP ->; rewrite mulr0. rewrite -(big_fset_incl _ (fsubsetUr (finsupp d1) (finsupp d2))); last first. - by move=> a _; rewrite mem_finsupp negbK => /eqP ->; rewrite mulR0. -by rewrite -!big_distrr !FSDist.f1 /= !RmultE !GRing.mulr1 RplusE onemKC. + by move=> a _; rewrite mem_finsupp negbK => /eqP ->; rewrite mulr0. +by rewrite -!big_distrr !FSDist.f1 /= !mulr1 onemKC. Qed. -Definition fsdist_conv : {dist A} := locked (FSDist.make f0 f1). +Definition fsdist_conv : R.-dist A := locked (FSDist.make f0 f1). Lemma fsdist_convE a : fsdist_conv a = d1 a <| p |> d2 a. Proof. @@ -665,9 +663,11 @@ Proof. by rewrite /fsdist_conv -lock supp. Qed. End fsdist_conv_def. Section fsdist_convType. +Local Notation R := (Rdefinitions.R : realType). +(*Context {R : realType}.*) Variables (A : choiceType). -Implicit Types (p q : {prob R}) (a b c : {dist A}). -Local Open Scope reals_ext_scope. +Implicit Types (p q : {prob R}) (a b c : R.-dist A). +(*Local Open Scope reals_ext_scope.*) Local Notation "x <| p |> y" := (fsdist_conv p x y) : fsdist_scope. @@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ Proof. by apply/fsdist_ext => ?; rewrite fsdist_convE conv0. Qed. Let conv1 a b : a <| 1%:pr |> b = a. Proof. by apply/fsdist_ext => ?; rewrite fsdist_convE conv1. Qed. -Let convmm p : idempotent (fun x y => x <| p |> y : {dist A}). +Let convmm p : idempotent (fun x y => x <| p |> y : R.-dist A). Proof. by move=> d; apply/fsdist_ext => ?; rewrite fsdist_convE convmm. Qed. Let convC p a b : a <| p |> b = b <| (Prob.p p).~%:pr |> a. @@ -688,15 +688,17 @@ Let convA p q a b c : Proof. by apply/fsdist_ext=> ?; rewrite !fsdist_convE convA. Qed. HB.instance Definition _ := - @isConvexSpace.Build (FSDist.t _) (@fsdist_conv A) + @isConvexSpace.Build (FSDist.t _ _) (@fsdist_conv A) conv1 convmm convC convA. End fsdist_convType. Section fsdist_conv_prop. +Local Notation R := (Rdefinitions.R : realType). +(*Context {R : realType}.*) Variables (A : choiceType). -Implicit Types (p : {prob R}) (a b c : {dist A}). -Local Open Scope reals_ext_scope. +Implicit Types (p : {prob R}) (a b c : R.-dist A). +(*Local Open Scope reals_ext_scope.*) Local Open Scope convex_scope. Lemma finsupp_conv_subr a b p : @@ -723,7 +725,8 @@ have [->|p0] := eqVneq p 0%:pr. by rewrite 2!conv0 fsdistbindE. have [->|p1] := eqVneq p 1%:pr. by rewrite 2!conv1 fsdistbindE. -under eq_bigr do rewrite fsdist_convE avgR_mulDl avgRE. +under eq_bigr do rewrite fsdist_convE avgRE !ssrR.coqRE mulrDl -!mulrA. +(*under eq_bigr do rewrite fsdist_convE avgR_mulDl avgRE.*) rewrite big_split -2!big_distrr /=. by rewrite -!fsdistbindEwiden // ?finsupp_conv_subl ?finsupp_conv_subr. Qed. @@ -748,6 +751,8 @@ Local Open Scope proba_scope. Local Open Scope convex_scope. Section FSDist_affine_instances. +Local Notation R := (Rdefinitions.R : realType). +(*Context {R : realType}.*) Variable A B : choiceType. Lemma fsdistmap_affine (f : A -> B) : affine (fsdistmap f). @@ -756,7 +761,7 @@ Proof. by move=> ? ? ?; rewrite /fsdistmap fsdist_conv_bind_left_distr. Qed. HB.instance Definition _ (f : A -> B) := isAffine.Build _ _ _ (fsdistmap_affine f). -Definition fsdist_eval (x : A) := fun D : {dist A} => D x. +Definition fsdist_eval (x : A) := fun D : R.-dist A => D x. Lemma fsdist_eval_affine (x : A) : affine (fsdist_eval x). Proof. by move=> a b p; rewrite /fsdist_eval fsdist_convE. Qed. @@ -767,33 +772,34 @@ HB.instance Definition _ (x : A) := End FSDist_affine_instances. Section fsdist_convn_lemmas. +Local Notation R := (Rdefinitions.R : realType). +(*Context {R : realType}.*) Local Open Scope fdist_scope. -Variables (A : choiceType) (n : nat) (e : {fdist 'I_n}) (g : 'I_n -> {dist A}). +Variables (A : choiceType) (n : nat) (e : {fdist 'I_n}) (g : 'I_n -> R.-dist A). Lemma fsdist_convnE x : (<|>_e g) x = \sum_(i < n) e i * g i x. Proof. by rewrite -/(fsdist_eval x _) Convn_comp /= /fsdist_eval avgnRE. Qed. (*TODO: unused, remove?*) Lemma supp_fsdist_convn : - finsupp (<|>_e g) = \big[fsetU/fset0]_(i < n | (0 < e i)%mcR) finsupp (g i). + finsupp (<|>_e g) = \big[fsetU/fset0]_(i < n | (0 < e i)) finsupp (g i). Proof. apply/fsetP => a; apply/idP/idP => [|]; rewrite mem_finsupp fsdist_convnE. - case/sumR_neq0 => /=; first by move=> ?; apply: mulR_ge0. - move=> j [] /= ? eg0. + rewrite psumr_neq0 /=; last by move=> *; rewrite mulr_ge0. + case/hasP=> /= j jn eg0. apply/bigfcupP. - exists j; first by apply/andP; split=> //; exact/RltP/(pmulR_lgt0' eg0). - rewrite mem_finsupp gtR_eqF //. - exact/(pmulR_rgt0' eg0). -case/bigfcupP=> j /andP [] ? /RltP ? /[!mem_finsupp] /prob_gt0 /= ?. -apply/sumR_neq0; first by move=> ?; apply/mulR_ge0. -by exists j; split=> //; apply/mulR_gt0 => //; exact/RltP. + exists j; first by rewrite jn /= (wpmulr_lgt0 _ eg0). + by rewrite mem_finsupp gt_eqF // (wpmulr_rgt0 _ eg0). +case/bigfcupP=> j /andP [] ? ? /[!mem_finsupp] /prob_gt0 /= ?. +rewrite psumr_neq0 /=; last by move=> *; rewrite mulr_ge0. +by apply/hasP; exists j=> //; rewrite mulr_gt0. Qed. End fsdist_convn_lemmas. (*HB.instance Definition _ a := isAffine.Build _ _ _ (af a). -Definition fsdist_eval (x : A) := fun D : {dist A} => D x. +Definition fsdist_eval (x : A) := fun D : R.-dist A => D x. Lemma fsdist_eval_affine (x : A) : affine (fsdist_eval x). Proof. by move=> a b p; rewrite /fsdist_eval fsdist_convE. Qed. @@ -805,18 +811,20 @@ HB.instance Definition _ (x : A) := (*Section fsdist_ordered_convex_space. Variable A : choiceType. -(*Definition fsdist_orderedConvMixin := @OrderedConvexSpace.Mixin {dist A}. +(*Definition fsdist_orderedConvMixin := @OrderedConvexSpace.Mixin R.-dist A. NB: not used?*) End fsdist_ordered_convex_space.*) Section Convn_of_FSDist. Local Open Scope classical_set_scope. +Local Notation R := (Rdefinitions.R : realType). +(*Context {R : realType}.*) Variable C : convType. -Definition Convn_of_fsdist (d : {dist C}) : C := +Definition Convn_of_fsdist (d : R.-dist C) : C := <$>_(fdist_of_fs d) (fun x : finsupp d => fsval x). -Lemma ssum_seq_finsuppE'' (D : convType) (f : C -> D) (d x : {dist C}) : +Lemma ssum_seq_finsuppE'' (D : convType) (f : C -> D) (d x : R.-dist C) : \ssum_(i : fdist_of_FSDist.D d) scalept (x (fsval i)) (S1 (f (fsval i))) = \ssum_(i <- finsupp d) scalept (x i) (S1 (f i)). Proof. @@ -825,14 +833,14 @@ by rewrite -(@big_seq_fsetE (fun i => scalept (x i) (S1 (f i)))). Qed. -Lemma ssum_seq_finsuppE' (d x : {dist C}) : +Lemma ssum_seq_finsuppE' (d x : R.-dist C) : \ssum_(i : fdist_of_FSDist.D d) scalept (x (fsval i)) (S1 (fsval i)) = \ssum_(i <- finsupp d) scalept (x i) (S1 i). Proof. by rewrite (ssum_seq_finsuppE'' idfun). Qed. -Lemma ssum_seq_finsuppE (d : {dist C}) : +Lemma ssum_seq_finsuppE (d : R.-dist C) : \ssum_i scalept (fdist_of_fs d i) (S1 (fsval i)) = \ssum_(i <- finsupp d) scalept (d i) (S1 i). Proof. @@ -840,7 +848,7 @@ under eq_bigr do rewrite fdist_of_fsE. by rewrite ssum_seq_finsuppE'. Qed. -Lemma ssum_widen_finsupp (x : {dist C}) X : +Lemma ssum_widen_finsupp (x : R.-dist C) X : (finsupp x `<=` X)%fset -> \ssum_(i <- finsupp x) scalept (x i) (S1 i) = \ssum_(i <- X) scalept (x i) (S1 i). @@ -862,7 +870,7 @@ Proof. move=> p x y. have [->|pn0] := eqVneq p 0%:pr; first by rewrite !conv0. have [->|pn1] := eqVneq p 1%:pr; first by rewrite !conv1. -have opn0 : (Prob.p p).~ != R0. by apply onem_neq0. +have opn0 : (Prob.p p).~ != 0. by apply onem_neq0. apply: S1_inj; rewrite affine_conv/= !S1_Convn_finType ssum_seq_finsuppE. under [LHS]eq_bigr do rewrite fsdist_scalept_conv. rewrite big_seq_fsetE big_scalept_conv_split /=. @@ -876,16 +884,20 @@ HB.instance Definition _ := isAffine.Build _ _ _ Convn_of_fsdist_affine. End Convn_of_FSDist. Section lemmas_for_probability_monad_and_adjunction. +Local Notation R := (Rdefinitions.R : realType). +(*Context {R : realType}.*) Local Open Scope fset_scope. Local Open Scope R_scope. -Lemma Convn_of_fsdistjoin (A : choiceType) (D : {dist {dist A}}) : +Lemma Convn_of_fsdistjoin (A : choiceType) (D : R.-dist (R.-dist A)) : Convn_of_fsdist D = fsdistjoin D. Proof. apply: fsdist_ext => a; rewrite -[LHS]Scaled1RK. rewrite (S1_proj_Convn_finType [the {affine _ -> _} of fsdist_eval a]). -rewrite big_scaleR fsdistjoinE big_seq_fsetE; apply eq_bigr => -[d dD] _. -by rewrite (scaleR_scalept _ (fdist_Rge0 _ _)) fdist_of_fsE Scaled1RK. +(* TODO: instantiate scaled as an Lmodule, and use big_scaler *) +rewrite big_scaleR fsdistjoinE big_seq_fsetE; apply eq_bigr => -[d dD] _ /=. +rewrite scaleR_scalept; last by apply/RleP; rewrite !ssrR.coqRE FDist.ge0. +by rewrite fdist_of_fsE /= !ssrR.coqRE mul1r. Qed. Lemma Convn_of_fsdist1 (C : convType) (x : C) : Convn_of_fsdist (fsdist1 x) = x. @@ -893,14 +905,14 @@ Proof. apply: (@S1_inj _ _ x). rewrite S1_Convn_finType /=. rewrite (eq_bigr (fun=> S1 x)); last first. - move=> i _; rewrite fdist_of_fsE fsdist1E /= -(supp_fsdist1 x). + move=> i _; rewrite fdist_of_fsE fsdist1E -(@supp_fsdist1 R). rewrite fsvalP scale1pt /=; congr (S1 _). by case: i => i /=; rewrite supp_fsdist1 inE => /eqP. by rewrite big_const (_ : #| _ | = 1%N) // -cardfE supp_fsdist1 cardfs1. Qed. Lemma Convn_of_fsdistmap (C D : convType) (f : {affine C -> D}) - (d : {dist C}) : + (d : R.-dist C) : f (Convn_of_fsdist d) = Convn_of_fsdist (fsdistmap f d). Proof. apply S1_inj => /=. @@ -910,17 +922,18 @@ under eq_bigr do rewrite fdist_of_fsE. rewrite ssum_seq_finsuppE' supp_fsdistmap. under eq_bigr do rewrite fsdistbindE. rewrite big_seq; under eq_bigr=> y Hy. -- rewrite big_scaleptl'; [| by rewrite scale0pt | by move=> j; apply mulR_ge0]. +- rewrite big_scaleptl'; + [| by rewrite scale0pt | by move=> j; apply/RleP; rewrite mulr_ge0]. under eq_bigr=> i do rewrite fsdist1E inE. over. rewrite -big_seq exchange_big /=. rewrite (@big_seq _ _ _ _ (finsupp d)). under eq_bigr=> x Hx. - rewrite (big_fsetD1 (f x)) /=; last by apply/imfsetP; exists x. - rewrite eqxx mulR1. + rewrite eqxx mulr1. rewrite (@big_seq _ _ _ _ ([fset f x0 | x0 in finsupp d] `\ f x)). under eq_bigr=> y do [rewrite in_fsetD1=> /andP [] /negbTE -> Hy; - rewrite mulR0 scale0pt]. + rewrite mulr0 scale0pt]. rewrite big1 // addpt0. over. rewrite /X. @@ -929,17 +942,21 @@ by rewrite ssum_seq_finsuppE'' big_seq. Qed. Section triangular_laws_left_convn. +Local Notation R := (Rdefinitions.R : realType). +(*Context {R : realType}.*) Variable C : choiceType. -Lemma triangular_laws_left0 (d : {dist C}) : - Convn_of_fsdist (fsdistmap (@fsdist1 C) d) = d. +Local Notation S1 := (@S1 R). + +Lemma triangular_laws_left0 (d : R.-dist C) : + Convn_of_fsdist (fsdistmap (@fsdist1 _ C) d) = d. Proof. apply: fsdist_ext => x; apply S1_inj. rewrite (S1_proj_Convn_finType [the {affine _ -> _} of fsdist_eval x]). under eq_bigr do rewrite fdist_of_fsE. -rewrite (ssum_seq_finsuppE'' (fun i : {dist C} => i x)). +rewrite (ssum_seq_finsuppE'' (fun i : R.-dist C => i x)). rewrite supp_fsdistmap. -rewrite big_imfset /=; last by move=> *; apply: fsdist1_inj. +rewrite big_imfset /=; last by move=> ? ? ? ?; exact/fsdist1_inj. under eq_bigr do rewrite fsdist1E inE fsdist1map. have nx0 : \ssum_(i <- finsupp d `\ x) scalept (d i) (S1 (if x == i then 1 else 0)) = scalept (d x).~ (S1 0). @@ -949,7 +966,7 @@ have nx0 : \ssum_(i <- finsupp d `\ x) by congr (_ _ _); rewrite fsdist_suppD1. case/boolP : (x \in finsupp d) => xfd. rewrite (big_fsetD1 x) //= nx0 eqxx -convptE -affine_conv/=. - by rewrite avgRE mulR0 addR0 mulR1. + by rewrite avgRE !ssrR.coqRE mulr0 addr0 mulr1. by rewrite -(mem_fsetD1 xfd) nx0 fsfun_dflt // onem0 scale1pt. Qed. @@ -957,6 +974,8 @@ End triangular_laws_left_convn. End lemmas_for_probability_monad_and_adjunction. +Import ereal topology esum measure probability. + Section probability_measure. Section trivIset. @@ -1127,3 +1146,4 @@ Qed. HB.instance Definition _ := isProbability.Build disp T _ P P_is_probability. End probability_measure. + diff --git a/robust/weightedmean.v b/robust/weightedmean.v index 4338d8a0..15bbc895 100644 --- a/robust/weightedmean.v +++ b/robust/weightedmean.v @@ -114,16 +114,6 @@ rewrite -!coqRE -RsqrtE' => /RltP ? /RleP ?. exact/RleP/resilience. Qed. -(* analog of ssrR.(pmulR_lgt0', pmulR_rgt0') *) -Lemma wpmulr_lgt0 (R : numDomainType) (x y : R) : 0 <= x -> 0 < y * x -> 0 < y. -Proof. -rewrite le_eqVlt=> /orP [/eqP <- |]. - by rewrite mulr0 ltxx. -by move/pmulr_lgt0->. -Qed. -Lemma wpmulr_rgt0 (R : numDomainType) (x y : R) : 0 <= x -> 0 < x * y -> 0 < y. -Proof. rewrite mulrC; exact: wpmulr_lgt0. Qed. - (* eqType version of order.bigmax_le *) Lemma bigmax_le' (disp : unit) (T : porderType disp) (I : eqType) (r : seq I) (f : I -> T) (x0 x : T) (PP : pred I) :