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Merge pull request #77 from affeldt-aist/renaming_20211227
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fixes #74
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affeldt-aist authored Dec 28, 2021
2 parents 921263b + 5c4eede commit 26a6edf
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Showing 24 changed files with 182 additions and 218 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions changelog.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ from 0.3.4 to ?.?.?
* renamed:
- in ssrR.v
+ subr_le0 -> subR_le0
- in reals_ext.v
+ pos_ffun -> nneg_finfun
+ pos_ff_ge0 -> nneg_finfun_ge0
+ pos_fun -> nneg_fun
* changed:
- row_nth moved and renamed to bitseq_row_nth
* removed:
Expand Down
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions ecc_classic/bch.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -465,16 +465,14 @@ Lemma BCH_key_equation_old (y : 'rV[F]_n) : a ^+ n = 1 ->
move=> an1.
rewrite dftE big_distrr /=.
evar (tmp : 'I_n -> {poly F}).
rewrite (eq_bigr (fun i => tmp i)); last first.
under eq_bigr.
move=> i ie.
rewrite -scalerAr.
rewrite (_ : \sigma_(rVexp a n, y) =
\sigma_(rVexp a n, y, i) * (1 - ((rVexp a n) ``_ i) *: 'X)); last first.
rewrite /errloc (bigD1 i) //= mulrC; congr (_ * _).
apply eq_bigl => ij; by rewrite in_setD1 andbC.
rewrite /tmp; reflexivity.
rewrite {}/tmp.
transitivity (\sum_(i in supp y) y ``_ i *:
(\sigma_(rVexp a n, y, i) * (1 - a ^+ (i * n) *: 'X^n))).
apply eq_bigr => /= i ie; congr (_ *: _).
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions ecc_classic/decoding.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ simpl in H.
set tmp := \rmax_(_ <- _ | _) _ in H.
rewrite /tmp in H.
evar (h : 'rV[A]_n -> R); rewrite (eq_bigr h) in H; last first.
move=> v vC; rewrite ffunE /h; reflexivity.
by move=> v vC; rewrite ffunE /h; reflexivity.
rewrite -bigmaxR_distrl in H; last first.
apply/invR_ge0; rewrite ltR_neqAle; split.
apply/eqP; by rewrite eq_sym -receivableE Receivable.defE.
Expand All @@ -360,8 +360,8 @@ have x0 : / x <> 0 by apply/eqP/invR_neq0'; rewrite -receivableE Receivable.defE
move/(eqR_mul2r x0) in H.
rewrite /= UniformSupport.dET ?inE // in H; last first.
move/subsetP : dec_img; apply.
rewrite inE; apply/existsP; by exists (Receivable.y tb); apply/eqP.
move/eqR_mul2l : H => -> //; exact/eqP/gtR_eqF.
by rewrite inE; apply/existsP; exists (Receivable.y tb); apply/eqP.
by move/eqR_mul2l : H => -> //; exact/eqP/gtR_eqF.

End MAP_decoding_prop.
Expand Down
28 changes: 13 additions & 15 deletions ecc_classic/reed_solomon.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ rewrite (bigD1 i') //= coefXn insubT //= => Hj.
rewrite eqxx mulr1 (_ : Ordinal Hj = j); last by apply val_inj.
rewrite mxE inordK; last by rewrite ltnS (leq_trans (ltn_ord i)).
rewrite mulrC; apply/eqP.
rewrite addrC -subr_eq subrr; apply/eqP/esym.
rewrite addrC -subr_eq subrr; apply/eqP/esym.
rewrite big1 // => k ki'; rewrite coefXn (_ : (_ == _) = false) ?mulr0 //.
apply: contraNF ki'; by rewrite -val_eqE /= eq_sym.
by apply: contraNF ki'; rewrite -val_eqE /= eq_sym.

Lemma codebook_syndrome (c : 'rV_n) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -859,13 +859,12 @@ suff H : size (rVpoly (encoder m - c)) <= d.
case: (RS.addr_closed a n' d) => _.
move/(_ _ (- c) Hencm); apply.
by rewrite RS.oppr_closed.
case/(@RS.deg_lb _ a _ _ dn a_neq0 a_not_uroot_on)/orP => [/eqP -> | ].
case/(@RS.deg_lb _ a _ _ dn a_neq0 a_not_uroot_on)/orP => [/eqP ->|].
apply/eqP/polyP => i.
rewrite coef_poly coef0.
case: ifP => // _.
case: (insub i) => // ?; by rewrite mxE.
move=> H'.
by move: (leq_trans H' H); rewrite ltnn.
by case: (insub i) => // ?; rewrite mxE.
by move=> /leq_trans/(_ H); rewrite ltnn.
rewrite /encoder ffunE linearB /= poly_rV_K; last first.
rewrite (leq_trans (size_add _ _)) // geq_max.
apply/andP; split.
Expand All @@ -892,11 +891,12 @@ rewrite /RS_discard -/(high c); apply RS_enc_surjective.
by rewrite -RS.lcode0_codebook // ?inE.

Definition RS_as_lcode (an1 : a ^+ n = 1) (Hchar : ([char F]^').-nat n) : Lcode.t _ _ _ [finType of 'rV_(n - d.+1).+1] := _ _ _ _ _
( RS_enc_injective RS_enc_img)
( (RS_repair_img an1 Hchar) RS_discard)
Definition RS_as_lcode (an1 : a ^+ n = 1) (Hchar : ([char F]^').-nat n) :
Lcode.t _ _ _ [finType of 'rV_(n - d.+1).+1] := _ _ _ _ _
( RS_enc_injective RS_enc_img)
( (RS_repair_img an1 Hchar) RS_discard)

End RS_encoder_sect.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -931,8 +931,7 @@ Local Open Scope cyclic_code_scope.

Lemma rs_gen_is_gen : poly_rV \gen_(a, d) \in 'cgen[ RS_cyclic].
apply pgen_is_cgen => /=.
exact: RS_not_trivial.
apply pgen_is_cgen => /=; first exact: RS_not_trivial.
apply/forallP => /= p; apply/eqP; apply/idP/idP.
move=> Hp.
move: (proj1 (rs_genP dn a0 (prim_root_not_uroot_on an) p)).
Expand All @@ -947,8 +946,7 @@ rewrite -(@RS.codebook_syndrome _ a n' d) //.
apply: (proj2 (rs_genP dn a0 (prim_root_not_uroot_on an) p)).
rewrite poly_rV_K // ?size_rs_gen // in Hp.
case/dvdpP : Hp => x Hx.
exists x; split => //.
by apply: RS_message_size Hx.
by exists x; split => //; exact: RS_message_size Hx.

End RS_cyclic.
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions ecc_modern/degree_profile.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -710,9 +710,8 @@ Proof. rewrite ffunE; apply RofKpos, f0. Qed.

Lemma f1R l : (\sum_(t : @fintree tw l) [ffun x => RofK (@fintree_dist l x)] t = 1)%R.
evar (h : fintree_finType tw l -> R); rewrite (eq_bigr h); last first.
move=> i _; rewrite ffunE /h; reflexivity.
by rewrite {}/h -(@big_morph _ _ RofK 0%R Rplus 0%:R (@GRing.add K)) // f1 RofK1.
under eq_bigr do rewrite ffunE /=.
by rewrite -(@big_morph _ _ RofK 0%R Rplus 0%:R (@GRing.add K)) // f1 RofK1.

Definition tree_ensemble l : ensemble tw l := FDist.make (@f0R l) (@f1R l).
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7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions information_theory/channel.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -181,10 +181,9 @@ Lemma f0 (b : B) : 0 <= f b.
Proof. by rewrite ffunE; apply: sumR_ge0 => a _; exact: mulR_ge0. Qed.
Lemma f1 : \sum_(b in B) f b = 1.
rewrite /f; evar (h : B -> R); rewrite (eq_bigr h); last first.
move=> a _; rewrite ffunE /h; reflexivity.
rewrite {}/h exchange_big /= -(FDist.f1 P).
apply eq_bigr => a _; by rewrite -big_distrl /= (FDist.f1 (W a)) mul1R.
under eq_bigr do rewrite ffunE /=.
rewrite exchange_big /= -(FDist.f1 P).
by apply eq_bigr => a _; rewrite -big_distrl /= (FDist.f1 (W a)) mul1R.
Definition d : fdist B := locked (FDist.make f0 f1).
Lemma dE b : d b = \sum_(a in A) W a b * P a.
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11 changes: 5 additions & 6 deletions information_theory/channel_coding_direct.v
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
(* infotheo: information theory and error-correcting codes in Coq *)
(* Copyright (C) 2020 infotheo authors, license: LGPL-2.1-or-later *)
(* infotheo: information theory and error-correcting codes in Coq *)
(* Copyright (C) 2020 infotheo authors, license: LGPL-2.1-or-later *)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg fingroup finalg matrix perm.
Require Import Reals Lra Classical.
From mathcomp Require Import Rstruct.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,11 +41,10 @@ Definition f := [ffun g : encT A M n => \prod_(m in M) P `^ n (g m)].
Lemma f0 g : 0 <= f g. Proof. rewrite ffunE; exact: prodR_ge0. Qed.
Lemma f1 : \sum_(g in {ffun M -> 'rV[A]_n}) f g = 1.
rewrite /f; evar (h : {ffun M -> 'rV[A]_n} -> R); rewrite (eq_bigr h); last first.
move=> a _; rewrite ffunE /h; reflexivity.
rewrite {}/h -(bigA_distr_bigA (fun _ v => P `^ n v)) /=.
under eq_bigr do rewrite ffunE /=.
rewrite -(bigA_distr_bigA (fun _ v => P `^ n v)) /=.
rewrite [RHS](_ : _ = \prod_(m0 : M | xpredT m0) 1); last by rewrite big1.
apply eq_bigr => _ _; by rewrite (FDist.f1 (P `^ n)).
by apply eq_bigr => _ _; rewrite (FDist.f1 (P `^ n)).
Definition d : {fdist encT A M n} := locked (FDist.make f0 f1).
Lemma dE x : d x = f x. Proof. by rewrite /d; unlock; rewrite ffunE. Qed.
Expand Down
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions information_theory/conditional_divergence.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -126,9 +126,8 @@ move=> PQ.
rewrite /cre cdiv_is_div_joint_dist; last first.
by apply/dom_by_cdom_by; rewrite /JointFDistChan.d; unlock.
rewrite /div.
evar (f : A -> Rdefinitions.R); rewrite (eq_bigr f); last first.
move=> b _; rewrite big_distrr /= /f; reflexivity.
rewrite {}/f pair_big /=; apply eq_bigr => -[a b] _ /=.
under eq_bigr do rewrite big_distrr /=.
rewrite pair_big /=; apply eq_bigr => -[a b] _ /=.
rewrite (_ : JointFDistChan.d R P (a, b) = (CJFDist.joint_of P) (a, b)); last first.
by rewrite JointFDistChan.dE ProdFDist.dE.
rewrite (_ : JointFDistChan.d R Q (a, b) = (CJFDist.joint_of Q) (a, b)); last first.
Expand All @@ -147,10 +146,10 @@ rewrite !Swap.snd.
case/boolP : (CJFDist.joint_of Q (a, b) == 0) => [/eqP|] H'.
have : (CJFDist.joint_of P) (a, b) = 0 by move/dominatesP : PQ => ->.
rewrite /P ProdFDist.dE /= mulR_eq0 => -[| -> ].
move/eqP : H; tauto.
by move/eqP : H; tauto.
by rewrite !(mulR0,mul0R,div0R).
rewrite 2!ProdFDist.fst /=; field.
split; exact/eqP.
by split; exact/eqP.

End conditional_divergence_vs_conditional_relative_entropy.
Expand Down
15 changes: 6 additions & 9 deletions information_theory/convex_fdist.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,25 +55,22 @@ Lemma entropy_log_div : entropy p = log #|A|%:R - D(p || u).
rewrite /entropy /div.
evar (RHS : A -> R).
have H : forall a : A, p a * log (p a / u a) = RHS a.
move => a.
move : (pos_ff_ge0 p a) => [H|H].
have H a : p a * log (p a / u a) = RHS a.
case : (nneg_finfun_ge0 p a) => H.
- rewrite Uniform.dE.
change (p a * log (p a / / #|A|%:R)) with (p a * log (p a * / / #|A|%:R)).
have H0 : 0 < #|A|%:R by rewrite A_not_empty ltR0n.
have /eqP H1 : #|A|%:R <> 0 by apply/eqP/gtR_eqF.
rewrite invRK // logM // mulRDr.
by instantiate (RHS := fun a => p a * log (p a) + p a * log #|A|%:R).
- by rewrite /RHS -H /= 3!mul0R add0R.
have H0 : \sum_(a in A) p a * log (p a / u a) = \sum_(a in A) RHS a.
move : H; rewrite /RHS => H.
exact: eq_bigr.
rewrite H0 /RHS big_split /= -big_distrl /= (FDist.f1 p) mul1R.
have -> : \sum_(a in A) p a * log (p a / u a) = \sum_(a in A) RHS a.
by move : H; rewrite /RHS => H; exact: eq_bigr.
rewrite /RHS big_split /= -big_distrl /= (FDist.f1 p) mul1R.
by rewrite -addR_opp oppRD addRC -addRA Rplus_opp_l addR0.
End entropy_log_div.

(* convexity of relative entropy *)
Section dominated_pair.
Variable A : finType.
Implicit Types p q : prob.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,7 +150,7 @@ have h0 p1 p2 : [forall i, 0 <b= h p1 p2 i].
case: ifPn => [_ | _]; first exact/mulR_ge0.
case: ifPn => [_ | _]; [|exact/leRR].
by apply/mulR_ge0 => //; exact/onem_ge0/prob_le1.
move: (log_sum setT (mkPosFfun (h0 x.1 y.1)) (mkPosFfun (h0 x.2 y.2)) hdom).
move: (log_sum setT (mkNNFinfun (h0 x.1 y.1)) (mkNNFinfun (h0 x.2 y.2)) hdom).
rewrite /= -!sumR_ord_setT !big_ord_recl !big_ord0 !addR0.
rewrite /h /= !ffunE => /leR_trans; apply.
rewrite !eqxx eq_sym (negbTE (neq_lift ord0 ord0)).
Expand Down
24 changes: 10 additions & 14 deletions information_theory/jtypes.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -91,15 +91,15 @@ Qed.
Definition jtype_eqMixin A B n := EqMixin (@jtype_eqP A B n).
Canonical jtype_eqType A B n := Eval hnf in EqType _ (@jtype_eqMixin A B n).

Definition pos_fun_of_pre_jtype (A B : finType) (Bnot0 : (0 < #|B|)%nat) n
(f : {ffun A -> {ffun B -> 'I_n.+1}}) : A -> pos_ffun B.
Definition nneg_fun_of_pre_jtype (A B : finType) (Bnot0 : (0 < #|B|)%nat) n
(f : {ffun A -> {ffun B -> 'I_n.+1}}) : A -> nneg_finfun B.
pose pf := fun a => [ffun b : B =>
let ln := (\sum_(b1 in B) (f a b1))%nat in
if ln == O
then / #|B|%:R
else (f a b)%:R / ln%:R].
move=> a.
refine (@mkPosFfun _ (pf a) _); apply/forallP_leRP => b.
refine (@mkNNFinfun _ (pf a) _); apply/forallP_leRP => b.
rewrite /pf ffunE.
case: ifP => [_ | Hcase].
- exact/invR_ge0/ltR0n.
Expand All @@ -115,10 +115,8 @@ set pf := fun a b =>
then / #|B|%:R
else (f a b)%:R / ln%:R.
refine (@Channel1.mkChan A B _ Anot0) => a.
apply: ( _ (@pos_fun_of_pre_jtype _ _ Bnot0 n f a)).
rewrite /=; evar (h : B -> R); rewrite (eq_bigr h); last first.
move=> b _; rewrite ffunE /h; reflexivity.
rewrite {}/h.
apply: ( _ (@nneg_fun_of_pre_jtype _ _ Bnot0 n f a)).
under eq_bigr do rewrite ffunE /=.
case/boolP : (\sum_(b1 in B) (f a b1) == O)%nat => Hcase.
- by rewrite /Rle big_const iter_addR mulRV // INR_eq0' -lt0n.
- rewrite big_morph_natRD /Rdiv -big_distrl /= mulRV //.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -653,9 +651,8 @@ have d0 : forall b, (0 <= d b)%R.
apply mulR_ge0; first exact/leR0n.
apply/invR_ge0/ltR0n; by rewrite lt0n.
have d1 : (\sum_(b : B) d b)%R = 1%R.
rewrite /=; evar (h : B -> R); rewrite (eq_bigr h); last first.
move=> b _; rewrite ffunE /h; reflexivity.
rewrite {}/h -big_distrl /= -big_morph_natRD.
under eq_bigr do rewrite ffunE /=.
rewrite -big_distrl /= -big_morph_natRD.
set lhs := \sum_i _.
suff -> : lhs = N(a | ta) by rewrite mulRV // INR_eq0'.
rewrite /lhs /f /= -[in X in _ = X](Hrow_num_occ Hta a).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1110,10 +1107,9 @@ Proof. rewrite ffunE; apply divR_ge0; [exact/leR0n | exact/ltR0n]. Qed.

Lemma f1 : (\sum_(b in B) f b = 1)%R.
rewrite /f; evar (h : B -> R); rewrite (eq_bigr h); last first.
move=> b _; rewrite ffunE /h; reflexivity.
rewrite {}/h -big_distrl /= -big_morph_natRD exchange_big /=.
move/eqP : (JType.sum_f V) => ->; by rewrite mulRV // INR_eq0'.
under eq_bigr do rewrite ffunE /=.
rewrite -big_distrl /= -big_morph_natRD exchange_big /=.
by move/eqP : (JType.sum_f V) => ->; rewrite mulRV // INR_eq0'.

Definition d : fdist B := FDist.make f0 f1.
Expand Down
16 changes: 6 additions & 10 deletions information_theory/pproba.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -123,9 +123,8 @@ Qed.

Lemma f1 : \sum_(x in 'rV_n) f x = 1.
rewrite /f /Rdiv; evar (h : 'rV[A]_n -> R); rewrite (eq_bigr h); last first.
move=> a _; rewrite ffunE /h; reflexivity.
by rewrite {}/h -big_distrl /= mulRC mulVR // -receivableE Receivable.defE.
under eq_bigr do rewrite ffunE /=.
by rewrite -big_distrl /= mulRC mulVR // -receivableE Receivable.defE.

Definition d : {fdist 'rV[A]_n} := locked (FDist.make f0 f1).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,10 +202,8 @@ Definition Kmpp : R := / \sum_(t in 'rV_n) f' t.

Lemma f'_neq0 : \sum_(t in 'rV_n) f' t <> 0.
evar (x : 'rV[A]_n -> R).
rewrite (eq_bigr x); last first.
move=> i _; rewrite /f' PosteriorProbability.dE /Rdiv /x; reflexivity.
rewrite -big_distrl { x} /= mulR_eq0 => -[/eqP|].
under eq_bigr do rewrite /f' PosteriorProbability.dE /Rdiv.
rewrite -big_distrl /= mulR_eq0 => -[/eqP|].
- by apply/negP; rewrite -receivableE Receivable.defE.
- by apply/invR_neq0/eqP; rewrite -receivableE Receivable.defE.
Expand All @@ -225,9 +222,8 @@ Qed.

Lemma f1 i : \sum_(a in A) f i a = 1.
rewrite /f; evar (h : A -> R); rewrite (eq_bigr h); last first.
move=> a _; rewrite ffunE /h; reflexivity.
rewrite {}/h -big_distrr /= /Kmpp.
under eq_bigr do rewrite ffunE /=.
rewrite -big_distrr /= /Kmpp.
set tmp1 := \sum_( _ | _ ) _.
set tmp2 := \sum_( _ | _ ) _.
suff : tmp1 = tmp2.
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6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions information_theory/shannon_fano.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -127,10 +127,8 @@ apply (@ltR_leR_trans (\sum_(x in A) P x * (- Log #|T|%:R (P x) + 1))).
by rewrite -(Log_1 2); apply Log_increasing_le.
case: (ceilP x) => _.
by rewrite -LogV // -/(log _) -(div1R _) /x.
evar (h : A -> R).
rewrite (eq_bigr h); last first.
move=> i _; rewrite mulRDr mulR1 mulRN /h; reflexivity.
rewrite {}/h big_split /= FDist.f1 leR_add2r.
under eq_bigr do rewrite mulRDr mulR1 mulRN.
rewrite big_split /= FDist.f1 leR_add2r.
apply Req_le.
rewrite /entropy big_morph_oppR; apply eq_bigr => i _.
by rewrite card_ord (_ : 2%:R = 2).
Expand Down

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