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error_exponent (wip)
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affeldt-aist committed Jan 23, 2025
1 parent 06d9bc9 commit 16a0f5a
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Showing 2 changed files with 147 additions and 86 deletions.
169 changes: 101 additions & 68 deletions information_theory/error_exponent.v
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
(* Copyright (C) 2020 infotheo authors, license: LGPL-2.1-or-later *)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum lra ring.
(*Require Import Reals Lra.*)
From mathcomp Require Import Rstruct reals.
From mathcomp Require Import Rstruct reals classical_sets topology normedtype.
Require Import realType_ext realType_logb bigop_ext ln_facts.
Require Import fdist entropy channel_code channel divergence.
Require Import conditional_divergence variation_dist pinsker.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ apply: ler_sum => b _.
rewrite mul1r.
rewrite addrC.
apply: Rabs_xlnx => //.
by apply/andP; split.
by apply/andP; split.
rewrite 2!fdist_outE big_morph_oppr -big_split /=.
apply: le_trans; first exact: ler_norm_sum.
apply: (@le_trans _ _ (d((P `X V), (P `X W)))).
Expand All @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ apply: (@le_trans _ _ (d((P `X V), (P `X W)))).
by rewrite lerD2l sumr_ge0//.
- rewrite cdiv_is_div_joint_dist => //.

Lemma joint_entropy_dist_ub : `| `H(P , V) - `H(P , W) | <=
(exp.ln 2)^-1 * #|A|%:R * #|B|%:R * - xlnx (Num.sqrt (2 * D(V || W | P))).
Expand All @@ -112,30 +112,37 @@ under [in leRHS]eq_bigr do rewrite mul1r.
rewrite pair_bigA/=.
apply: ler_sum; case => a b _; rewrite addrC /=.
apply Rabs_xlnx => //.
by apply/andP; split.
by apply/andP; split.
apply: (@le_trans _ _ (d(P `X V, P `X W))).
- rewrite /var_dist /R_dist (bigD1 (a, b)) //= distRC.
rewrite -[X in X <= _]addR0.
by apply/leR_add2l/RleP/sumr_ge0 => ? _; exact/RleP/normR_ge0.
- by rewrite /var_dist (bigD1 (a, b)) //= distrC ler_wpDr// sumr_ge0.
- rewrite cdiv_is_div_joint_dist => //.

Lemma mut_info_dist_ub : `| `I(P, V) - `I(P, W) | <=
/ ln 2 * (#|B|%:R + #|A|%:R * #|B|%:R) * - xlnx (sqrt (2 * D(V || W | P))).
(exp.ln 2)^-1 * (#|B|%:R + #|A|%:R * #|B|%:R) * - xlnx (Num.sqrt (2 * D(V || W | P))).
rewrite /mutual_info_chan.
rewrite (_ : _ - _ = `H(P `o V) - `H(P `o W) + (`H(P, W) - `H(P, V))); last by field.
apply: leR_trans; first exact: Rabs_triang.
rewrite -mulRA mulRDl mulRDr.
apply leR_add.
- by rewrite mulRA; apply out_entropy_dist_ub.
- by rewrite distRC 2!mulRA; apply joint_entropy_dist_ub.
apply: le_trans.
exact: ler_normD.
rewrite -mulrA mulrDl mulrDr lerD//.
- by rewrite mulrA; apply out_entropy_dist_ub.
- by rewrite distrC 2!mulrA; apply joint_entropy_dist_ub.

End mutinfo_distance_bound.

(* TODO: move *)
Reserved Notation "+| r |" (at level 0, r at level 99, format "+| r |").
Notation "+| r |" := (Num.Def.maxr 0 r) : reals_ext_scope.

Import numFieldTopology.Exports.
Import numFieldNormedType.Exports.

Section error_exponent_lower_bound.
Let R := Rdefinitions.R.
Variables A B : finType.
Hypothesis Bnot0 : (0 < #|B|)%nat.
Variables (W : `Ch(A, B)) (minRate : R).
Expand All @@ -148,16 +155,22 @@ Lemma error_exponent_bound : exists Delta, 0 < Delta /\
P |- V << W ->
Delta <= D(V || W | P) + +| minRate - `I(P, V) |.
set gamma := / (#|B|%:R + #|A|%:R * #|B|%:R) * (ln 2 * ((minRate - capacity W) / 2)).
have : min(exp (-2), gamma) > 0.
apply Rmin_Rgt_r; split; apply Rlt_gt; first exact: exp_pos.
apply mulR_gt0.
- by apply/invR_gt0/addR_gt0wl; [exact/ltR0n | apply/mulR_ge0; exact/leR0n].
- by apply mulR_gt0 => //; apply mulR_gt0; [rewrite subR_gt0|exact:invR_gt0].
move/(continue_xlnx 0) => [] /= mu [mu_gt0 mu_cond].
set x := min(mu / 2, exp (-2)).
set gamma := (#|B|%:R + #|A|%:R * #|B|%:R)^-1 * (exp.ln 2 * ((minRate - capacity W) / 2)).
rewrite /=.
have := @continue_xlnx 0 => /cvgrPdist_lt.
have : Num.min (sequences.expR (-2)) gamma > 0.
rewrite lt_min; apply/andP; split.
by rewrite exp.expR_gt0.
apply mulr_gt0.
- by rewrite invr_gt0// ltr_wpDr ?ltr0n// mulr_ge0.
- by rewrite mulr_gt0// ?ln2_gt0// divr_gt0// subr_gt0.
move=> /[swap] /[apply] -[]/= mu mu_gt0 mu_cond.
set x : R := Num.min (mu / 2) (sequences.expR (-2)).
have x_gt0 : 0 < x.
by apply: Rmin_pos; [apply: mulR_gt0 => //; exact: invR_gt0|exact: exp_pos].
by rewrite lt_min exp.expR_gt0 andbT divr_gt0.


have /mu_cond : D_x no_cond 0 x /\ R_dist x 0 < mu.
- by split => //; exact/eqP/ltR_eqF.
Expand All @@ -168,63 +181,83 @@ rewrite /R_dist {2}/xlnx ltxx subR0 ltR0_norm; last first.
apply xlnx_neg; split => //; rewrite /x.
exact: leR_ltR_trans (geR_minr _ _) ltRinve21.
move=> Hx.
set Delta := min((minRate - capacity W) / 2, x ^ 2 / 2).

set Delta := Num.min ((minRate - capacity W) / 2) (x ^+ 2 / 2).
exists Delta; split.
apply Rmin_case.
- by apply mulR_gt0; [exact/subR_gt0 | exact/invR_gt0].
- by apply mulR_gt0; [exact: expR_gt0 | exact: invR_gt0].
rewrite lt_min; apply/andP; split.
- by rewrite divr_gt0// subr_gt0//.
- by rewrite divr_gt0// exprn_gt0//.
move=> P V v_dom_by_w.
case/boolP : (Delta <= D(V || W | P))%mcR => [/RleP| /RleP/ltRNge] Hcase.
apply (@leR_trans (D(V || W | P))) => //.
by rewrite -{1}(addR0 (D(V || W | P))); exact/leR_add2l/leR_maxl.
have [Hcase|Hcase] := leP Delta (D(V || W | P)).
(*case/boolP : (Delta <= D(V || W | P))%mcR => [/RleP| /RleP/ltRNge] Hcase.*)
apply: (@le_trans _ _ (D(V || W | P))) => //.
by rewrite ler_wpDr// le_max lexx.
(* by rewrite -{1}(addR0 (D(V || W | P))); exact/leR_add2l/leR_maxl.*)
suff HminRate : (minRate - capacity W) / 2 <= minRate - (`I(P, V)).
clear -Hcase v_dom_by_w HminRate.
apply (@leR_trans +| minRate - `I(P, V) |); last first.
by rewrite -[X in X <= _]add0R; exact/leR_add2r/cdiv_ge0.
apply: leR_trans; last exact: leR_maxr.
by apply: (leR_trans _ HminRate); exact: geR_minl.
have : `I(P, V) <= capacity W + / ln 2 * (#|B|%:R + #|A|%:R * #|B|%:R) *
(- xlnx (sqrt (2 * D(V || W | P)))).
apply (@leR_trans (`I(P, W) + / ln 2 * (#|B|%:R + #|A|%:R * #|B|%:R) *
- xlnx (sqrt (2 * D(V || W | P))))); last first.
apply/leR_add2r/Rstruct.RleP/Rstruct.Rsup_ub; last by exists P.
apply (@le_trans _ _ +| minRate - `I(P, V) |); last first.
by rewrite ler_wpDl// cdiv_ge0.
rewrite le_max; apply/orP; right.
apply: (le_trans _ HminRate) => //.
by rewrite ge_min lexx.
(* apply: le_trans; last exact: leR_maxr.
by apply: (leR_trans _ HminRate); exact: geR_minl.*)
have : `I(P, V) <= capacity W + (exp.ln 2)^-1 * (#|B|%:R + #|A|%:R * #|B|%:R) *
(- xlnx (Num.sqrt (2 * D(V || W | P)))).
apply (@le_trans _ _ (`I(P, W) + (exp.ln 2)^-1 * (#|B|%:R + #|A|%:R * #|B|%:R) *
- xlnx (Num.sqrt (2 * D(V || W | P))))); last first.
rewrite lerD2r//.
apply/Rstruct.Rsup_ub; last exists P => //.
split; first by exists (`I(P, W)), P.
case: set_of_I_has_ubound => y Hy.
by exists y => _ [Q _ <-]; apply Hy; exists Q.
rewrite addRC -leR_subl_addr.
apply (@leR_trans `| `I(P, V) + - `I(P, W) |); first exact: Rle_abs.
suff : D(V || W | P) <= exp (-2) ^ 2 * / 2 by apply mut_info_dist_ub.
rewrite addrC -lerBlDr.
apply (@le_trans _ _ `| `I(P, V) + - `I(P, W) |).
by rewrite ler_norm.
suff : D(V || W | P) <= sequences.expR (-2) ^+ 2 / 2 by apply mut_info_dist_ub.
clear -Hcase x_gt0.
apply/ltRW/(ltR_leR_trans Hcase).
apply (@leR_trans (x ^ 2 * / 2)); first exact: geR_minr.
apply leR_wpmul2r; first exact/invR_ge0.
by apply pow_incr; split; [exact: ltRW | exact: geR_minr].
rewrite -[X in _ <= X]oppRK => /leR_oppr/(@leR_add2l minRate).
move/(leR_trans _); apply.
suff x_gamma : - xlnx (sqrt (2 * (D(V || W | P)))) <= gamma.
rewrite oppRD addRA addRC -leR_subl_addr.
rewrite [X in X <= _](_ : _ = - ((minRate + - capacity W) / 2)); last by field.
rewrite leR_oppr oppRK -mulRA mulRC.
rewrite leR_pdivr_mulr // mulRC -leR_pdivl_mulr; last first.
by apply addR_gt0wl; [exact/ltR0n|rewrite -natRM; exact/leR0n].
by rewrite [in X in _ <= X]mulRC /Rdiv (mulRC _ (/ (_ + _))).
suff x_D : xlnx x <= xlnx (sqrt (2 * (D(V || W | P)))).
clear -Hx x_D.
apply/ltW/(lt_le_trans Hcase).
apply (@le_trans _ _ (x ^+ 2 / 2)).
by rewrite ge_min lexx orbT.
rewrite ler_wpM2r ?invr_ge0//.
rewrite lerXn2r// ?nnegrE ?exp.expR_ge0//.
- exact: ltW.
- by rewrite ge_min lexx orbT.
rewrite -[X in _ <= X]opprK.
rewrite -lerNr.
rewrite -(lerD2l minRate).
apply: le_trans.
suff x_gamma : - xlnx (Num.sqrt (2 * (D(V || W | P)))) <= gamma.
rewrite opprD addrA [in leRHS]addrC -lerBlDr.
rewrite [X in X <= _](_ : _ = - ((minRate + - capacity W) / 2)); last first.
rewrite lerNr opprK -mulrA mulrC.
rewrite ler_pdivrMr ?ln2_gt0// mulrC -ler_pdivlMr; last first.
by rewrite ltr_wpDr ?ltr0n// mulr_ge0.
rewrite (le_trans x_gamma)//.
rewrite /gamma.
rewrite mulrC.
by rewrite (mulrC (exp.ln 2)).
suff x_D : xlnx x <= xlnx (Num.sqrt (2 * (D(V || W | P)))).
(*clear -Hx x_D.
rewrite leR_oppl; apply (@leR_trans (xlnx x)) => //.
rewrite leR_oppl; apply/ltRW/(ltR_leR_trans Hx).
by rewrite /gamma; exact: geR_minr.
have ? : sqrt (2 * D(V || W | P)) < x.
apply pow2_Rlt_inv; [exact: sqrt_pos | exact: ltRW | ].
by rewrite /gamma; exact: geR_minr.*) admit.
have ? : Num.sqrt (2 * D(V || W | P)) < x.
(* apply pow2_Rlt_inv; [exact: sqrt_pos | exact: ltRW | ].
rewrite [in X in X < _]/= mulR1 sqrt_sqrt; last first.
by apply mulR_ge0; [exact/ltRW | exact/cdiv_ge0].
by rewrite mulRC -ltR_pdivl_mulr //; exact/(ltR_leR_trans Hcase)/geR_minr.
have ? : x <= exp (- 1).
apply (@leR_trans (exp (-2))); first exact: geR_minr.
by apply/ltRW/exp_increasing; lra.
by rewrite mulRC -ltR_pdivl_mulr //; exact/(ltR_leR_trans Hcase)/geR_minr.*) admit.
have xN1 : x <= sequences.expR (- 1).
apply: (@le_trans _ _ (sequences.expR (-2))).
by rewrite ge_min lexx orbT.
by rewrite exp.ler_expR lerN2 ler1n.
apply xlnx_sdecreasing_0_Rinv_e => //.
- by split; [exact/sqrt_pos|exact: (@leR_trans x _ _ (ltRW _))].
- by split => //; exact: ltRW.
- rewrite sqrtr_ge0/=.
by rewrite (le_trans _ xN1)// ltW.
- by rewrite (ltW x_gt0) xN1.

End error_exponent_lower_bound.
64 changes: 46 additions & 18 deletions probability/ln_facts.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
(* infotheo: information theory and error-correcting codes in Coq *)
(* Copyright (C) 2020 infotheo authors, license: LGPL-2.1-or-later *)
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum lra.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum interval lra.
From mathcomp Require boolp.
From mathcomp Require Import Rstruct reals.
From mathcomp Require Import classical_sets Rstruct reals.
(*Require Import Reals Lra.*)
Require Import (*ssrR*) realType_ext (*Reals_ext Ranalysis_ext*) realType_logb convex.
Require Import derive_ext.

(* Results about the Analysis of ln *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,10 +151,10 @@ rewrite ltrNr oppr0.
by rewrite exp.ln_lt0// lt0x.

Lemma continue_xlnx : continuity xlnx.
Lemma continue_xlnx (x :R^o) : continuous_at x (@xlnx : R^o -> R^o).
rewrite /continuity => r.
rewrite /xlnx.
(*rewrite /continuity => r.
rewrite /continuity_pt /continue_in /limit1_in /limit_in => eps eps_pos /=.
case (total_order_T 0 r) ; first case ; move=> Hcase.
- have : continuity_pt (fun x => x * ln x) r.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,6 +232,7 @@ case (total_order_T 0 r) ; first case ; move=> Hcase.
by rewrite subRR normR0.

(* TODO: not used *)
(*Lemma uniformly_continue_xlnx : uniform_continuity xlnx (fun x => 0 <= x <= 1).
Expand All @@ -239,22 +241,42 @@ apply Heine ; first by apply compact_P3.
move=> x _ ; by apply continue_xlnx.

(*Let xlnx_total := fun y => y * ln y.
Let xlnx_total := fun y : R^o => y * exp.ln y : R^o.

Lemma derivable_xlnx_total x : 0 < x -> derivable_pt xlnx_total x.
Lemma derivable_xlnx_total x : 0 < x -> derivable xlnx_total x 1.
move=> x_pos.
apply derivable_pt_mult.
by apply derivable_id.
by apply derivable_pt_ln.
apply: derivableM => //.
apply: ex_derive. (* TODO: lemma *)
by apply: exp.is_derive1_ln.

Lemma xlnx_total_xlnx x : 0 < x -> xlnx x = xlnx_total x.
Proof. by rewrite /xlnx /f => /RltP ->. Qed.
Lemma derivable_pt_xlnx x (x_pos : 0 < x) : derivable_pt xlnx x.
Proof. apply (@derivable_f_eq_g _ _ x 0 xlnx_total_xlnx x_pos (derivable_xlnx_total x_pos)). Defined.
Proof. by move=> x0; rewrite /xlnx x0. Qed.

Lemma derivable_xlnx x (x_pos : 0 < x) : derivable (xlnx : R^o -> R^o) x 1.
rewrite (near_eq_derivable _ xlnx_total)//.
exact: derivable_xlnx_total.
by rewrite oner_eq0.
near=> z.
rewrite /xlnx ifT//.
near: z.
(* TODO: lemma *)
exists (x / 2) => //=.
by rewrite divr_gt0//.
move=> A/=.
have [//|A0] := ltP 0 A.
rewrite ltNge => /negP; rewrite boolp.falseE; apply.
rewrite ger0_norm ?subr_ge0; last first.
by rewrite (le_trans A0)// ltW.
rewrite lerBrDr.
rewrite (@le_trans _ _ (x/2))//.
rewrite gerDl//.
by rewrite ler_piMr// ltW.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

Lemma derive_xlnx_aux1 x (x_pos : 0 < x) :
derive_pt xlnx x (derivable_pt_xlnx x_pos) =
derive_pt xlnx_total x (derivable_xlnx_total x_pos).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -304,6 +326,15 @@ case/boolP : (x == 0) => [/eqP ->|x0].
by rewrite lt_neqAle eq_sym x0 x1.
have {x1 y1}y0 : 0 < y.
by rewrite (le_lt_trans x1).
apply: (@derivable1_mono _ (BRight 0) (BRight (sequences.expR (-1))) (fun x => - xlnx x)) => //.
+ by rewrite in_itv//= (x0).
+ by rewrite in_itv//= (y0).
+ move=> /= z.
rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[z0 z1].
apply: derivableN.
by apply: derivable_xlnx => //.
+ move=> /= t.
rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[tx ty].
exact: (pderive_increasing (exp_pos _) xlnx_sdecreasing_0_Rinv_e_helper).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -460,9 +491,6 @@ rewrite derive_pt_xlnx ; by [field | apply Hx].

Require Import derive_ext.
From mathcomp Require Import interval.

Lemma increasing_xlnx_delta eps (Heps : 0< eps < 1) :
forall x y : R, 0 <= x <= 1 - eps -> 0 <= y <= 1 - eps -> x < y ->
xlnx_delta eps x < xlnx_delta eps y.
Expand Down

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