A modern build system for static sites using Gulp 5 and Handlebars, featuring optimized asset processing and development workflow.
- Node.js >= 18.0.0
- npm or yarn
- 🏗️ Template Engine: Handlebars with layouts, partials, helpers, and decorators support
- 🎨 CSS Processing: SCSS compilation with PostCSS, Autoprefixer, and CSSnano
- 📜 JavaScript: ES modules support with source maps and Terser minification
- 🖼️ Image Optimization: Automatic compression for JPEG, PNG, SVG, and GIF files
- 📦 Asset Management: Intelligent file watching and copying with caching
- 🔄 Development Server: BrowserSync with live reload and CSS injection
- 📊 Incremental builds with
- 🗺️ Source maps for CSS and JavaScript
- 📦 Minification for all assets (HTML, CSS, JS, images)
- 🔒 Cache busting for production builds
- 🛡️ Error handling with plumber to prevent build breaks
- 🔍 Changed file detection for optimized rebuilds
git clone https://github.com/aesisify/gulp-handlebars-starter.git
cd gulp-handlebars-starter
npm install
npm start # Starts development server with live reload
npm run build # Creates optimized production build
npm run clean # Removes the dist directory
├── src/
│ ├── assets/ # Static assets
│ │ ├── css/ # CSS/SCSS files
│ │ ├── js/ # JavaScript files
│ │ └── img/ # Images
│ ├── data/ # JSON data files
│ └── templates/ # Handlebars templates
│ ├── layouts/ # Base layouts
│ ├── pages/ # Page templates
│ ├── partials/ # Reusable components
│ ├── helpers/ # Handlebars helper functions
│ └── decorators/ # Handlebars decorators
├── dist/ # Compiled files
├── gulpfile.js # Gulp configuration
└── config.js # Build configuration
- ✨ Handlebars compilation with layout inheritance
- 🔄 JSON data integration with hot reloading
- 📦 HTML minification and formatting
- 🔄 Automatic partial and helper registration
- 📝 SCSS compilation with modern features
- 🔧 PostCSS integration with Autoprefixer
- 📦 CSS minification and optimization
- 🗺️ Source maps for development
- 📦 ES modules support
- 🔧 Code minification with Terser
- 🗺️ Source maps for debugging
- 🖼️ Automatic image optimization (mozjpeg, optipng, svgo, gifsicle)
- 👀 Intelligent file watching and copying
- 🔒 Cache busting for production
- ⚡ Live reload for HTML changes
- 💉 CSS injection without page refresh
- 🌐 Automatic browser opening
- 📱 Cross-device testing support
- 🔄 Decorators and Helpers: Changes to decorators and helpers require a manual server restart to take effect. The watch system detects the changes but the new implementations are not properly reloaded.
CC0 - See LICENSE file for details.
Created by Oğuz 'Aesisify' Gergin