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158 lines (114 loc) · 2.25 KB

File metadata and controls

158 lines (114 loc) · 2.25 KB



Pixy compiles .pixy templates to native Go code to profit from type system checks and high performance DOM rendering. The generated code usually renders templates 300-400% faster than Jade/Pug due to byte buffer pooling and streaming.


If you're looking for the official compiler, please install pack.


A pixy template is a collection of components.

component Hello(person string)
	h1= "Hello " + person

You can define multiple components in a single file:

component Hello
	h1 Hello

component World
	h1 World

And combine multiple components in one:

component Layout
			Title("Website title.")
			Content("This is the content.")
			Sidebar("This is the sidebar.")

component Title(title string)
	title= title

component Content(text string)
	main= text

component Sidebar(text string)
	aside= text

Add IDs with the suffix #:

component Hello
	h1#greeting Hello World

Add classes with the suffix .:

component Hello
	h1.greeting Hello World

Assign element properties:

component Hello
	h1(title="Greeting") Hello World

Use Go code for the text content:

component Hello
	h1= strconv.Itoa(123)

Use Go code in values:

component Hello
	h1(title="Greeting " + strconv.Itoa(123)) Hello World

Embed HTML with the suffix !=:

component Hello
	div!= "<h1>Hello</h1>"

Call a parameter-less component:

component HelloCopy

component Hello
	h1 Hello

Call a component that requires parameters:

component HelloWorld
	Hello("World", 42)

component Hello(person string, magicNumber int)
	h1= "Hello " + person
	p= magicNumber

Iterate over a slice:

component ToDo(items []string)
		each item in items
			li= item

Iterate over a slice in reversed order:

component ToDo(items []string)
		each item in items reversed
			li= item

For loops (each is just syntactical sugar):

component ToDo(items []string)
		for _, item := range items
			li= item

If conditions:

component Condition(ok bool)
	if ok
		h1 Yes!
		h1 No!


components, err := pixy.Compile(src)
