A Turing School Mod 3 Solo Project
Repo Link
SkiBrew is an application that allows users to view local breweries near major Colorado ski areas and keep track of their favorite breweries for future vacations. This was a final solo project assigned during the third module of the Front-End Program at the Turing School of Software and Design. The learning goals of this project included demonstrating fundamental concepts of React including architecting a React application from scratch, implementing class and functional components and utilizing React Router for path transitions and displays. Robust unit and integration testing was also implemented for each component utilizing the Jest testing suite.
- JavaScript
- React
- React Router
- Jest
- Babel
In your terminal:
- Clone the repo:
git clone git@github.com:aemcdonald/skibrew.git
- Install NPM packages-
npm install
- Start application-
npm start
See the open issues for a list of proposed features and known issues.
Leta Keane and Khalid Williams - The developer would like to thank the Turing Module 3 instructors for their instruction of fundamental React concepts.
My Turing Mentors - Including Turing students Nick Hart and alumni Veronica Andrade for their support during this project.