0.4.10 - 2024-07-12
enumerable public members doc comments added - (190afe3 ) - Alexander Egorov
public functions doc comments added - (5d6fb79 ) - Alexander Egorov
doc comments added to custom iterators modifiers - (c8ec20c ) - Alexander Egorov
Miscellaneous Chores
(deps) update clap_complete requirement from =4.5.5 to =4.5.6 - (4a0987e ) - dependabot[bot]
(deps) update clap requirement from =4.5.7 to =4.5.8 - (5ebb514 ) - dependabot[bot]
(deps) update clap_complete requirement from =4.5.6 to =4.5.7 - (900ec52 ) - dependabot[bot]
(deps) update clap requirement from =4.5.8 to =4.5.9 - (9e3d82e ) - dependabot[bot]
bump clap_complete to the latest version - (d52f896 ) - egoroff
iterator functions that filters out iterators to get unique and only duplicate items replaced by ouwn iterator filters - (bc0ed73 ) - egoroff
explicit setting auto_req option in rpm related section - (27e6567 ) - egoroff
fix explicit setting auto_req option in rpm related section - (bb49842 ) - egoroff
bump auto-req option removed - (7dda781 ) - Alexander Egorov
auto-req disabled added to cargo generate-rpm - (12bff08 ) - Alexander Egorov
auto-req renamed to auto_req - (9df0675 ) - Alexander Egorov
auto-req no - (73e807b ) - Alexander Egorov
auto-req auto - (e03f30a ) - Alexander Egorov
auto-req = 'auto' in Cargo.toml - (838b29e ) - Alexander Egorov
use cargo-generate-rpm 0.14.0 - (51d95e1 ) - Alexander Egorov
use cargo-generate-rpm 0.14.0 for release - (42efcf7 ) - Alexander Egorov
use cargo-generate-rpm without version because it seems latest version fixed - (1d0ae5a ) - Alexander Egorov
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