Metronics theme version : v4.7.5 (you must buy the licence to use this plugins)
This plugins use PhalconPHP Framework, please adjust model and query according to your framework.
Apcu for caching
upload mysql/sys_js_css_helper.sql to your database
Adjust database settings in app/config/config.js
Copy assets folder from metronics to public/assets (contains apps, global, layouts and pages directory)
In your controller add initialize() method and call JsCssHelper
class IndexController extends ControllerBase
public function initialize() {
* Call for metronics plugins
* 'header' and 'footer' is a must plugin
* 'components_select2' is the plugin name according to metronics .html file
public function indexAction()
- In your view add
{# before <body> tag #}
{# before </body> tag #}
Develop by Adzanny Rivaldo Amri (adzanny@hendevane.co.id)