OSTree bootloader integration for Raspberry Pi. Add it to BBLAYERS when using meta-updater with Raspberry Pi.
For more documentation on using this layer and HERE OTA Connect, please see the OTA Connect documentation portal, in particular the guide on building a Raspberry Pi image.
The Raspberry Pi firmware allows customization of the device tree with special entries in /boot/config.txt
This is not supported in this form when using meta-updater, as the device tree and eventual overlays are managed separately via u-boot and ostree.
Thus, you will have to make the necessary changes directly in yocto and either:
- patch the kernel sources to modify source dts
- patch the kernel sources to add overlay sources and add the corresponding binaries in
- use a customized complete dtb and declare it with
You can see examples of the first two approaches in the linux-raspberrypi bbappend.
Name | Default | Description |
RPI_WIFI_ENABLE | "0" | A flag to enable ("1") or disable "0" WiFi support (drivers and configuration). |
RPI_WIFI_SSID | N/A | ID of a wireless network to connect to. Be aware this is case sensitive! Mandatory if RPI_WIFI_ENABLE is "1". |
RPI_WIFI_PWD | N/A | Password for a connection to a wireless network. |
This code is licensed under the MIT license, a copy of which can be found in this repository. All code is copyright HERE Europe B.V., 2016-2020.
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