'if', 'then', 'else', 'while', 'loop', 'times', do', 'end', 'function' and 'var'
'.', '+', '-', '\*', '/', '==', '!=', '<', '<=', '>', '>=' and ':='
Space and tabulations are the only white space characters supported.
End of lines are \n.
Like Shell comments, start with a #
until the end of the line.
Identifiers can contain any UTF-8 character. They should not contain any Keyword or Symbol.
There are integers and doubles, doubles always contain a point. Numbers can be positive or negative. Doing operations mixing both integers and doubles will end up with a double.
A string constant is a possibly empty series of characters enclosed between double quotes.
newline = /* the Unicode code point U+000A */ .
unicode_char = /* an arbitrary Unicode code point except newline */ .
DIGIT ::= [0-9]
SIGN ::= '+' | '-' | ''
BOOLEAN ::= 'true' | 'false'
QUOTED_WORD ::= '"' { unicode_char } '"'
WORD ::= unicode_char { unicode_char }
input: command '\n'
| command EOF
| '\n'
command: rule_while
| rule_loop
| rule_if
| funcdec
| vardec
| function_call
function_call: WORD (parameters)+
vardec: 'var' WORD ':=' parameter
parameter: WORD
value: INTEGER
| '-' value
| value '+' value
| value '-' value
| value '*' value
| value '%' value
| value '/' value
| '(' value ')'
boolean: BOOLEAN
| boolean '||' boolean
| boolean '&&' boolean
| boolean '==' boolean
| boolean '!=' boolean
| '!' boolean
| '(' boolean ')'
| value '==' value
| value '!=' value
| value '>=' value
| value '>' value
| value '<' value
| value '<=' value
funcdec: 'function' (WORD)+ ('\n')+ command_list 'end'
rule_while: 'while' boolean do_group
rule_loop: 'loop' value 'times' ('\n')+ command_list 'end'
rule_if: 'if' boolean 'then' ('\n')+ command_list [else_clause] 'end'
else_clause: 'else' ('\n')+ command_list
do_group: 'do' ('\n')+ command_list 'end'
command_list: ((command ('\n')+)*
There is no scoping in the language. Any declared variable can be accessed from any scope.
To declare a function use the following syntax
function my_function parameter1 parameter2 ... parametern
# code
To call a function use the following syntax
my_function parameter1 parameter2
Parameters are either variables or literals.
Allows to do some code n
loop n times
# code
if cond then
# code
# code
while cond do
# code
var my_var := 0
var my_var := 3
var my_var := my_var + 1
var my_var := my_var - 1
var my_str := "Hello"
var my_str := "Toto"
Primitives are built-in functions. Their body is given by the runtime. In these functions:
- obj_name is a String containing the name of the object.
- r, g, b are integers between 0 and 255.
- x, y, z are doubles.
Translate allows to move an object.
translate obj_name x y z
Rotate allows to rotate an object around an axis.
rotate obj_name x y z
Scale allows to resize an object.
scale obj_name ratio
Remove allows to remove an object.
remove obj_name
Rename allows to rename an object.
rename obj_name new_obj_name
Color change allows to edit an object color.
color_change obj_name r g b
Exec allows to launch a script with the name path
exec path
Save allows to save into the file with the name path
save path
Save next allows to save into the file with the previous path +1
To add a new object to the scene use the following Primitives: If an object with the same name already exists, prints a warning.
[sphere|point_light|directional_light] obj_name x y z r g b