Gradient Able Free Bootstrap 4 Admin Template
Gradient Able is a Free Dashboard Template made using Bootstrap 4 framework, It is a free lite version of Gradient Able Pro Dashboard Template that makes you fulfill your Dashboard needs. Gradient Able Admin Template comes with variety of components like Button, Badges, Tabs, Breadcrumb, Icons, Form elements, Table, Charts & Authentication pages.
- The code structure is high flexible to use and modify.
- Its design adapt any screen size easily even if retina screens.
- It is a modern concept dashboard design with eye-catchy colors.
- Gradient Able - LIVE Demo
- Gradient Able - Flask - Flask version of Datta Able design, coded by AppSeed
- Gradient Able - Django - A simple Django starter provided by AppSeed
Gradient Able admin template comes with variety of Bootstrap components like Button, Badges, Tabs, Breadcrumb, Icons, Form elements, Table, Charts & authentication pages.
The code structure is highly flexible to use and modify.
Its design adapt any screen size easily even if retina screens.
It is modern concept dashboard design with eye catchy colors. Wish you happy to use our product in your project.
Check out live preview of Gradient Able free lite version & download it.
- Download from Github
- Download from CodedThemes & receive important notification instantly in your maiL.
Gradient Able Premium Admin Template is now available for purchase. Kindly check its numerous demos and make your purchase decision.
- Getting Started
- Online Documentation
- Build With
- Directory-structure
- RoadMap
- Author
- Contributing
- Issues?
- License
- Other Dashboard Products
- Social Profiles
Clone from Github
git clone
You can directly use /dist/ folder or You may install template through Gulp. Please check our documentation Gulp setup part for that
Gradient Able Free Lite version documentation cover in its Premium version documentation - check our website.
- Gulp
- nodeJS
- Bootstrap 4
- SASS - SCSS file not included in lite version v1.0
├── src/
│ ├── assets/
│ ├── html/
│ ├── doc/
├── .babelrc
├── gulpfile.js
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
We are continuously working in Gradient Able Admin Template Project and going to make it a awesome dashboard template via your support. Give us the ideas, suggestion for include more components, pages, plugins. Few of future release pages are
Design and code is completely written by CodedThemes's design and development team. We are happy to welcome the contributors work for our all repositiories.
Please generate Github issue if you found any bug in any version. We are try to be responsive to resolve the issue.
- Design and Code is Copyright © CodedThemes
- Licensed cover under MIT
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- Dribbble
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- Instagram
Gradient Able - design provided by CodedThemes.